There is a lot to untangle as we delve into 16 years of EVE Online database server history in this fascinating techy dev blog! 💾
"Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason, guessing this fit demands all of a person."
Albert Einstein.
Plenty of SKINs for whoever gets this one. #tweetfleet
Happy Easter lovely capsuleer community. We hope you have a wonderful time demolishing a delicious holiday meal and pirates in equal measure. o7 #tweetfleet
What time is it? It’s hot drop o-clock!! Jump to Bíó Paradís with your fellow Capsuleers & Devs on 5 May for a special screening of the iconic Clear Skies trilogy on the eve of Fanfest 2022! Tickets are available now📽️🚀 #tweetfleet #EVEFanfest
Thinking about all those eggs I missed as a kid because I didn't have a d-scanner. Sadge.
There ain’t no party like a Fanfest party! And with DJ @ztrip and @Mind1Official confirmed for the Party At The Top Of The World on 7 May, we'll end Fanfest in style! Get your tickets now!
#tweetfleet #EVEFanfest
It’s time to experience the future of EVE Online’s user interface, Photon UI. Try the in-development feature now via EVE’s Feature Preview function and leave your feedback on the forum!]
The cyno is lit: celebrate and prepare for Fanfest 2022 with your fellow Capsuleers and Devs in select bars in downtown Reykjavik 2-5 May! There are no tickets or entry fee, so jump in and join the party at Hús mál og menningar and Loft Hostel!🍻✨ #tweetfleet #EVEFanfest
Structures are changing! The Road to Fanfest update is live now, introducing tweaked modules that rebalance the combat in and around structures. Get building (and wrecking!) dreams today! #tweetfleet #EVEFanfest
Siege is green, Capsuleers!
Exciting updates are coming to test on Singularity to make capitals cheaper, particularly dreadnoughts. Upwell structures are also seeing changes to make them easier to take down.
Click the link to find out more! #tweetfleet
Celebrate The Hunt with an epic new Proving Ground! Hunt your prey 1v1 in your best Assault Frigates, this time fitted for bonus thermal and kinetic missile damage! Fight for solo leaderboard glory from 15-18 April!
#tweetfleet #EVEOnline
Love getting EVE rewards? Then you’ll love the revamped daily log-in bonus system introduced in the latest Road to Fanfest blog. That means more variety and better rewards, so keep logging in! #tweetfleet #EVEFanfest
@nosuko27 Ask and you shall receive.
The correct answer was Malice! @nosuko27 has shown himself to be a mean ship fitter so he gets a prize!
Can you guess the fitting? This one's a doozy. SKINs to win for the fastest draw on Twitter. #tweetfleet
Back in the New Eden Store and on more ships than ever! Get the Ace of Podhunters SKIN for your favorite Guristas hull or try out the look on a new ship. You've only got until 19 April though!
See anything you like?
Can you guess the fitting? This one's a doozy.
SKINs to win for the fastest draw on Twitter.
See you soon! Can't wait to watch. ☀️
🚨 The Escapist is heading to Iceland in May for our next major documentary on @EveOnline! We'll be attending the Fan Fest event to film both a documentary on The History of EVE Online, and a second documentary on Fan Fest itself directly for @CCPGames.
@firespyer @HilmarVeigar Too much spaghetti.
A statement from CCP CEO @HilmarVeigar regarding NFTs, cryptocurrencies and the future of EVE Online.
Here is the lost beauty: