2 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s [Music]
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45s [Music]
78s [Music]
84s hello hello mic check one
86s [Music]
89s two
91s [Music]
95s we'll be getting started here in about 3
97s minutes welcome
100s [Music]
119s everybody
120s [Music]
133s [Music]
142s [Music]
154s [Music]
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239s [Music]
254s hey oh my gosh look at all you fine
257s individuals out there welcome to the
259s official Rockfish game stream I'm your
261s host Eric your community Ambassador and
264s I am joined by this fellow right over
266s here look at him look at that guy you
267s see him over there look it's Gary ah say
270s hi Gary hi Gary oh wonderful we're both
273s going to be joining you today and
275s exploring some uh new territory within
278s the incursions update uh this gameplay
281s session I'll be doing is going to be a
283s continuation of what we've been doing in
285s Nightmare difficulty for quite some time
288s um I have figure of eight up on screen
290s because this is what we showed two weeks
291s ago but the iconography was updated so
293s that's the first new reveal right off
294s the bat yay new
297s iconography um we did have a little
300s little uh article that came out just
302s recently so if you guys missed that at
305s the very least I'll be showing you the
308s legendary items that were shown within
311s that I'm not going to be using them all
312s we're not going to see them used in game
314s but we can at least show them in game
316s and talk about them a little bit you
318s know if you guys have those Curiosities
319s and questions we are also doing the same
321s thing we did from two weeks ago allowing
324s RNG to decide if we are going to show a
328s specific legendary or not and if it
330s fails us I will pull a new legendary and
332s showcase it don't worry we're gonna
334s we're gonna get new content we're gonna
335s get new content okay so Gary you're GNA
338s vanish I'm going to take over some
339s gameplay
340s here
343s nice and uh he'll come back whenever we
346s are answering questions we'll have
347s certain intervals during the stream
349s where we'll answer any questions that
350s you guys have there's plenty of
352s questions I'm sure uh through everything
354s we'll be doing today so uh yeah let's
357s have some fun let's get into this I am
358s going to be using figure of eight by the
360s way like I absolutely unlocked it and
362s showcased it so let's just continue
365s where we left
367s off so we have our Outlaw hunt that we
370s wanted to do we've been starting to
372s explore Drake a little bit
374s more and uh yeah I want to keep I want
377s to keep pursuing this probably do some
379s side missions um and seeing uh what
382s happens I don't did we do gang wars yet
385s actually I can't even remember we did or
388s we haven't no we haven't
390s we could probably start doing gang
394s wars might be a good one to do cuz it's
397s a lot of fun actually and there's lots
398s of drops so good chance at a new
401s legendary
403s probably U let me know what the sound is
406s like if it's too quiet I can bump it up
408s a little
414s bit gone through so many audio
417s adjustments it's actually kind of
419s ridiculous
424s in this corner oh my gosh you
428s guys so
430s good all right got a good feel for stuff
432s oh I guess I should mention oh this is
435s important for those who have been like
437s watching the full gaml of this from
439s start to finish um you'll notice my
441s cargo is rather empty based on the end
443s of last stream I went ahead and I just
445s organized my cargo before the stream
447s started and it took me like 15 minutes I
449s just figured we'd cut to the Chase and
450s get into the game play so if you're
451s wondering where' all his stuff go why
453s does he have more credits that that's
455s why I that that's that's the only reason
457s I'm I'm not doing any Shenanigans here I
459s promise no
461s Shenanigans not yet at
465s least whoa whoa whoa Inventory
467s management is the best part of the game
468s you know there there's parts of that
471s there's parts of that that's true yeah I
474s just figured for the stream and people
475s wanting to get into the new content we'd
477s probably focus it into get to the new
479s content
481s content you guys are wonderful today oh
483s my gosh so much so much energy out there
486s ah it's so good so good Shenanigans
490s needs to be a ship name I actually agree
492s with that let's make it happen
496s team the shenanigans ship very
502s good okay so we're going to go to some
504s locations that are really demanding on
507s the computer we're going to see how it
509s functions during the
510s stream if it's an utter failure I can
514s provide some tricks to keep things
516s relatively smooth but I've actually
519s noticed for whatever reason maybe it's
522s because I had a tech guy help me out
523s optimizing the stream more but things
526s are much more smooth now so we're going
528s to be hopeful that this is all going to
530s work out in our
538s favor
540s so many Chatters from all over from
543s YouTube from Twitter or from twitch
545s excuse me and we've got we've got our
547s faithful from Facebook as well I love it
550s I love seeing all of you guys sneaking
552s in the chats and having a good time end
555s of the week feels good topping things
558s off with some fun news and
564s shows all right this is going to be this
567s is going to be uh pretty tricky no I did
569s not get a CPU upgrade no no no I
572s optimized my computer specs a
575s bit to make my computer uh not be as
579s upset with
584s me
590s who look at that I even upgraded my
592s computer to where I have a g key on the
594s keyboard now I know pretty wild stuff
598s just cuz he's got one doesn't doesn't
599s mean you're going to find
601s it probably
604s Fair all
609s right keep your eyes peeled for a
611s legendary drop cuz I'm probably going to
612s miss it you guys will spot
615s it be so focused on the combat and your
618s guys chatter so much chatter today I
619s love it the coal informed
622s you let's have a look inside this thing
625s this thing is far above 1000°
639s forgot how many turrets there are out
640s here and I forgot how much damage they
654s do that'll be fine for
658s now ooh that explosion sound seemed
662s better or
666s different I made that joke last stream
668s didn't
672s I for those who missed it new explosion
684s sounds
686s oo I will take that these are a little
690s bit harder to find this
692s resource corus skate is that how it's
695s pronounced I don't
697s know who came up with these naming
699s conventions I have no
704s idea lots of resources that feels good
708s okay so I think we're going to go down
709s here there's going to be a cut scene
710s that plays probably yep I'm going to
712s skip it because I'm here for game
716s play and you guys are here for questions
720s if you have questions on the story I
722s suppose we can you know discuss that but
725s uh we're not really going to be showing
727s the story aside from what has to be
729s shown of
734s course
741s yeah all right
743s o we have to be a little bit careful
746s here cuz we don't want
748s uh
750s we going to get pulverized our armor is
752s not the best um but it's a legendary
755s armor so the benefit it provides is
760s awesome we might need to start
762s considering an armor upgrade oh I don't
765s like that I don't like saying that at
767s all I really like our
772s plating but we are nearing the
775s time in which progression says you must
779s address
783s this oh yeah uh
787s oh remember how we died to that attack
790s like three times last stream I've
792s learned my
798s lesson all right lot of loot
803s dropping o an optimized treasury unit we
805s might have to take a look at
808s that
827s whoa try and help ell out a little
834s bit has the figure of eight legendary
837s sucks everything in
842s nice little Singularity can come in
843s handy in a
854s pinchoo man okay so I'm going to say
856s something that maybe is
857s weird but whenever you guys are like
859s playing a video game in general the
862s environment thereof that you're playing
865s within does it like have an effect on
866s you like a side effect where it's like
868s you actually feel feel warmer when
869s you're in a warm location you guys know
872s what I'm talking about am I crazy here
875s I'm totally getting that right now like
877s I feel I feel warmer and it's just like
878s I'm seeing all this fire and all these
880s explosions surrounding me and like I
882s legitimately am like my body temperature
884s is
886s rising and if we we were in a cold
888s environment absolutely the opposite
889s would happen my fingers would start
891s going numb I'd be like oh my gosh I need
892s to put on some gloves or
895s something does that happen to you
898s guys
905s Eric is fully immersed in game hotness
907s yes you got
912s me I'm I'm liking how others are saying
915s yep definitely happens to me too yeah
917s good good I'm glad to be affirmed in
919s this regard I am not
921s crazy Next Level immersion
924s right it's like your body is so ready
927s for the experience it just says you know
928s what I feel it
935s literally try to get a couple more of
937s these turrets uh fun little UI
940s Improvement at least I'm pretty sure
942s this is a new one but if you actually
944s look at my weapon right now you'll see
946s that we updated so that the ultimate has
948s its own little symbol for the Weaponry
950s see that on the lower
954s left if you missed it you missed it but
956s there's been little tweaks and details
958s like that that we've just kind of been
959s been uh continually evaluating and say
962s do we need something here yes no maybe
964s and uh just trying to clean things up a
967s little bit
968s more there's going to be a lot of little
970s details like that actually that you
972s could probably catch if you're paying
973s close attention
975s here but also keep in mind guys
978s um while there is going to be lots of
980s little things cuz we've been putting in
981s a lot of freaking work for this
983s incursions update that's launching the
984s spring um we are still we still have a
988s lot that we are not showcasing yet
991s there's still a lot that's very
992s intentionally being uh kept behind so
995s that we can continue to polish it
997s continue to refine it continue to make
999s it the absolute best it can be so that
1000s when we do show you it's going to be
1003s meaningful it's going to be
1005s good great stuff takes time to produce
1007s and it's no different here the reason
1010s this update isn't out yet is because
1011s it's not ready yet but that's it that's
1014s the reason you think you're hiding from
1018s us so thanks for your patience cuz man
1021s we're having some fun
1024s your you guys really like the flame
1027s metaphors don't whatever up it's going
1031s toil who sent you the retaliators I
1034s don't know if uh many of you know this
1036s you probably do I'm seeing a lot of
1038s individuals who are returning but for
1040s those who don't know um Admiral zealous
1043s is actually um an inclusion into the
1046s game because of one of our backers now
1049s you tell your boss so we had a number of
1052s different Kickstarter tiers for
1054s including specific content into the game
1056s not a lot of slots to do so but we did
1058s want to have some uh creative power
1061s handed over to you guys and so the whole
1064s Zia
1066s faction it was polished up and improved
1070s through one of our Kickstarter backers
1072s with the boss being the kickstarter
1075s thems okay I'll be sure to pass along
1077s the message thanks for calling call uh
1080s have a nice day why do I get the feeling
1082s there's more to this story than Ming
1083s Young was letting
1085s on I do want to just do a quick sound
1088s check one more time is the audio for the
1090s game you guys is it is that good is that
1094s fine should be able to resist the
1096s temperature from this want make sure
1098s good now you will need to attain
1099s proximity so I can override its main
1101s frame and program it to reach the
1104s Coalition sure just got to get out of
1106s here and find
1107s it
1112s all
1127s right
1131s o all right there we go
1136s good man this Synchro pulse just oh it
1139s requires so much energy I love it but
1143s jeez oh oh that's that's
1157s damage ah there we go look at all our
1159s health just immediately come back thank
