Aura is undergoing an essential update... which might be of special interest to our Spanish speaking Capsulistas.
Make the most of the spooky season with bundles of PLEX with free SKINs on the EVE Store. There will also be a 13% discount on all Omega in the New Eden Store, along with discounted Malagrin Marshlight SKINs bundles made to strike fear into your foes.
Taking inspiration from the Dragoon, the brand new Coercer Navy issue will be sure to allow you to dish out the damage whilst leaving your foes without any capacitor to defend themselves.
Navy ships will become more affordable to manufacture and fly in the upcoming Uprising expansion:
🔴 Blueprint LP Costs are reduced by 60% (for the faction Militia LP stores only). 🔴 Blueprints for Navy ships no longer require factional Neurolink Conduits to build.
The latest addition to the Caldari Navy ranks is the Cormorant Navy Issue. Sporting a beefy bonus to shield booster amount, this ship is sure to hold its own in hostile environments.
Alton Haveri reports as evacuations accelerate in Turnur, where the Amarr Empire’s prototype Stellar Transmuter technology has irreversibly destabilized the system’s star – predicted to reach a catastrophic critical point at 1700 New Eden Standard time on 2 November. #tweetfleet
Speed around the battlefield in the new Thrasher Fleet Issue. This ship is all about damage and speed with a massive reduction to MWD signature radius per level bonus!
Among the many ships receiving a balance update in Uprising, the Caracal Navy Issue will receive an increased powergrid to fully utilize the damage potential of Heavy Assault Missile Launchers.
The Catalyst Navy Issue is guaranteed to wreak havoc in close range combat. With a bonus to armor repairer amount and a significant reduction in armor plate mass penalties.
Start your preparations for the Uprising expansion early, and get on the Singularity test server today at 17:00 UTC to try out brand-new corporation and alliance emblems on ships, then take part in a fleet fight while flying your colors!
If you couldn't attend EVE Vegas in person then don't worry, we've got you covered with this recap!
#tweetfleet #EVEVegas
Armageddon Navy Issue enjoyers rejoice! In Uprising this ship, among many others will be receiving a massive update.
Read about all the upcoming balance changes here:
Uprising brings significant changes to HACs. Notably, their targeting and application range has been decreased and the Muninn has been closely inspected and transformed into a closer range missile brawler. Will this result in a new meta rising up to the occasion?
@ccp_aurora: A couple balance updates I've been working on for the upcoming Uprising expansion! 🤫
@HilmarVeigar: We are now in the polish phase of the new hangars so they are improving everyday! The video I shared at the start of the…
Become your best self with Skill Extractors! Experiment with skills by harvesting Skill Point, with 500,000 SP per Extractor. This 10 Skill Extractor Pack grants harvesting of 5,000,000 SP, usable by characters with at least 5,500,000 Skill Points. 🧠
Get involved in the Frontlines Wargame on the Singularity test server! Enjoy the brawl and provide us with important feedback about the Factional Warfare changes coming in the Uprising expansion.
#tweetfleet #EVEUprising
@HilmarVeigar: One of the benefits of working at CCP is playtesting things before they go out. These new hangars coming in Uprising are…
See what @CCP_Swift & @CCP_Spider had to say when they sat down with @LotRLore at EVE Vegas this past weekend.
#tweetfleet #EVEVegas
Bradford sat down with two @EveOnline developers, CCP Swift and CCP Spider, this past weekend during EVE Vegas to talk about their paths from players to developers.
Changes will take place during the DBS updates, so solar systems with modifiers below the floor may take some time to adjust.