Later today starting at 15:30 in Jita, FC @Pandoralica will be forming a public fleet to participate in the PLEX For Good Empire Brawl in Otela, organized by Dark Shines
Get in on the mayhem and raise awareness for a great cause!
#Tweetfleet #EVEOnline
Kite your heart out <3
Capsuleers can relate - it looks like the "Big 4" are having some diplomatic incidents.
Lina Ambre from the Scope reports on what New Eden is calling the Shipcaster Spying Scandal
Who do you support, #Tweetfleet ?
Back in 2009 it was common for Battleships to fit a remote repairer in their utility high to keep one another alive. RRBS could decimate a fleet...or accidentally shoot their fleetmates.
What's your favorite EVE fleet doctrine?
#TBT #EVEOnline #Tweetfleet
💕 Kronos with Heartsurge SKIN 💕 #tweetfleet
Happy Valentines day capsuleers!
Catch the latest updates to the Photon UI and the future of in-game events in this latest news article! #tweetfleet #NewEdenNews
A very unconventional and expensive fit that probably does not belong on this ship. The question is, what is the ship? 🧠
@eaglefirefly: A new Stellar Transmuter construction site has appeared in Ohide @EveOnline #tweetfleet #gaming #omg #ohio
Bagodan - Domain region
Nestor - Yoiul Festival YC121 SKIN
#tweefleet #NewEdenTourism
@CCP_Explorer: Yet again @CCPGames is organizing a PLEX for GOOD effort, this time for the people of Türkiye & Syria immensely impacted…
@CCPGames: We are excited to announce Daði Freyr as headliner for #EVEfanfest 2023's Party At The Top Of The World!
@EVELondonMeets: Eve London in full swing! #tweetfleet #evelondon #evemeets
Are you involved in Factional Warfare? Check out the new leaderboards, honoring top contributors, and see how you compare!
We have seen and now act on your calls for a PLEX for GOOD campaign to support those affected by the devastating earthquakes.
The campaign will be active as of now and will run until 23:59:59 UTC on 21 February 2023.
BREAKING: Reports of a Republic Stellar Transmuter under construction in the Barkrik system confirmed, indicating that the Minmatar Republic has reached a critical point of understanding in its Transmuter research 📡☀️
#tweetfleet #NewEdenNews
Some very exciting headlining guests for EVE Fanfest 2023 have been announced, as well as some thrilling side activities. Book your tickets before they sell out!
#tweetfleet #EVEFanfest
"The Drake is a perfectly viable fleet fight ship!"
What a beautiful story. Congratulations to you and your wife on winning tickets to Fanfest 2023! ❤️
@EveOnline Seeing my future wife at the second. Falling for her at the third. Hanging out as a couple at the fourth/fifth.
@Masmoniac: #Triglavian … i love this Ship ! The Leshak is a beast ! #TweetFleet @EveOnline