1161s you figure of
1163s eight what a wonderful combo
1167s attack with our Nano device but jeez
1174s Louise that is way too much
1178s damage way more than I would like it to
1183s be guess I'm glad we could pull that
1186s trick off cuz otherwise we would be
1187s totally dead right
1192s now oh come
1197s on
1212s who needs whole points anyway am I
1216s right Health in games is Just an
1219s [Music]
1227s Illusion
1231s all right much better oh my
1234s gosh let's see if that does the
1236s trick pop oh
1239s beautiful a nice little
1244s Singularity very very pleasing
1247s honestly all right so let's go get our
1250s drone enough flaing
1255s about see the try the rail gun for these
1258s kinds of counters honestly rail gun
1259s would be pretty dang useful
1263s here I'm I really like uh getting
1266s directly into the combat it's it's like
1269s it's my double-edged sword cuz it's so
1273s satisfying when you just completely Dive
1276s Into The
1277s Fray but it's also
1280s Reckless the odds of death certainly
1287s increase all right we are going to what
1289s obstacle is in our
1291s way excuse
1295s me I would like to super light out
1300s please there we
1305s go oh The Shield yeah the shield was up
1307s you're right you're right SPO Knight oh
1309s my gosh I should have known that yeah
1310s that was actually at one point we had um
1314s whenever the front Shield generator was
1315s up there were a couple of weird
1317s situations that would occur
1319s uh with how the pilot was interacting
1321s with other tools for example if you had
1325s the front Shield generator and you
1326s teleported at a point in time this was
1329s fixed but the teleport would recognize
1332s the front Shield was in front of you and
1333s because teleport doesn't go through
1335s walls it would literally just teleport
1336s you like um barely forward because it
1339s would stop at the front Shield generator
1342s that was fixed uh but there are still
1344s certain rules that we did need to have
1346s applicable to that so to not um you know
1350s create further issues shall we
1354s say very very
1356s good I'm not seeing a lot of questions
1359s guys don't don't uh forget that while
1361s we're having a lot of fun in these
1362s streams and we really love uh having
1364s this beautiful engagement this is a
1366s great opportunity for you guys to ask
1369s questions that you have about Rockfish
1370s which we recently hit our 10 year
1372s anniversary 10
1375s years woo crazy
1379s there's a YouTube video of UA who's the
1381s creative director and Michael who the
1383s CEO they're they're having a good time
1385s and they're talking about a lot of
1387s different things honestly it's like a 40
1389s minute long video highly recommend
1390s watching it if you're really curious
1392s about gamedev at all or if you're just a
1393s big fan of Rockfish and the history
1396s thereof it is quite a nice little
1399s watch all
1401s right have our gratitude for your brave
1404s action thank you all right let's see
1407s let's repair up we should probably
1410s fairly strongly
1413s consider some upgrades you know I I do
1416s need to look at the ship
1418s dealer uh because I do think we need to
1420s find something better to fly but first
1424s just a quick look here organize please
1426s there we
1428s go I think I'm going to keep things as
1431s clear as
1434s possible at least as best I can
1436s do the oh that's a r okay can't forget
1439s about
1444s that oh man I really like this energy
1448s core that that regeneration for enemies
1451s that get
1454s empd do we replace it I don't think we
1456s do I mean that Shiva en Energizer is
1460s really
1462s good but I think we're going to I think
1465s we're going to keep our current think
1467s we're going to keep our current manoo
1470s some of these
1474s options 20% more credits found I don't
1478s necessarily know if we need to
1479s be
1481s overly concerned about that but the fact
1483s that this has Firepower and structure
1485s and reduced Boost energy consumption I
1488s think that's actually what we're going
1489s for we lose four cargo slots but that's
1492s okay that's okay so let's do that uh
1496s already have a system recovery team
1500s okay Nano repair kit I'm not worried
1502s about
1508s [Music]
1510s that I want to have one nanobot at least
1513s uh but man it's the small one that could
1516s be not enough but we're going to go
1519s ahead and just uh we're going to wing it
1521s it'll be fine it'll be
1524s fine there's a lot less energy
1527s consumption on this salvor High Velocity
1530s Jagger which is the reason why I'm
1532s actually considering it yes the damage
1534s is less but it's going to be able to be
1536s fired for a much longer time period and
1538s that is something that um I'm
1540s considering
1542s here killing an enemy with this weapon
1544s has a 10% chance to refill your
1545s currently equipped secondary Weapon by
1548s one
1550s ooh combo with our figure of
1554s eight you know what let's do it let's do
1557s it and then attuned energy core no
1565s thanks lot of options here to consider
1568s we are going to go ahead and sell the
1569s ones that we swapped
1571s out yep I'm doing it we're committed
1573s we're
1577s committed all
1579s right is it the salvor from Foundation
1582s no no no uh s Armament group I I think
1585s is what they're called um they are
1588s uh they are a a organization a
1593s a what's manufacturer that's the word
1595s they're a manufacturer that was
1596s established within the everspace
1598s universe even with everspace one um they
1601s produced materials like actually the
1603s secre missile battery which is now kind
1605s of getting brought into everspace 2 with
1608s ritual which you guys have seen um from
1609s the article uh yesterday and I also did
1612s show it at the end of last year so they
1615s they produce stuff like that salver
1617s orament is it server Armament group or
1619s server AR Armament Industries it's
1622s something like that something like that
1624s but
1628s y all right we got ourselves repaired up
1632s I want to fly to the next location of
1636s what we need to do once we are within
1640s that space and tackling the needs of it
1642s we're going to start answering some of
1643s the questions that I have built up
1645s doesn't look like there's many so if you
1647s guys want to sneak in a question on my
1649s flight over now is the
1654s time cuz we'd love to answer your
1662s questions I see uh Andrew over on
1664s YouTube saying there's a cool background
1666s chatter dialogue where they talk about
1668s finding a field of cosmic pollen that's
1669s a beautiful thing to imagine
1675s interesting we uh we actually took a lot
1678s of your guys love and praise of the
1681s banter between Adam and Hive and
1685s um yeah we've been considering some
1688s additions to that that might be
1690s something to uh keep your ears open for
1693s the
1699s future I'm loving the questions coming
1701s in thanks guys and we will answer them
1704s in just a
1705s moment just a moment
1708s I want to see if I can oh actually this
1711s is I this is the this is the bombing run
1714s this is actually going to be a while so
1716s yeah okay we're going to we're going to
1717s pause right as we go into this site and
1720s we'll just start answering questions
1722s uh as soon as Gary appears on the screen
1724s Gary where are you where are you oh
1726s there he is look at him beautiful I've
1729s arrived yeah so so what questions do you
1732s have what do we got right we've got a
1734s few lined up yeah you did entice them a
1736s little bit there uh first up we've got
1738s uh wizard Jerry over on YouTube and he'd
1740s like to know speaking of the u5
1743s migration which is is coming soon uh
1746s will it be available on Mac and any
1747s other platform apart from PC so the the
1751s migration is affecting the everspace 2
1753s game as a whole on every location that
1756s it is available um so and this is not
1758s because of some sort of like crazy
1761s revamp and additions and all this stuff
1764s uh for anybody who is not aware of the
1766s migrate into Unreal Engine 5 this is
1767s being done so that we can continue
1769s loving and supporting on the game and
1771s getting that uh Rich support from epic
1773s in that process if we were to have kept
1776s it in Unreal Engine 4 things would have
1778s been a little bit um bumpier shall we
1781s call it uh for us to continue adding
1783s more content and ever Space 2 and
1785s because we want to do that we want to
1786s enrich the game it only made sense for
1788s us to migrate forward um and as such
1792s it's going to affect every single
1794s location and when I say affect I really
1796s mean it's going to apply let me use that
1798s term it's going to apply to every
1799s location from a standpoint of how it
1803s functions uh the the experience that you
1805s overall have it should be exactly the
1808s same or dang near close to it we're not
1810s trying to sneak in anything and trying
1812s to do something new so if you have like
1814s a potato of a PC and you're concerned
1816s that we're bumping everything up to 11
1818s you don't need to be if you are running
1820s it fine before it's going to run fine
1822s after uh it's just the process of uh
1825s keeping things supported and healthy in
1828s in Fair yeah good question good question
1832s excellent excellent uh right switching
1834s to Twitch this time Overland gamer uh
1837s they're a console player and they've got
1839s to ask when random signals uh unknown
1841s signals pop up on the screen while fast
1843s traveling to your next destination have
1845s we considered a quick button to quickly
1847s shift to the new signal because of a
1849s console for player they said that it'd
1850s be quite handy just to click a button
1852s and then be directed straight there I
1854s can understand that but there aren't any
1856s plans to it um I could see that as a
1858s level of convenience just to like align
1860s it very quickly but we have the system
1862s designed in a way to where if you want
1864s to Branch off from your path and freely
1866s move in any direction you just disable
1868s that warp drive and then you turn and
1870s face wherever it is you want to relock a
1872s new location um I know it's not really
1874s the answer you want to hear because
1876s there's very little chance that
1877s something would change on that front uh
1879s but there aren't any plans we're really
1881s happy with actually how the navigation
1882s works both on the PC side as well as
1884s console to to get around um if you're
1887s like really passionate about this and
1889s you have words to say I do encourage you
1891s to post it on forums over on our Discord
1894s uh what have you um because you never
1896s know I mean I suppose that probably not
1899s going to happen on that front but still
1901s uh we are definitely open to any amount
1903s of feedback uh that's what has made the
1905s game into what it is as of right now
1907s through all of our Early Access folks
1909s like many of you out there uh so we are
1912s definitely not closing our ears off
1914s that's for sure so cool cool uh
1918s similarly about a suggestion we got one
1920s from J panot um in regards the distance
1923s that you can interact with some things
1925s like on a pickup for example have we
1927s considered putting a distance change in
1930s there so that we could select 100 meters
1931s 150 200 500 pull something out of reach
1934s that maybe gets lost in the kind of uh
1938s asteroids Etc oh okay yeah I I I hear
1940s what you're saying that sounds like that
1942s sounds like a feature request um I'm not
1945s going to say that you know it's not
1948s possible um but that would definitely
1950s need to be something that you would send
1951s our way and we can discuss it further
1953s either through a thread or or whatnot um
1955s a little bit hard to have those
1956s conversations during the live stream uh
1958s we do like to try and answer the
1959s questions of the Curiosities of what's
1961s going on in the game if you guys have
1963s Suggestions by all means hit us up on
1965s those forums and we can discuss it more
1967s beautifully giving it at the space that
1969s it deserves um it sounds like something
1972s like that is you know there would be a
1974s little bit of work associated with it
1975s which is why I don't think it would be
1976s possible but by all means uh submit
1979s those suggestions I think that there's
