EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

15 Mar

14 Mar

13 Mar

12 Mar

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We are happy to introduce changes to a system that absolutely every pilot in New Eden utilizes on a regular basis - the skill training system. These changes are aimed at simplifying the flow for new players but will also make obtaining and training skills easier for everyone.

All core skills will now be purchasable directly from the character sheet for ISK. Rare skills that are not seeded on the market and are only available through the completion of in game content will continue to be available through the market.

This new system will make sure that the old core mechanics of seeding and injection remain in place.

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The March release will include important fixes aimed at closing loopholes that allow players to gain short-term immunity from certain war declarations. Closing these loopholes will be especially helpful for players fighting large-scale wars over high value highsec assets. Three such fixes will be deployed with the March release, which are covered in detail in our dev blog.

11 Mar