EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

27 Feb

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The Eros Blossom SKINs return for a limited time during the Guardian's Gala in-game event, and are now extended to 12 more ships including the massive Supercapitals! Act fast as they are only available in EVE's New Eden Store until 11:00 UTC on 26 February!

26 Feb

25 Feb

24 Feb

23 Feb


Some other pointers:

  • Target list anchor
  • Probe scanner window elements, notably: Recover Active Probes, Filtered Results, Probe Size modifier.

Some kind of direct pointer for “Tutorial videos” and “Corporation Search” would be nice, but that probably will require creating their own Neocom entries. These two are well hidden in UI and underappreciated.

22 Feb

21 Feb

20 Feb


You can always click on the links yourself, and pretend you are a different character that just got sent that link :slight_smile:

19 Feb