1981s some cleverness that you guys are are
1982s going for
1985s there another question from J panoi on
1988s YouTube still um they feel like the
1990s payout from doing battle support
1992s missions is quite small have we got
1994s anything to say on that or would we
1996s consider changing anything at this time
1998s there's not a lot of changes being made
2001s to the
2002s jobs um
2005s so probably not but that doesn't mean we
2010s have completely gone through all of the
2012s jobs yet and rebalanced or updated
2016s according to how we feel the game is
2018s operating its present State um there are
2020s a number of balancing tweaks and
2022s adjustments that we are trying to push
2024s towards in favor of the player uh so you
2027s guys are aware you may or may not pick
2029s up on them in the Stream if you do you
2031s guys are like super crazy number
2033s crunchers because it's been hard for me
2034s to see them completely um but some of
2037s those little details I mean there we've
2039s got to go through the balance passes as
2041s we're adding more content otherwise um
2043s if we're bringing in new content and not
2045s considering how it affects everything
2046s prior that would be a mistake um so if
2050s your complaint is that the jobs aren't
2052s as satisfying because they don't feel
2053s like the payout is deserving enough
2055s definitely seems like something we could
2058s at least uh have an open ear towards um
2062s but yeah this is this honestly is almost
2065s like the first time I've heard of this I
2066s I haven't seen too any complaints about
2068s the job boards aside from uh some other
2070s different
2072s elements
2073s so excellent uh right sticking with
2077s YouTube still uh a question from M uh
2080s they find the Riff locations incredibly
2082s beautiful uh big shout out to the art
2084s team they doing a wonderful job can we
2086s expect to see them anywhere else in the
2088s future can we expect to see riffs
2090s anywhere else in the future
2092s mhm I mean I suppose we'd have to add
2094s new locations in order to have new Rifts
2097s so maybe guess we'll see what happens in
2100s the future
2102s so but glad you enjoy the artwork yeah
2105s we've the the team has definitely spent
2107s a lot of time making sure that stuff
2109s looks and feels appropriate to what you
2112s are meant to experience in these moments
2114s right everything from the sound design
2116s like shoot we're revamping the explosion
2118s sound again did we need to do that no
2121s does it sound even better now yeah like
2124s it's just these little tweaks and
2125s details I mean we we definitely love
2127s moving into those territories um so more
2130s riffs if you love riffs I mean I suppose
2133s that's something that we can talk about
2134s in the future if something like that
2136s were to happen um but who knows we'll
2139s see we'll see good questions good
2142s questions anything else Gary yeah I've
2144s got a couple more just flying in other
2145s one from M over on YouTube um can we
2148s expect improve generation in un signals
2151s for example they've got scanning of hard
2152s to reach anomalies or illegal Death
2154s Races or anything like that again I
2155s think it's more sest suggestion perhaps
2158s yeah it's definitely another suggestion
2160s you guys are on it with the suggestions
2162s I love it I love the energy um keep in
2164s mind the focus of the incursions update
2166s is all endgame so that's why we've been
2169s talking a lot about legendary items uh
2171s that's why we've been talking about
2173s incursions themselves we've been talking
2176s about a number of balancing changes and
2179s improvements in favor of the player
2181s these things are being done to Service
2184s uh not just the story arc getting to the
2187s end but primarily making the end more
2190s satisfying when you're done with the
2192s story you have more stuff to engage with
2193s and and combine and make your own so um
2198s yeah that's all the more I can really
2199s speak towards on that front um but uh we
2203s are definitely open to suggestions you
2204s guys we need like a form link be like
2206s post suggestions here and just let you
2208s guys click it go over drop these it's
2210s great it's great um but uh
2215s yeah got one just that if they want to
2218s drop in there there is a steam link
2219s there if you also want to drop them in
2220s on our Discord you're more than welcome
2222s as well so I know not everybody's on
2223s Steam for example but for sure um one
2226s last question uh before I can let you
2228s fly on pilot um a question from YouTube
2230s from Seth
2231s 1784 um they've noticed that the art
2234s book has been available on Amazon but
2236s it's kind of out of stock do we have any
2237s kind of update are we waiting uh for
2240s things to appear still we are still
2242s waiting for a couple of things to uh
2246s happen we are very
2249s close just G to ask for your
2253s patience I'm giggling a little because
2255s of uh because of no reason associated
2257s with this whatsoever uh so uh but yeah
2261s we will We we'll let you know once
2263s that's available we know you guys want
2264s them in your hands and Frankly Speaking
2266s we want them in your hands as soon as we
2268s can so uh yeah uh soon
2273s TM right you are fle free to fly on
2276s pilot all right well I must have you
2278s vanished but thank you for the questions
2280s really appreciate it oh my
2282s gosh that's great your timing is very
2285s good with
2286s that all
2289s right so let's tackle Gilbert naal
2292s base and I'm going to be watching the
2294s stream seeing how things come along it
2296s looks like things are smooth but if for
2298s any reason stuff starts going to the
2300s crapper and you guys are like
2302s help bit rate just let me know we'll fix
2306s some things
2307s oh man it's feeling really
2318s smooth going to try and use this figure
2320s of eight a little bit more oh oh a toxic
2324s Revenger we've seen you before a all
2327s right that's fine that's
2332s fine really don't want to get
2335s frozen I got so excited from that
2337s thought we had a new legendary show not
2339s yet not yet folks it's going to be a
2342s little longer let's go ahead and grab it
2347s though here let's let's do this I want
2349s to talk about one
2351s oh first we have to
2353s chill all right I want to talk about one
2356s quick thing pertaining to figure of
2359s eight this thing is pretty awesome it
2361s only works on smaller targets so if I do
2363s this you'll see that it does not suck in
2367s the bomber he keeps flying on but all
2369s his drones go
2372s bye-bye so it can be used a little bit
2375s tactically if you're trying to get those
2376s drones off your back and then focus in
2378s on a large Target it also works on the
2380s smaller Fighters
2385s too but just making sure you all are
2388s aware all right let's take this guy
2395s down
2402s and after this we'll get to the Waypoint
2404s and start doing the things we don't get
2407s Frozen first okay there we go wow that's
2410s a lot of ship
2411s modules
2416s ohly
2422s woo
2425s woo
2434s here we
2435s go you know I said right after
2437s destroying him I was going to uh
2439s immediately go down but there's still
2441s enemies I Must
2442s Destroy combat is still active
2454s right gosh
2458s I was going to start oogling over the
2460s combat that we have established in the
2462s game is it weird that a developer just
2463s really likes their own game does that
2466s come across as like brator I certainly
2469s hope not I just gosh dang it I really
2471s like the the combat
2472s pacing
2474s oh all right let's do this oh wait do I
2478s have to go to the other side first I
2479s think I
2485s do
2487s there's our Bomb Dr I just to Fig out
2490s follow the cables here's end of C might
2494s be a generator behind that panel just
2496s need to find a way to take it
2504s out
2506s plop hey gas
2508s tanks a sign of passion I see from the
2511s chat oh that's good to hear yeah I I
2514s really I really do love what our team is
2516s accomplished I think that they've done
2518s great work here I mean I don't know how
2520s many space game enthusiasts are out
2521s there watching the the chat right now I
2523s assume that there's a pretty healthy
2524s number of
2525s you but man like my love for like the
2529s classics of old like especially like TIE
2531s fighter
2532s Privateer I mean I was a big descent fan
2536s honestly um I just I really longed for
2540s games like that and uh it's such a
2542s pleasure to be able to join this team
2544s and work on this title cuz it's doing
2547s what I have personally longed for for a
2550s very long time like the games of my
2553s childhood and there just so much
2555s satisfaction like don't get me wrong I
2557s love a great space Sim too but just
2559s being able to like jump into a a a
2561s fighter and just have dog fights in
2564s space or Planet Side it's so
2575s satisfying it should come as no surprise
2578s that this facility was I'm actually kind
2580s of curious I kind of went on that little
2582s ranch there but I am curious like um
2584s what games you guys have played from
2586s your Youth and if this scratches a
2588s similar itch there or if this is just
2590s something completely new to you I'm
2592s curious there's so many games out there
2595s and different ways to approach them I
2598s want to know what you guys enjoy and why
2601s the heck you're following everspace 2 or
2603s playing it at
2605s all
2612s I have not tried the total conversion
2615s mod no definitely familiar with it
2620s though I'm gosh this is also going to
2622s sound kind of weird but I'm such a
2623s purist when it comes to games like I
2625s want to
2626s play the game itself like mods are
2629s amazing don't get me
2631s wrong but man if I can play vanilla and
2634s it just be great that that's what I want
2636s want to stick
2637s to I'm stubborn like
2644s that I will say I did have a lot of fun
2646s with the uh Star Wars squadron's Main
2649s campaign I thought they did some things
2651s that were right but uh just not the same
2654s as it is here like this there's so much
2657s I don't want to say more that's not the
2658s right word
2660s but having a hard time with words today
2663s I just like Space games all right get
2665s off my back
2674s let's I think it's going to stop here so
2675s we can kind of poke in here and disable
2684s these there we go nice and
2693s simple
2695s solid
2699s I forget how much easier it is to
2701s navigate interior spaces when you're in
2703s first person
2704s view at least it is for me I guess I
2706s shouldn't speak for everybody but man it
2708s feels like it's
2712s easier excellent you're directly
2715s underneath their Armory our spies have
2717s identified four nodes in total bombing
2721s them simultaneously will [ __ ] their
2723s battle Readiness and set them back for
2725s some time
2732s set all right there we go
2735s beautiful think I don't hear you down
2738s there around my like a
2751s little gosh some of the references we've
2754s got ah I love our narration
2759s wrers I should call
2763s them a moment you might want to think
2765s about evacuating this place it's about
2767s to get real hot real hot you must be one
2773s of zal's men if that bastard sent you to
2776s pie in my end of the pool you will all
2779s suffer for
2781s it yeah that's that was a bit closer
2785s than I would have
2793s missing no well don't say I didn't try
2796s to you now oh behind
2799s us there we go
2803s beautiful all
2808s right does this area make anyone else
2810s tense oh my gosh like my hands are
2812s sweating a little bit now probably
2814s because the area is wet
2820s Next Level
2823s immersion all
2830s right oh Star Fox yeah oh man I was a
2834s big fan of Star
2837s Fox I could I could have many
2839s conversations about so many games
2843s honestly just really happy that we're
2845s accomplishing what we're doing here and
2847s at Rockfish to make a pretty pretty
2852s strong scii spaceship looter
2857s shooter feels good you know we never put
2861s on our Shield I wonder if this is
2862s something that we should
2865s consider
2868s um we don't really have a lot of
2871s corrosion
2872s emphasized materials here so this would
2875s just give us extra stacks of corrosion
2879s effectively I'm not too worried about
2882s the recharge speed because I have some
2883s tools to recharge the shields regardless
2886s the capacity is nice I don't know I
