BREAKING - Caldari Navy Seizes Control of Athounon Strategic Sites.
#NewEdenNews #tweetfleet
@CCP_Spider: Here we see @bexz_in_space and @ccptrashpanda enjoying a rudimentary version of Frontlines. #tweetfleet
Until 22 November, you can claim FREE 7 days of Omega by simply visiting the New Eden Store in game!
#tweetfleet #EVEUprising
@MMORPGcom: Uprising, the new expansion for @EveOnline, has now officially been released, hitting New Eden and bringing fundamental chan…
@PCGamesN: Eve Uprising, the first expansion-scale update for @EveOnline in years, is out today
@sparker888 @CCPGames
@MMOGames: EVE Uprising is here! And so is our behind-the-scenes interview with our favourite @CCPGames bigwigs.
Don't miss out:
Cynosural activity seems to be at its most intense in the Intaki system but has been detected in a broad swathe of Placid systems bordering the Verge Vendor and Syndicate regions.
@HilmarVeigar: What does ‘op success’ look like from the control room? #eveuprising #internetspaceships #seriousbusiness
@grrusso: Hungry for more patch day content? Join us starting 17:00 as Noir. and Federation Frontline team up fo…
EVE Online’s new narrative-driven expansion Uprising is live now! With new ships to command, the ability to proudly fly your colors, and a clear path to the warzone, it's time to undock from your epic new hangar and rise up for your empire!
As tensions have escalated between the empires, conflicts will continue to ignite across the cluster in the wake of the stellar transmuter accident and the invasion of Intaki. The Uprising has begun.
We are now less than 24 hours away from EVE: Uprising! Get ready to fly your colors as you head into battle.
#tweetfleet #EVEOnline
@quill18: I'm so excited for today's @EveOnline stream. Do you think I have enough Omega subscription time?
Congratulations to the Tribal Liberation Force, who have successfully completed their objective in the war against the 24th Imperial Crusade!
Volume up 🔊 These amazing turret audio updates are coming with EVE: Uprising on November 8.
The Monthly Economic Report for October 2022 is now available!
The SCOPE’s Alton Haveri reports on the devastating stellar event which occurred in Turnur yesterday as a result of Imperial Stellar Transmuter research – and its cataclysmic consequences for the system's first planet 📡🌐
#NewEdenNews #tweetfleet
As part of the Uprising expansion, we are making some important changes that will largely affect players in Highsec.
EVE: Uprising is less than a week away and these new Navy Dreadnoughts will be jumping to the battlefields in New Eden. All four ships will bring heavier armaments and new traits compared to their standard counterparts.