EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

14 Aug

13 Aug


Hi folks!
A number of players have raised concerns about the proposed increase in warp disruption and scramble range in the Gamma Ray Storm. The intent behind this effect was to combine with the reduction in remote rep effectiveness to create bloodier fights by causing more players in group pvp engagements to be caught when disengaging. However some of you have raised solid points about the way this effect would reduce counterplay to scramblers and disruptors too much and may cause enough frustration to outweigh the benefits.
After some consideration we agree and we are adjusting the proposal for the Gamma Ray Storm.
The disruptor/scrambler range bonus has been replaced by a bonus to capacitor capacity.
Thanks to everyone who has passed along constructive feedback so far via this thread, by talking to the CSM, and through social media. We’ll keep reading your feedback and making more adjustments as necessary.

Check out the first two posts ...

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12 Aug

11 Aug


We’re starting back up now, should be back online in juuuust a minute here…

    CCP_Hawk on Forums - Thread - Direct

Known issues:


  • Thirdparty pinyin input methods do not display as expected
  • Wine: Game client freezes and the window become unresponsive.

User Interface:

  • Information windows for DUST characters will fail to display

Thanks! Fixed. :+1:


Glad it’s working. :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh man! Is it working now? There’s actually a lot of depencies to link. :\