2888s don't know how I feel about
2890s this but um I think just because of the
2894s stat boosts alone it's probably in our
2896s best interest to use it so we're going
2898s to need to find something to swap off
2904s however we'll have to think more on
2908s that all right let's get this bomb drone
2915s moving here for
2917s the oh my gosh so this is kind of funny
2920s timing
2926s um so uh ladies and gentlemen I have to
2929s take care of one quick task um I'm going
2932s to need maybe about 5 minutes and then I
2935s can probably probably explain just a tad
2937s bit more whenever I come back don't go
2939s anywhere we're going to keep moving
2940s things forward all right it'll be a
2942s it'll be a good time oh thank you so
2944s much really appreciate
2946s that one
2953s [Music]
2960s [Music]
2965s second
2976s [Music]
2984s [Music]
3011s [Music]
3021s [Music]
3036s [Music]
3049s [Music]
3073s [Music]
3083s [Music]
3100s [Music]
3110s [Music]
3121s [Music]
3172s [Music]
3212s [Music]
3226s [Music]
3238s [Music]
3261s [Music]
3300s [Music]
3310s [Music]
3316s [Music]
3324s [Music]
3332s [Music]
3350s [Music]
3360s [Music]
3376s [Music]
3389s [Music]
3412s [Music]
3420s he's back oh my gosh ladies and
3423s gentlemen what in the world was that all
3425s about why did the streamer have to
3426s vanish in the middle of a prepared
3428s stream it's almost like there was
3430s something that was completely not
3431s notified of that happened just a moment
3436s ago goodness gravy what I can say though
3440s actually I don't know if I can say that
3441s either Lee can I say anything you tell
3444s me but things are happening stuff is is
3447s moving
3449s forward all right Lee gave me the
3452s go-ahead so I can confirm with you all
3455s there was the question about the um art
3457s books from
3459s Amazon uh I can uh I can tell you that
3463s the pallets are getting close so we will
3467s have
3468s notifications of when those books are
3470s available for purchase sooner than later
3474s truly
3476s exciting I have a soundboard for this
3479s let's do
3480s this
3482s yeah
3484s yay
3486s oh all right what was I doing we were
3488s blowing stuff up right let's get to it
3492s woo thank you for for your patience guys
3495s wonderful what a wonderful time for
3497s Rockfish right now am I right oh gosh I
3501s didn't even think I could have left you
3502s on the comms Gary you could have
3503s entertained our guests oh silly
3507s yeah well we'll know for next time yeah
3509s that's true that's true hopefully all
3511s were kind and didn't do anything crazy
3515s no we're all fairly well behaved good
3519s good to
3520s hear ah but seriously guys I am excited
3524s to be able to tell you that cuz we've
3527s been we we really want to get these two
3529s soon as possible
3534s sooo wait wa activate movement why'd you
3536s stop why'd you
3543s stop all right let's get another bomb in
3547s I suppose while I'm going through this
3549s segment we could actually answer more
3551s questions if more have shown up do we
3552s have any Gary uh I've got a couple just
3555s two lined up well let's get you on the
3557s screen then right now
3560s ah
3562s magic uh yeah what do we got what do we
3564s got uh right we've got one from Vicky
3566s van Bonkers over on Twitch would like to
3568s know um with the update when it comes
3570s out for Unreal Engine 5 um our play is
3573s going to be expected to start over brand
3575s new new game save I love this question
3579s and the answer is absolutely not now the
3582s difference between Unreal Engine 4 and
3583s Unreal Engine 5 for all intents and
3585s purposes is literally the number it
3587s should have no impact on your gameplay
3590s experience
3592s whatsoever and if it does have any
3594s impact then it would only be a net gain
3596s at least from our side so far of testing
3598s but that is the intent there will be no
3601s requirements on your end to do something
3603s new especially wipe your saves
3605s absolutely
3607s not they will remain good question
3611s excellent right the other one that we've
3613s got is from papy over on YouTube um you
3617s seen a lot of question on various forums
3618s about ship dealers and their stock and
3620s how it works has there been any thought
3622s on changing how ship dealers decide what
3625s in their inventory oh yeah there have
3627s been so many discussions surrounding
3629s that honestly so many um I can't share
3633s with you all the details of what those
3635s looked like uh what I can say is that
3638s through the process of Designing
3641s everspace 2 and the systems thereof um
3644s we had a lot of different Renditions of
3647s what the um trading and the Commodities
3650s kind of looked like and how that all
3652s operated from where to where um and a
3655s lot of that was simplified and or
3658s scratched uh in order for us to continue
3661s pursuing a strong combat focused looter
3665s shooter with the narrative overarching
3668s all of it so there have been
3670s improvements to the commodity system um
3672s of course um but going
3675s into deep details as to which store is
3679s selling what um there was a lot of
3682s discussion on that front um but we're
3685s pretty happy with how the storefronts
3687s are there is a little bit of uniqueness
3688s depending on where you're going it's not
3690s to a degree of what some conversations
3692s were
3693s like and that's all I can
3696s [Laughter]
3698s say cool right you're free to fly on
3700s pilot perfect perfect all right see you
3702s later
3705s Gary I love it all right so now we need
3708s to keep getting this thing moving on
3711s moving
3713s on ooh all right here we
3717s go very very very
3721s good
3725s ah is there more I can't remember
3730s yes oh this spot I love this spot it's
3733s so
3734s scenic thematic
3738s even all right let's get you moving
3741s again don't hit me ow you punk
3746s what a little
3749s weasel all right grab
3751s [Music]
3754s bomb set up only one
3756s left let's
3761s go sple approaching a flooded section
3764s long abandoned it is unknown what might
3767s be looking down there and you are
3769s already aware your weapons are
3771s nonfunctional
3772s underwater right Hive thanks for the
3774s talk
3780s cool there we
3782s go oo almost
3790s there
3792s spooky like I mean just look at this
3795s just
3798s spooky I love this
3801s bit oh gives me
3803s chills
3806s good job design
3810s team let's get a move
3818s on all this first person mode is making
3820s me miss the first person only bomber
3822s with no inertial dampener
3827s races one day one day for some reason I
3830s don't miss them at
3833s all it was a it was a unique challenge
3836s that's for sure we will uh have to try
3839s it again we're gonna have to we're gonna
3841s have to but man that is
3850s hard all right almost
3859s there oh
3863s Bonk
3872s that bomb drone isn't made of
3876s aluminium gosh dang
3879s it told you we would find you little rat
3883s how does it feel to be trapped inside
3886s with your own bombs LOL let's see how
3889s badly you really want to set them off
3892s enough that you'll go with them
3895s he makes a good point perhaps we
3897s shouldn't signal the coalition to
3899s trigger the bombs just yet we can find
3902s another way out here absolutely the
3904s power of plot armor compels usak by of
3910s erosion on
3912s it
3916s perfect all
3922s right wee
3937s oh I forgot I got to take these
3949s out based on our last uh results from
3952s having defend a sight
3955s I'm a little nervous about this oh look
3958s how close he
3981s Wass confir the miss been
4000s [Music]
4013s achieved
4016s ah satisfying did it out
4020s inie yes it seems took bait more anticip
4025s let's go do this job real quick inter
4027s theirs are
4029s some I urge you to us at H you don't
4034s want to this
4038s wonderful ah enemy forces gain strength
4040s I was wondering when we were due for
4042s that more bad news on the arms ring the
4045s DMZ oh goodness we're level 25 guys I
4048s haven't chosen a new
4050s perk I haven't chosen a new perk we got
4053s to get on
4055s that we can choose retaliation
4058s reflecting damage back exploitation
4061s which deals increased critical hit
4062s chance when attacking enemies whose
4063s movement is impaired and preparation
4066s every second gain 5% increased secondary
4067s weapon damage stacking up to six times
4069s resets when taking damage I kind of like
4071s preparation cuz we could make figure of
4073s eight do some serious
4078s damage that could be a lot of fun um
4081s critical hit chance is I mean it's it's
4083s that's kind of like the the generic
4085s option here it's good but it's not
4086s necessarily bad either also kind of
4088s depends on what the build is kind of
4090s scheduled around and reflection I mean I
4093s feel like I would need to have a little
4094s bit more specifics on my build to bring
4097s that together we're just we're just kind
4098s of squishy right now I know I'm kind of
4100s blocking the the scene we're just kind
4102s of squishy right now um um so yeah going
4106s to have
4109s to I think I'm going to go with with
4112s preparation I it's not my first choice
4114s usually but I think that's what we're
4115s going to do I want to see if we can
4116s stack up figure of eight and have some
4118s some fun with
4122s that so there we go all right let's go
4125s look for a legendary if we don't see any
4127s in about 10 minutes I'm going to show
4129s you some stuff I'm just going to show it
4131s to
4133s you revealing all the
4137s [Music]
4141s things though after uh taking out these
4144s enemies we also might um venture to have
4147s a look at the legendaries that were
4149s highlighted
4150s yesterday so again it's not going to be
4152s a Showcase of them it's just going to be
4154s talking about
4157s them cuz even though we are letting RNG
4160s decide uh which legendary is going to be
4162s shown um we're still working on
4177s them let's see if we can get three
4180s four five six oh no wrong one oh we took
4185s damage gosh dang
4190s it ow
4193s ow
4206s jeez some serious
4213s damage man my evasion is just awful I
4217s think I need new thrusters or
4223s something
4229s there we
4231s go neat cooling units
4238s nice gladly take
4241s those absolutely gladly take
4244s those I'm going get this fium cuz it's
4247s also a bit more rare I guess not crazy
4250s rare
4252s but ooh Flawless good good good for all
4255s the perks that we're not going for at
4257s the moment but we'll definitely be going
4258s for
4261s later I like that some barite our good
4272s friend if somebody just was like good
4275s friend what do you mean by that if you
4277s have never looked at the uh
4280s description of
4283s barite by all means I'm going to read
4285s this aloud because of its
4286s self-replicating nature some argue that
4288s barite is actually a life form but since
4290s it does not scream when melted nobody
4292s really
4298s cares barite my good
4302s friend you do wonders in ship crafting
4305s and
4306s building all right a single copper on
4310s that shipwreck nice all right let's head
4312s back to letho Star
4318s Port stop shooting your good friends
4320s Eric oh my
4325s gosh
4327s wo yeah you only allowed to shoot the
4329s bad friends no good
4331s friends onet Adam no talking must be
4339s quiet all right oh I missed some
4342s Chatters talking about about how my
4345s death counter was going to go up by one
4347s get
4349s wrecked that's
4351s right were things close yeah admittedly
4354s they were close but get very excited
4357s when you you're near death exactly
4360s exactly it's you know it's that uh Spike
4363s of adrenaline you
4370s know someone just jinxed themselves oh
4372s it's so it's fine I don't believe in
4381s jinxes Intergalactic pea has heard about
4384s this you will be hearing from their
4386s lawyer all right that's fair oh my
4390s gosh actually there was actually um on
4393s our new scrolling Marquee which don't
4396s worry we've retained that in our new
4398s update here you'll see it um I actually
4402s referenced kind of a a style sci-fi
4405s organization and I think I was even
4407s talking about barite through
4409s it that was a long time ago that was
4411s during Early Access definitely have had
4414s a lot of fun with those that scrolly
4416s Marquee I'm glad you guys are having fun
4417s with it
4418s too glad
4420s came so all right let's have a quick
4423s look at jobs and again this since this
