@glasgowdunlop There is always the 20 year anniversary 😉
The second pre-mixer for Fanfest will be held at Lebowski Bar at 20:00! Yesterday was tons of fun and tonight is gonna be even better! See you there! 🍸
Guess the fit special Capsuleer Day edition. Wrong answers only! Galaxy sized prizes! #tweetfleet
Celebrate the 19th anniversary of the Capsuleer age in style with up to 19% Omega discounts and XIX Elite packs featuring Elite SKINs and apparel, available now in the EVE Store! 🚀✨ #tweetfleet #eveonline
Capsuleer Day XIX is upon us! To celebrate EVE’s 19th birthday, conquer new combat and hacking sites! Plus, earn daily log-in rewards, enjoy special SKIN sales, and get ready to party in the Proving Grounds from 3-24 May! #eveonline #tweetfleet
EVE is all about the Capsuleer community and we've got plenty of community events coming up during Fanfest week. EVE Pub quiz, Golden Circle Tour, Karaoke and more! #EVEFanfest
@CCPGames: Happy #EVEfanfest week!
🎬 Down the Rabbit Hole, exclusive preview of the forthcoming @EveOnline documentary w/ director @Fre…
UPDATE ON THE PRE-ADVANCE MIXER: Due to a mix up with the venue, we are moving the mixer this evening to Mál og Menning (which is about a 3 minute walk from Loft). See you there at 20:00!
Tis the season to leave the house. #EVEFanfest
There are Fanfest events happening all week - and we START TONIGHT with a Fanfest Pre-Advance Mixer at Loft bar at 20:00 🥂 It's a casual meet-up, free and open to all. Come and join players and CCP'ers as we start the countdown to the biggest EVE gathering of the year!
Submissions are now open to CSM 17 and we will be accepting applications until May 16. If you are passionate about EVE and want to have a say in its future, we strongly encourage you to step up the plate. #tweetfleet
It's Fanfest week! The main event starts Friday, but we have plenty of offsite events taking place through the week! Head over to our official Discord channel to plan Reykjavík meetups with fellow Capsuleers:
@CCP_Fozzie: #EidMubarak to the Muslim @EveOnline players all across the world. Wishing you and your families all the best and I can't w…
6 days, 3 hours 15 minutes to #EVEFanfest.
I'm excited to be talking about "NPSI Community Development & Enrichment" at EVE Fanfest 2022 https://t.co/q6CnwYkWuq @eveonline #evefanfest #tweetfleet #npsi #funinc #ebwf Check out the talk on Saturday May 7, 2022 15:00 - 16:00 UTC in the Singularity presentation space
CALDARI STATE SECURITY FAILURES: Alton Haveri reports on the aftermath of Caldari State mass defection, the theft of capital ship construction technology, and subsequent spy hunt within the Caldari State.
@FarwinDust: RIP John Bellicose
Hey! We made some changes based on your feedback. We are going to increase the new minimum armor reinforcement durations for Medium-sized structures.
This will give Medium-sized structure owners slightly longer advance notice of a defensive requirement.
On the 29th of April 2022, Brave Alliance celebrates John Bellicose day as we remember our fallen friends. A 24 hour cyno vigil will be held in Brave's home systems of Q-5211 #broadcast4reps Hope to see you there! @MomBellicose @Cagali_Cagali @EveOnline
@CCPGames: After four incredibly long years, it's finally time to welcome you to our home in Reykjavik for the biggest @eveonline gather…
This was a classic @CCP_Swift jebait, but @dergilm saw through it immediately and gets a prize. The correct answer is Tornado. #tweetfleet
We aren't even sure what this is, can you guess the fit? SKINs to win. #tweetfleet https://t.co/kcmU8ol2zh