EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

13 Jan


Just a quick MER update!

The Mining Values in the December MER are inaccurate. Attached is a graph comparing Volume of Ore mined - that is ore that is successfully mined (aka after residue). Intentionally absent is the Winter Nexus Event Ice, so that a proper comparison can be made to previous months.

The teams are looking at what caused the issue for the December MER Mining Values and will have an updated MER with more accurate information as soon as it is available.

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Not nearly as drastic as this one, though :slight_smile:

There was an increase in the amount of ore mined in December over November, which is not accurately reflected in the the December MER (likely due to the issue that caused its delay). This net increase does not include Ice from the Winter Nexus sites.

We do have a full suite of internal tools that produce reports for internal use on a daily basis (the CSM has seen some of the reports if you’d like their verification), such that our game designers can make informed and data driven de...

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12 Jan


There was another - albeit much more rare- issue affecting all mining sites fixed in todays patch. Sites that were not properly respawning as a result may take a few days to despawn before respawning in the fixed state.


Good evening capsuleers! As a few of you have pointed out, there are potentially some inaccuracies with the “Mining value by region” data for the December MER. We’ll look to rectify this ASAP and publish any updated values.


This is the first time that I hear about a sticky shift key (during development we had frequent problems with other modifier keys), and unfortunately I have not seen this myself so far. It would be great to get more details on this. How often is this happening? Is is possible that any macOS command might be interfering, or maybe cmd-tabbing out of the EVE client?


I’m afraid EVE has never supported Direct X 10, so support wasn’t dropped for it at the same time as DirectX 9. Direct X 11 (Feature level 11_0) is currently the only Direct X level we support on Windows.


Hi @Lan_Aurilien
I’m sorry for the issues you’re experiencing.

Could you provide me with your ticket numbers / EVE Bug Report information?

We are aware that some users are experiencing a ‘mouse lag’ issue, where the cursor appears to jump around the screen. We have been unable to replicate this internally, but we have seen videos of the issue from players. I assure you we are investigating it, but without a reproduction, we can’t find out the root cause and fix :frowning:

I’m also interested in the stability issues you’re experiencing. An EBR with system information and any steps you have taken for the crash to happen would be very useful for us to inves...

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Could you please give more details (or send a bug report with the details)? For which specific video card are you experiencing this? If this is on a laptop: Does the laptop has also a 2nd graphics chip?

11 Jan


Apologies - we’ve been using this thread to discuss issues surrounding Ice Belts spawning.


This issue has been resolved with todays patch.


CONCORD has been hard at work observing the behaviors of Mutated Drones and they have added new modifications such that all modified drones will properly maintain orbit speeds.

May your new creations inflict new terrors on the pirates of New Eden!


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o7 Economic Enthusiasts!

The Monthly Economic Report for December 2021 is now available!

Technical issues with a particular research database caused a delay with the publishing of the MERs from November and December 2021. The problem was recently resolved however and we’re pleased we can finally bring you these much anticipated reports. Thank you for your patience...

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o7 Economic Enthusiasts!

The Economic report for the month of November 2021 is (finally) available for your viewing pleasure!

Technical issues with a particular research database caused a delay with the publishing of the MER from November 2021. The problem was recently resolved however and we’re pleased we can finally bring you this much anticipated report. Thank you for your patience!

As always, the raw data can be downloaded by clicking on this ...

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