4425s is a dove build with some things
4427s unlocked for testing uh the available
4429s jobs is massive just pretend like we
4432s only have like six or seven available
4435s um but uh oh we could do some
4437s maintenance for Earth wine let's see
4440s anything super super good Flawless fa
4443s look at that eight Flawless fium
4445s crystals I'm totally blocking it I'm
4447s saying look at this and you literally
4448s can't see it uh that I think we have to
4451s do like that's that's huge that's
4454s awesome and if you guys are just looking
4457s at the jobs and you're not really you're
4458s just looking at the numbers you're doing
4459s it wrong cuz honestly the stuff that I'm
4461s blocking here this is the stuff that you
4463s should really be going for some of the
4464s stuff that can be provided uh from jobs
4467s can be really really
4469s nice that earthwind could prove to add a
4472s few more credits uh even though the
4474s credits on this are you know not too
4476s shabby um but yeah we'll just pick up
4479s the
4480s one all right I do think
4482s um I do think I want to get
4485s to showing you some new legendary stuff
4489s uh we did get the toxic Revenger but
4491s that's that's not new right um so what
4495s we're going to do now is we're going to
4496s actually Adventure back to our home base
4499s where I have uh plugged in some uh
4502s delightful little things for us to
4507s view so almost like you planned it oh my
4510s gosh crazy
4514s crazy but on our fly back I am really
4517s curious um what you guys are hopeful for
4519s the incursions update we've been pretty
4523s happy with the direction we've taken it
4524s we've we've been absorbing not just
4527s listening but absorbing many of the
4531s desires and the suggestions that have
4532s been thrown about uh from the community
4535s side of things um and like pertaining to
4538s endgame
4540s content and uh man I'm I'm very much
4544s looking forward to to revealing more to
4546s you
4547s all uh it's almost a shame that we have
4550s to pace
4552s ourselves but um I really am curious
4556s because I know that we've only been
4557s shown I
4558s think I think the total new legendary
4562s count that you guys have officially seen
4564s is at
4565s five I
4567s think but I've only seen like two in
4570s actual
4580s gamepl but just curious
4587s I'm coming up on the 1 billion credits
4590s Mark wondering what
4593s happens that's a lot of in-game
4597s credits Mr Kato wants to ask you to
4600s invest in something probably with that
4603s money
4607s nice ah credits fantasy wealth says
4611s Bearded Frog very very according
4614s oh my gosh that's
4616s funny very very appropriate response
4618s there it's
4620s good also seeing praise for the
4623s soundtrack from mahale I think music in
4626s the game is awesome I even bought the
4628s soundtrack please give great thanks to
4629s the composer yeah Goro has done a
4632s phenomenal job um and he's the one like
4635s with the explosions that you hear in
4637s this the streams from uh two weeks ago
4639s to today like he's also the one doing
4641s like all of the sound design remastering
4643s most of it I shouldn't say all of it
4644s he's doing most of it a couple other
4646s team members from time to time will uh
4648s definitely pop in and and do a little
4650s bit of tweaking and in auditioning and
4652s stuff like
4653s that uh but yeah it's been uh yeah man's
4658s a legend he he makes my ears very happy
4662s yes very much
4671s so almost
4676s there almost
4682s there so because we didn't have
4684s something randomly fall into place I
4688s suppose to a
4690s degree I could ask you guys which one of
4693s these legendary items you would like to
4696s see be
4700s used all of these legendary items were
4703s showcased yesterday in a little document
4706s so if you've read it you've seen them
4709s just the the text application of
4712s them but we can do more than just that
4715s so let's uh let's talk about them these
4717s are not them those are the ones we've
4718s had now we have shown ritual before many
4721s of you are familiar with ritual this is
4723s effectively the Seeker missile battery
4725s from everspace one unleashes a swarm of
4728s 10 autonomous homing missiles seeking a
4730s r random Targets in front of you damages
4733s increased by 5% for each targeted enemy
4736s and they cannot be
4738s intercepted the next one oh I see a
4742s question that says what document um Gary
4745s would you be able to would you be able
4746s to get a link to that actually yeah I'll
4748s go grab one now okay so Gary's gonna
4750s plug in a link to the document that I
4752s keep referring to the the document that
4754s sounds so something something about that
4757s sounds very you know but um yeah we
4760s shared an update it was on Steam
4764s I think it was also on our website I
4766s think probably I hope it was um and so
4771s uh it has a video that you can watch
4774s that has UA and Michael talking about
4776s the 10e anniversary of Rockfish um and
4778s then there's a slew of legendary items
4780s which I'm actually showing you right
4782s here that you just got a picture of
4784s literally this but if you want me to I
4787s can visually show you one of these I
4790s would like to show you epicenter
4793s I think it's particularly fun uh this
4796s guy teleporter whenever you use the
4798s teleporter it creates a shock wave at
4800s the Target location dealing uh up to
4803s damage amounts uh to enemies within 200
4806s M and stunning them for two seconds so
4809s if you like the teleportation device
4813s this one can be chef's kiss very very
4817s nice we have this one fields of Mayhem
4820s this one did have a screenshot
4822s associated with it if you like sticky
4825s turrets and were really upset with us
4827s because we capped it at what was it 4 I
4831s can't remember what the cap was and we
4832s were like man rockfist you don't know
4834s what you're doing with the game it was
4836s so much fun to have more well guess what
4838s you can have more not only can you have
4840s more but this enables the ability to
4843s launch as many sticky turrets as you can
4845s all you have to do the only PR
4847s prerequisite is that you have to have a
4849s sticky turret in your bar and then you
4851s can literally just launch as many as
4853s many as you want it does get capped it
4856s says on here at 18 in our document
4859s yesterday I said it again the document
4861s it said
4862s 22 we're still balancing it out I
4864s honestly don't know what the specific
4866s number is it says 18 here and it's
4867s probably locked in in our current build
4869s that may change but regardless uh yeah
4872s lots of turrets it's very nice it's very
4875s nice the next one that we showed in our
4878s document yesterday was pestilence if the
4882s initial Target of the anilor virus
4883s survives the infection it will remain
4885s infected and suffer another burst of
4887s damage after 6
4889s seconds so if you like crowd control and
4892s you're using like the corrosion injector
4894s with the annihilator virus and the EMP
4897s this this is just like extra savagery on
4900s top of that like it it makes sure that
4903s if they were going to die they do it's
4905s it's wonderful definitely definitely a a
4908s wonderful little tool here and last but
4911s not least we have Hunter Fang which
4914s would also be a great one to Showcase if
4915s you guys wanted to see it this one is a
4917s thermo gun a legendary Thermo gun I
4921s think it looks super cool after hitting
4923s an enemy the projectiles will continue
4926s to track up to two consecutive targets
4928s within 300 M dealing 30% reduced damage
4931s with each jump so hits
4936s jumps uh and uh it keeps jumping with
4939s reduction over and over as quite fun
4943s it's quite fun so these were the these
4945s were the five that we uh revealed
4949s yesterday so now I'm going to just leave
4951s it to you guys we've shown ritual
4954s already so that one's that one's out we
4956s can show
4958s epicenter we can show fields of Mayhem
4961s we can show pestilence we can show
4963s Hunter Fang just type in chat which one
4965s you want to
4967s see and uh after like some 30 seconds or
4970s so I'm just going to see General
4973s General responses and we will uh go from
4977s there oh I'm seeing some love for both
4978s fields of Mayhem coming in strong with
4980s two also Hunter Hunter Fang also has two
4983s two more for Hunter sang it has taken
4985s the lead I'm I've got a very strict
4988s timer keep going guys keep going I see
4991s epicenter now okay I get I see a kazaf
4994s for tritz another tritz Mayhem oh my
4997s gosh turrets is coming back oh my gosh
4999s Hunter and Mayhem we're showing one
5002s unless Lee would let us show too um look
5006s this is this is close this is close oh
5008s my gosh the the I got to start counting
5010s this is crazy one two uh three four five
5018s six now now everyone's gonna pester Lee
5020s because I said that I'm sorry Lee but
5022s also not
5026s really then we got to six both hands I
5029s can feel him shaking his head right now
5031s I can actually feel it um oh my gosh
5035s um show
5038s nothing oh my gosh you get nothing good
5041s day sir oh my gosh Eric needs help
5044s counting uh you know it's true I went to
5046s Art School not math School uh it's great
5050s Lee says go for two ladies and gentlemen
5052s we got approval from Lee to show you two
5055s of them so we're going to show not one
5057s but two and the votes showed you guys
5060s very much wanted both fields of Mayhem
5062s and H Fang uh seriously Lee thank you
5065s for the approval uh fields mham did have
5067s a screenshot so you've technically kind
5069s of already seen it but now you get to
5070s see it in action love it so in order to
5073s do this we're going to just pop off omn
5075s Manus and we're going to plug in fields
5078s of
5078s Mayhem we're going to also put in face
5081s planing because we really should do this
5082s with some Pizzaz and whatnot we'll bring
5084s Hunter Fang along with with us in order
5087s to highlight it accordingly now we just
5089s need to find some
5090s fools oh we also we we also need to of
5093s course um
5095s craft uh we need to get some
5099s turrets where are your turrets there we
5101s are so now that we have these
5105s turrets we have access
5108s to an infinite number of these I'll just
5111s show you here they launch a lot faster
5115s too you just keep going it just keeps
5118s going it just keeps going this is what
5122s happens
5123s alongside fields of Mayhem we just keep
5125s going oh there we go one exploded I'm
5127s not going to count him out because I'm
5128s apparently bad with math but that's the
5131s effect it has let's go use it let's go
5134s use
5138s it we all love Lee
5142s absolutely
5145s absolutely let's go dunk on some
5151s Outlaws
5160s what where are all of them they get
5163s scared I was talking about all of the
5167s turrets they're like oh
5169s crap the kazing is happening get out of
5173s there all right let's go one
5181s more where are they yeah basically yeah
5185s I know I feel like there's always
5187s Outlaws harassing that poor little
5189s station the dude just wants to thank you
5192s and outlaws are just constantly
5194s barraging
5201s him nothing here too it's just it's gone
5204s quiet everyone is hiding everyone is
5207s hiding they
5209s know they know the head you come in ER
5212s that was the thing you know your voice
5214s transcended the
5216s [Laughter]
5218s region surely we've got some fools to
5221s crush here
5233s surely
5235s what oh there we go okay I was about to
5238s just be like how how is this even
5241s possible
5245s uh let's see got some over
5249s here we're getting getting tidbits here
5252s and
5256s there maybe not the best place oh there
5259s we go oh yeah oh
5265s yeah let's just keep going why
5268s not ow ow turrets get them
5275s ah
5280s yes you stop that oh it's a teleporter
5283s drone devious what a devious little punk
5287s there we go crunch now oh yes fields of
5290s Mayhem and again this thing has
5293s basically all but removed the timer on
5295s these sticky turrets I can keep going I
5296s mean obviously the old ones are getting
5298s crushed
5299s here the only thing that really requires
5302s is a little bit of
5303s setup that's it now these uh turrets uh
5307s if I recall correctly will not despawn
5310s when you leave but they will um but they
5314s will despawn when you go to a new
5316s location and you start firing them
5317s somewhere
5319s else so like we can come over here and
5322s chase this guy down and just be like L
5324s look at him look at them oh those
5330s turrets Hive told me good shot
5336s a that
5338s great so yeah this is a little bit of a
5341s throwback but we're also honoring a user
5343s known as Kaza if you didn't pick up on
5345s that from our statements um he was a
5347s user who actually shared a number of
5351s insane um I don't even want to call them
5354s builds just screenshots with a absolute
5357s crazy abuse using sticky turrets and we
5360s had to patch it cuz it was too much it
5362s it was too much it was not intended
5365s gameplay we had to dial things back but
5368s that being said and kind of figuring out
5371s limitations of what uh would be
5373s acceptable as well as providing a
5375s legendary item to do so we decided you
5378s know what let's honor this let's
5379s capitalize on this let's have fun with
5382s it so it's re-entered the playing
5385s field very very
5387s good and truly it is a pleasure for me
5390s to be able to show that to you
5392s as well as Hunter Fang let's get this
5395s one on
5396s board uh let's also show you what
5398s happens when I remove this uh hopefully
5400s it won't crash the game it should just
5402s uh have them all explode um where did my
5405s cargo unit go did I have a cargo
5409s unit did I did I sell my cargo unit or
5415s something well let's just craft a new
5417s cargo
5421s unit no I need a module here we
5426s go just plugging it in so that we can
5429s then put in Hunter Fang and let me tell
5432s you what guys I actually very much enjoy
5434s this yeah all the turrets just exploded
5437s so you can't use it and then exchange to
5439s another legendary and exploit that sorry
5442s we thought of that
5443s first um and one enemy is not enough for
5446s this we've got to get
5449s several I have an idea
5453s one second there's definitely no Tom
5456s Foolery occurring on screen whatsoever I
5459s don't know what you're talking
5464s [Music]
5468s about everything is fine everything is
5471s working as intended oh my gosh guys it's
5474s crazy I just got ambushed by a bunch of
5477s Outlaws but what a perfect case to show
5479s you uh Hunter sang in action check this
5482s out ready here we
5490s go also hopefully we don't
5497s die the fact that I'm almost dying is
5501s uh a little silly here but you can see
5504s that the hunter Fang it just keeps going
5506s from one target to another it does not
5511s care
5518s woo all right going to have to change
5520s over to our alt so we don't explode
5521s never mind apparently I missed the four
5526s button oops oops it's a showcase so it
5531s technically doesn't
5533s count it
5538s counts uh in retrospect I probably
5541s should have spawned those at level 25
5543s instead of 23 but I digress we'll show
5546s it
5546s again uh we need to oh gosh dang it I
5549s have to craft a thing here we'll just
5551s we'll just take figure of eight
5555s off and uh then we'll put Hunter F on
5559s all right so let's just find those small
5561s pockets of enemies that'll be
5563s easier so that's how the master does it
5568s absolutely all right here we go this
5569s will this will be nice and effective
5574s so yeah you can see the the other drone
5576s just did not have a
5577s chance we're focused on the Alla
5579s tormenter and he a little he got too far
5582s away from the others
5585s unfortunately but at the very least you
5586s can see uh the aesthetic of Hunter
5589s Fang has a very nice crisp green with
5593s like a sharp uh red at the tip of
5599s them Pretty stinking neat if I do say so
5602s myself and I don't think we're going to
5604s be able to see it cuz there's no enemies
5605s nearby but
5609s uh any enemies nearby the shot will
5612s continue to split into
5617s more if they are close enough and they
5619s can they don't have to be like super
5621s close oh come on and now I need more
5631s energy
5635s here we go this one should start hitting
5638s the
5640s Drone yeah the drone's gone it just dies
5643s I wasn't even focused on the Drone but
5644s because the shots were nearby and you
5646s can see a couple were trailing over to
5648s this one as
5649s well so it's definitely a a more
5652s situational uh legendary but hunter Fang
5654s like if you're definitely in the midst
5657s of something like I don't know say a
5658s rift this thing can actually dish out
5661s some pretty large amounts of Firepower
5665s without
5667s requiring a clear direction of
5670s firing so it can come in quite handy
5673s we're going to use our alt to clean this
5676s up a little
5677s bit a Teleport drone in particular oh
5681s you on that's two more legendaries that
5683s are in the
5685s works going to available going to be
5688s available this
5690s spring really happy to be able to show
5693s these to you
5695s guys and uh let me tell you what guys
5698s even though we showed you five
5699s legendaries in that little document
5701s yesterday and I'm showing you how they
5703s operate two of them how they operate
5707s today we still have a lot more
5712s coming gosh I'm excited oh I'm so
5716s excited don't
5720s me all right we are going to uh take the
5725s uh actually what we're going to do is
5726s we're going to reload our save back at
5728s home base so that way we didn't we don't
5731s um actually we can even go all the way
5733s back here so what I'm going to do for
5737s this that was the Showcase segment I
5739s want to dive out of that to save our
5741s game proper since we don't have those
5744s items
5746s um so we'll go ahead and just uh dock
5748s here we'll save our game
5750s state and this is where we'll pick up
5753s next time and I'm pretty confident that
5756s next I know that we've been flying The
5758s Sentinel for a while I'm pretty
5759s confident that in two weeks from now uh
5762s whether it's myself or Gary streaming we
5765s will be able to show a different ship
5768s just to give that you know more variety
5770s of play and whatnot uh but yeah it's
5772s been I really do appreciate you guys'
5774s patience and uh in that it's almost like
5776s we have new stuff to show in regards to
5777s ships or something um but we have a lot
5781s of details that we are going through to
5784s set everything up for you guys to
5785s present all of this content um and we're
5788s just really happy with how a lot of it
5790s has been coming together um I can't wait
5793s to show you more um looking forward to
5795s doing that for all of you ah goodness
5798s things are coming together so well um
5801s yeah so I'm going to take a very minor
5803s break when I come back we're going to
5804s have some screenshots to share we
5807s actually have a pretty large amount from
5809s the last two weeks and they were chef's
5811s kiss
5812s very good stuff from all of you guys and
5814s then we will continue answering
5815s questions hanging out having a good time
5818s so give me just one moment I'll see you
5821s in a moment
5824s [Music]
5835s [Music]
5840s yes
5851s [Music]
5856s oh man you know what would be super cool
5857s is if when answering questions we could
5859s also have Gary on the screen at the same
5861s time that would be just super amazing oh
5864s my gosh look at that ah so great so good
5870s so uh now you get both of us on this
5873s screen being able to talk and share and
5875s all of that fun stuff uh through these
5877s screenshots because seriously guys we
5879s have some some fantastic ones uh this
5883s week so and I just closed my screenshot
5885s folder LOL come back to me all right
5887s there you are um so yeah first we have
5891s to give just tremendous amount of praise
5892s to all of you everywhere for sharing
5894s your shots over on uh Discord over on
5897s Steam uh where have you um we have some
5900s phenomenal photographers out there uh
5903s this one comes from a user called it's
5906s yfp now this user has been taking
5910s screenshots in everspace 2 as far back
5912s as Early Access if I recall correctly
5914s and their work is always just stunning
5917s um I want to say that they don't doctor
5921s up the photos too much um I do think
5923s that there's a little bit of tricks and
5925s and details that they do here and there
5927s uh but generally speaking the way that
5928s they set up these and and prepare them
5930s and showcase them it's always a visual
5933s Feast um and I'm going to Showcase five
5937s screenshots from User it's yfp as we
5940s start answering some of those questions
5942s out there right
5944s now right we've got a question uh from
5947s Mi over on YouTube
5949s um with traversing the solar systems in
5952s the various regions uh they're wondering
5954s if we can expect any improvements in uh
5957s moving around quicker for example I
5959s wonder if you could touch on the various
5961s ways that you can Traverse
5963s quicker yeah so there have been we had a
5966s lot of discussions about um the travel
5969s system in general with everspace 2 um we
5972s wanted it to be something that
5975s felt intentional but also something that
5978s didn't that that would honor your time
5981s as well um and so after a number of sort
5984s of iterations we settled on I want to
5986s call it a three movement system you have
5989s your immediate space that you operate in
5992s uh kind of like this beautiful Scout
5995s that's just being
5997s incredible um which includes both your
5999s standard thrusting uh and your boosts
6002s and your cruise drive right um so that
6005s allows you to have slow speeds to
6007s carefully navigate allows you to boost
6009s while in combat allows you to cruise
6010s when outside of combat to to find
6013s sources points of interest and then the
6015s next level up from that is super light
6018s super light allows you to get from one
6019s unique location to another one you all
6021s very familiar with that oh my gosh that
6023s that detail is so good ah
6028s um with super light you're traveling
6031s from one point to another generally
6033s speaking in a in a fairly fast uh
6035s capacity if you were to convert it into
6037s like um actual movement realistic
6040s movement it's not at all like you're
6042s definitely going crazy amounts of speeds
6045s to get from one point to another across
6046s the solar system um and then and through
6050s that that'll allows you to find other
6052s SES and sounds along the way uh still
6055s honoring your time we created the
6058s challenges that also uh allows you to
6060s get an unlock to speed that up in each
6063s respective system so if you do a couple
6065s of key challenges boom you create an
6067s even faster speed of super light and
6070s then last but not least we have the
6072s spatial
6073s bypass and the spatial a gosh uh and
6076s then we have the spatial bypass which
6078s effectively allows you to go from one
6081s Loc
6082s directly to another one in a completely
6084s different system you do have to craft
6086s these um but once you have them all
6088s established you can get around quite
6090s quickly without too much dilly-dallying
6093s um but still we did very much
6095s intentionally design everything to honor
6098s the player's time while giving
6100s interesting sights and sounds to see
6101s along the way um or be able to get there
6105s with a little bit more haste lots of
6107s considerations were um were implemented
6111s and some uh details like we had it a
6114s what what would it be called uh a
6116s disrupting what was interception
6119s interception we had like an interception
6121s system kind of like a as a test run a
6123s long long time ago I think it was in the
6125s pre-alpha and we discovered that it just
6127s didn't work it just wasn't working for
6129s us because it instead of allowing the
6131s player to have control of where they
6132s were going it was pulling the player out
6134s so it was not honoring the player's time
6137s even if it was immersive so that's why
6140s we've designed the systems the way we
6141s have you choose where you're going
6143s there's variable speeds at each
6145s different of these three
6147s tiers and uh yeah there's a lot of
6150s information for uh a single question but
6153s I hope that was as as uh detailed as
6155s possible for you we love answering
6157s questions around here we love being as
6158s transparent as possible um yeah that's
6161s what we
6163s do excellent good stuff uh excellent uh
6167s wizard Jerry on YouTube would like to
6168s know regarding the special attack of the
6171s the okar prime protector is there an
6173s actual official name for that weapon
6176s from ping pongs um I think it's called
6180s the okar sphere is its official name but
6183s I mean how would you guys know that
6185s that's just kind of like the details
6186s that we've used um in the backend data
6189s um I wouldn't
6191s necessarily you know be bound to that it
6193s could definitely change um but yeah it's
6197s just called the oakar sphere pretty sure
6200s yeah it's either that yeah it's either
6203s it's either Oar sphere or maybe it's
6206s Oar no no it's I'm pretty sure it's
6208s energy sphere it's gone through a couple
6211s of different names but honestly like
6212s it's not needed since you can't like
6214s ever do anything with it it's just it's
6216s a
6218s attack I see a random rock and stone in
6221s chat like I mean that's great uh this
6226s this is a Wendy's or this is everspace 2
6228s like
6229s uh it's great great it's great oh my
6233s gosh so good so good uh let's go over to
6237s a new screenshotter by the way this one
6239s comes from k camro camro um oh it's low
6245s qu a it's a it's a lower quality one but
6248s we're going to maximize it anyway um got
6250s a couple to show from this user um the I
6254s liked their Pleasant use of
6256s atmosphere um just you know really
6258s signaling that space exploration uh
6260s coming to together the next shot that
6262s they have is also really Pleasant it's
6263s just kind of like a flyby with gmbb
6265s you'll see it in just a moment once we
6266s answer this
6267s question uh we've got a question from
6270s papy over on YouTube uh they said that
6272s they know that Unreal Engine 5 was not
6274s implemented for changes to the game
6276s specifically but there were were any
6278s changes that came about essentially
6279s because of Unreal Engine 5 for example
6282s they were wondering if any of the sound
6283s changes had to do with things that were
6285s allowed in ue5 rather than ue4 I this is
6289s an incredibly technical question
6291s um so I can't give you a straight 100%
6295s accurate answer on it to my
6297s understanding and my assistance on
6300s everything coming together for ever
6301s Space 2 uh no there were not anything
6304s that was held back or required change
6306s because it worked a certain way in
6308s Unreal Engine 4 and so it wasn't allowed
6310s to work in Unreal Engine 5 so we had to
6312s like rebuild it or something like that
6314s um basically dang near everything was
6317s able to be migrated over it's just that
6320s process tweaking refining and
6322s reestablishing within the Norms of a
6325s completely different engine even though
6327s they're both Unreal Engine uh that
6329s number uh plays a pretty large part in
6331s how things are triggered how things are
6334s optimized uh how everything truly
6337s operates if there is a team member if
6339s there's another um Rockfish staff member
6343s in the chat who has more information on
6345s that I would love to have them chime up
6346s there might not be it's a little bit of
6349s a tricky time for Rockfish right now um
6351s but if you do want more details on that
6353s also hit me up over in the Discord I'd
6355s be happy to follow up and provide more
6357s information if there is any so uh I I do
6360s love that question it's a really cool
6362s question um and I want to get it
6364s answered as thoroughly as possible as
6366s that I can so here's the other shot from
6369s uh
6370s camro just flying alongside of his gmbb
6373s uh Fighters I guess maybe he's the
6375s escort probably so what's another
6378s question we got um we've got a question
6381s from excelsia over on YouTube um is
6383s there any news or thoughts on adding a
6385s photo mode when for use in supr light
6388s flight yeah so originally we were going
6391s to do that and then it created a crap
6393s ton of
6394s problems um there are there are actually
6398s individuals who have found sort of
6400s cheats and workarounds to do it um while
6402s I can't be an advocate of breaking our
6404s game open um if you wanted to explore
6407s what that looks like you could probably
6409s have a chat within the community space
6411s and somebody might be able to to point
6412s you in the right direction but there is
6414s no uh there are no plans to have the um
6419s screenshot mode also operating in super
6421s light so a good question a good question
6424s probably a frustrating answer to you um
6426s but that's just kind of how things
6428s happen sometimes so thank you for your
6430s understanding of that the next shot
6432s comes from kisten um so this shot might
6436s just seem really basic and you're just
6438s like wow okay it's a screenshot of
6440s getting ready to start a
6443s raise this dude was completely
6447s jipped he got 17 but he got the pl the
6451s gold he got the gold not the Platinum oh
6455s so there must be like a one right over
6458s here he was he was just short of that
6461s I've never seen anyone have this occur
6464s that is just wild to me the the matter
6468s of unluck but uh
6471s gez I imagine that the user has now gone
6473s back and completed it in fact I think
6474s after he shared this he he did but uh
6478s wow I don't know if I'm ever if anybody
6480s would ever see that again that that had
6483s to have been so close by 1,000th of a
6486s second
6487s off
6489s geez that's just wild to me absolutely
6493s crazy I'm going to cycle over to some
6495s screenshots from kazah now um kazas s
6499s sound familiar because fields of mayham
6501s honors some of the I guess you could
6503s call it play testing that he did uh
6505s during uh Early Access so here are some
6507s screenshots from the man uh as we answer
6510s some more questions if we got them yeah
6512s I've got one uh from zeru over on
6515s YouTube um the wondering and it's kind
6517s of a tiing with a suggestion as well
6519s have we thought about adding a way to
6521s specifically
6522s Target um an item for a specific slot so
6525s if we were going to into a rift for
6527s example and we wanted a specific
6529s legendary we could get that as a Loot
6531s drop of some description oh yeah okay so
6534s I I've seen this request before um yeah
6537s so there aren't there there's no way to
6539s do that um what we have designed for our
6542s uh legendary and even set item system is
6545s that it's actually it's I don't think
6548s it's actually done with legendaries
6549s maybe I need to take one step back with
6552s set items I know that there are certain
6554s sets that can only be found at certain
6557s like within certain
6558s systems um
6561s I know we had the discussion with
6563s legendary items on that front but
6565s instead we have three legendary items
6567s that can be procured from doing specific
6570s side
6570s missions
6572s um if you the so the if there were any
6575s plans pertaining to um curating a Loot
6581s drop
6582s possibility uh there's there's not
6585s really any at this time um there has
6587s definitely been discussion surrounding
6589s it which is actually why it's
6590s implemented for set items um but uh yeah
6594s it's I I love that I love that thought
6596s it's almost a suggestion if you will um
6599s would definitely encourage you to supply
6601s that over on Discord in there the forums
6604s there or on the steam forums there uh to
6606s see what other people think as well uh
6608s because we are very much fueled by your
6610s guys's thoughts and passions uh it's
6612s it's good stuff also I think I got a I
6615s think I got a thing hang on need to need
6618s to check a
6619s thing making sure I'm not saying
6621s anything incorrectly
6624s [Laughter]
6627s probably
6630s uh oh oh my gosh no just getting
6634s distracted from other Chatters that's
6636s all everything's fine all right NE let's
6638s go to the next um uh let's go to the
6642s next
6644s um hang on hang on a
6649s second there we go go everything's
6652s everything's good
6653s now jeez let's go over to Lemon
6658s 84-1 we've got one screenshot to share
6661s from
6663s them
6665s um spaceship just flying off into the
6667s Yonder actually I love this shot of the
6669s keion system I think it's beautiful
6671s absolutely gorgeous in fact love the
6674s bright color contrast not so much uh of
6678s varying Hues but just of the dark the
6680s light I think it really comes together
6682s well here so let's go ahead and answer
6684s another
6685s question um I've got one lined up from
6687s excelsia again over on YouTube uh have
6690s we considered adding bosses for example
6692s the first Roslin boss encounter as many
6694s bosses during regular game play like
6697s gmbb Elite interception for example I
6700s mean we would love to do more and more
6701s and more and more and bosses are no
6703s different I mean the whole reason why we
6705s have like a l like a mini boss encounter
6707s at the end of destroying a base is one
6709s of that
6711s itches that we wanted to scratch um it's
6713s also why H exist um it's why there's
6717s always like a boss to the end of a rift
6719s so uh having more specific bosses what
6723s it sounds like kind of what you're
6724s asking for um would definitely be really
6726s cool especially if we were focused on
6728s in-game content and needed to revisit a
6730s little bit of
6732s that so let's go to the next screenshot
6734s and let's answer some more questions
6735s this one comes from pesky husky I think
6737s this is an incredibly clever screenshot
6739s honestly I think that this one's really
6742s well done just having the pigeon stare
6744s breaking the imagery in half um that's
6748s just a fun screenshot very unique love
6751s the sense of uh direction that you tried
6754s to capitalize on that pesky husky so get
6756s a thumbs up for me definitely enjoy it
6760s so uh good stuff what uh do we have
6762s another question at not at the moment
6764s not at the moment all
6766s quiet okay that's fine we'll keep go
6769s cruising through we actually have a lot
6770s of screenshots from the next user son of
6772s Zaki oh these screenshots these
6776s screenshots this mad lad has been
6778s supplying us with gorgeousness for I
6781s don't even know how long but uh as you
6784s can see uh it's amazing it's just print
6788s it off as a poster slap it on your wall
6791s and he doesn't just do this from time to
6792s time like this this guy he's just
6795s notorious for every single one of his
6796s shots just to be Flawless really
6801s um senzaki has been with within the
6803s community sharing screenshots he is a
6805s galactic photographer uh for quite some
6807s time now um and every time he just truly
6811s captures the environments and the ships
6814s to every degree and capacity that they
6816s should do he does a wonderful job with a
6818s sense of scale and scope Within These
6820s screenshots utilizing depth the field
6823s really well um just love love the guy
6826s love the way that he brings it all
6828s together really really good
6831s if I remember correctly there was one
6833s everspace one screenshot he took months
6836s to try and get very dedicated you know
6839s yeah um it might have actually been
6842s similar to this one if I recall but um
6845s but yeah he he was going for all these
6847s different types of styles and uh
6850s directions and everything he produced
6853s some shots would take him a long time
6854s but he he had an idea he had a vision
6856s for how he wanted to set it up and then
6857s he would have to fly through the game
6859s until he could get it lined up and with
6861s everspace one being a Rog likee it
6863s definitely took him a while so yeah very
6866s cool very great stuff from his end I
6869s kind of blew through those really fast
6870s I'm going to get give them a little bit
6871s more love because I'm watching the time
6873s I think we've got a little bit more time
6875s just to kind of show them one more time
6876s as well did we have another question
6878s Gary uh no not yet um although Marlo
6881s over on YouTube was wondering H will
6883s there be any more interesting puzzles
6885s that we'll kind of bring to the game um
6887s they kind of tied a little bit of
6888s shoving energy Spears in the batteries
6891s Etc or we looking to bring something
6893s different I mean it's it's always a
6896s possibility um that's super generic
6898s response to if we had news on that front
6901s then we would share it whenever we could
6903s um for the incursions update
6904s specifically I'd just like to continue
6906s to remind folks that our Focus there is
6908s on the endgame side of the content so
6912s you're
6913s probably not going to see too much
6917s revisiting of puzzles or new puzzles
6920s since that wouldn't really be applicable
6922s to our approach on that front but never
6925s say never maybe I'm completely lying to
6928s you and there's a great surprise around
6929s the
6930s corner gosh I probably shouldn't do that
6932s I'm sorry uh but sincerely I would
6935s temper those expectations um uh puzzles
6938s would be something we wouldd have to
6939s spend quite a bit of time on if we
6941s wanted to add because it does need to be
6942s meaningful right it needs to it needs to
6944s be fun if we were going to add something
6947s new in that field so if we have news to
6949s share on that front
6951s we'll share it when we have the news to
6953s share redundancy is redundant perfect
6955s let's keep going let's keep going more
6957s question or am I just highlighting don't
6959s at the moment no at the moment
6963s neat very very good see the chats Eric
6967s is lying but saying he is transparent
6969s sounds sus I've never lied a day in my
6973s life all
6975s [Laughter]
6977s right but uh seriously though major
6980s kudos to sonaki I feel like he brings
6982s this together so
6984s well but uh next shot we have from the
6986s chemical bro chimical bro usually has
6988s these very deep rich high contrast shots
6992s this one I really enjoy it's a little
6994s bit out of his sort of comfort zone he's
6996s trying to find something different and
6998s you have this uh space shuttle almost
7000s like crashing down into I think that's a
7003s rest if I'm not mistaken um and it it it
7007s looks very cinematic like something
7009s crazy has happened here on their docking
7012s approach we got sworn by Outlaws or
7013s something that happened or we got sworn
7015s by the player character uh but really
7019s love how it comes together I think it's
7021s it wants to share a story that's what
7023s that's what speaks to me about this shot
7025s and in a way call me crazy this actually
7028s reminds me of the opening of freelancer
7031s do you see it do you see it tell me
7033s somebody sees it you know how it's like
7035s the starport uh has like the we're under
7037s attack blah blah blah or whatever and
7039s then like it has like that explosions
7041s for some reason this kind of like speaks
7042s to me on account of that obviously it's
7044s different but there's something about it
7047s do you do you see it do super scraper
7050s says I can kind of see it thank you I
7052s appreciate the validation uh but yeah I
7056s but ultimately I think that uh chemical
7059s bro did a pretty clever job here um
7061s we've got one last user who's shared a
7063s number of screenshots with us it was
7065s typed Kibbles 960 going to go through
7068s several of theirs that they distributed
7070s on the Discord and by the way all of the
7072s screenshots that I'm sharing today if
7074s you can't get enough of these and you're
7076s like man I want more you can always go
7077s to the steam page for everspace 2 and
7080s look at screenshots and you will not be
7083s sad it will just make you so happy you
7086s can go to our Discord and see where
7087s people are sharing screenshots also a
7089s great place to share your own to be
7091s highlighted in the course of these
7092s streams uh it's a pretty good time
7094s overall we like giving you praise uh cuz
7097s you guys are pretty pretty cool pretty
7099s cool cool
7100s folks so uh this shot also comes from
7104s type Kibbles all of these come from typ
7105s Kibbles uh this one got a little bit of
7107s love from other users on the Discord I
7109s think it's just a nice Scenic shot of a
7112s rest I'm going to do a quick check to
7114s see if there's any questions that were
7117s missed um I do I do see a
7120s question um it's a very specific
7122s question but let's go ahead and answer
7124s it uh do you see the one from sniper yes
7128s yep uh so snipers want me to know over
7131s on Twitch uh what is the timeline for
7133s getting more glimpses of the expansion
7135s uh um or rather is the work on it going
7138s on now or is everybody focused on the
7140s update and the ue5 I kind of answer him
7143s a little bit further down as well so so
7146s yeah so I mean there's there's there's a
7149s lot to that actually um so I'm just
7151s going to kind of simplify it for right
7153s now our focus is absolutely migrating to
7156s Unreal Engine 5 while also ensuring this
7159s free content update is incredibly
7161s pleasing very satisfying for users who
7164s have either reached the endgame or give
7167s more purpose to those who haven't quite
7168s reached it yet like that's that is the
7170s large Focus that we're doing now of
7174s course we've told you our plans of what
7176s we want to do out in that future period
7179s right like we've told you about like the
7181s the dreadn the Leviathan more more more
7184s like we we've spoken these words so you
7186s know it's out there there is absolutely
7189s a process that has to occur in order for
7191s that to move forward with and those
7193s processes are moving forward but we
7196s don't want to put any carts before the
7198s horse we have to put one foot in front
7199s of the other and in order to do that I
7202s can soundly say that our Focus right now
7204s truly has been and is migrating to
7207s Unreal Engine 5 as well as the content
7210s that is being prepared for the
7211s incursions update when we have more news
7214s to share on the future of everspace 2 we
7216s will absolutely let you know you know
7218s that I want to teach you all you know
7221s that I just want to show you everything
7223s so uh the moment that I basically get
7226s the signal to I'm going to that's that's
7228s just how it works so it's a good
7231s question good question so good good
7234s stuff this is another shot from typed
7235s Kibbles from a location that not many
7237s people I've discovering have actually
7239s been to so uh definitely an an eyeopener
7243s um for those of you who have not
7244s explored too much of the Keon region cuz
7248s there's uh some interesting things going
7250s on and some I don't want to call it
7252s challenging but definitely some unique
7254s things that you've got to figure out in
7256s this space
7258s yes
7260s so definitely turns one's
7263s head but good stuff we've been having
7265s some really good questions today um very
7267s very good oh I see another
7269s question uh
7272s YouTube um Marlo um yeah Will trading be
7277s expanded possibly to a degree
7280s we've seen in the egosoft titles such as
7282s X4 uh yeah so uh egosoft titles um they
7286s are notorious for having great amount of
7289s detail um in their simulation aspects
7292s and trading is no different on that
7294s front uh it was never the plan for
7297s everspace 2 or everspace one like the
7299s franchise as a whole to really focus in
7301s on like a heavy simulation or trading
7303s aspect um in fact our entire push was
7306s being able to jump into the game fly
7309s around blow stuff up that is the goal of
7312s everspace classic and everspace 2 like
7314s that is that is what we want the
7316s capabilities to be the trading systems
7319s that have been implemented into
7320s everspace 2 um were to honor those who
7324s want a trading system uh but we
7328s intentionally left it um without too
7332s much depth right you have different
7334s systems that want certain resources and
7336s you can acquire those resources from a
7338s different system system um and if you
7340s play your cards right and also us
7342s utilize super light you can actually
7344s make a lot of credits through that
7346s system but it is not anything that was
7350s ever going to be dynamic it was not
7352s anything that was ever going to be uh
7354s rich and detailed to uh some crazy
7357s degree um we're very happy with where it
7359s sits so that people can be satisfied
7361s with that while our focus is on the
7363s looter shooter uh space combat
7366s so too long didn't read the short answer
7369s answer is no the trading is probably not
7371s going to be expanded there are no plans
7374s um if anything were to change they would
7376s be minor um and we can talk about what
7380s that would look like if that happens
7382s when it does if it does how it does
7384s whatever so yep probably not the answer
7387s you want but that's that's where we're
7389s at that it's always been our vision to
7391s push uh this Focus instead of that um so
7395s thank you for your understanding on it
7396s this last shot from types Kibbles I
7398s think he said this was like having fun
7400s in the ball pit I think that's pretty
7401s clever um and it's also I think that
7404s this one speaks to anybody who uses the
7407s bomber I I don't know very many people
7409s who don't use corrosion mines and
7411s bombers like it is just such a powerful
7415s combination honestly you get your bomber
7418s you put you fill all three slots with
7420s corrosion mines to varying degrees and
7422s then you just like rotate them and spam
7424s them like they're so strong um it's it's
7427s really good maybe we should Nerf NF that
7429s Gary do you think we should Nerf it make
7431s everybody upset yeah might as well you
7434s know about cool yeah we'll just take
7436s everyone off and just make that
7438s irrelevant um I have some uh questions
7441s so we'll just deflect away from that
7442s very quickly excellent perfect we got a
7444s question we not from Briggs over on
7447s YouTube uh just wants to know do you
7449s think with ever space we'll ever see
7451s ship Landing with like anywhere with
7453s like landing gear and any kind of Base
7455s building uh so I this is a this is a
7458s great question this is also something
7460s that we've had asked through the Early
7462s Access period so I'm happy happy to
7464s respond to this one uh though you
7465s probably won't be happy with the the
7467s result we have no plans never had any
7470s plans to land and have outside of
7473s vehicle walking or um other vehicle um
7477s interactions like you're not not ever
7479s going to get in like a car for example
7481s um there were no plans to ever do that
7483s we wanted the core of everspace both one
7486s and two to be your character is the
7489s spaceship so all of your interactions
7491s all of your customization all of your um
7495s all of your everything surrounds the
7497s ship so being pulled outside of the ship
7500s is something that we wanted to be very
7502s limiting on which is why we only really
7504s do it in one situation which is for in
7507s many cases story purposes of utilizing a
7509s drone to navigate into a small space to
7512s allow your ship to get in
7514s deeper that's that's as far as that's
7517s going to go there's um
7519s it's easy for me to say there's no plans
7521s to do this but this is something that
7522s just won't happen and I want that to be
7524s very clear there's there it will not
7527s happen you will never get out of your
7528s ship um in ever space
7532s to
7534s no so guys that is time um that's the
7538s end of the stream we hope that youve
7540s enjoyed the time together for us being
7542s able to Showcase all of these really
7543s remarkable screenshots and having Gary
7545s on screen too now I think has been just
7547s kind of a pleasure so you can see that
7549s that he's not just um imaginary friend
7551s who somehow has a voice he actually is
7553s present um and uh yeah there's not too
7557s much else to say um I will say there
7559s aren't going to be any after stream
7560s Shenanigans my throat is unfortunately
7563s not doing so hot I'm going to need to
7565s cool off afterwards um so sorry for the
7569s audience that wants me to be silly um
7572s but you know that will definitely come
7574s back um for the time being we are going
7577s to continue pushing out
7579s um little teasers here and there for
7582s incursions as we are capable of doing so
7585s uh but also note that we are uh there's
7588s a lot of work here okay so your patience
7591s is appreciated if we ever get to a
7592s stream where we don't have something new
7594s to show it's only because we're taking
7596s very intentional time to prepare it for
7599s you and to reveal it at the right moment
7602s so thanks again for all of you guys you
7604s have been absolutely awesome I have been
7606s absolutely Eric your community
7608s ambassador
7609s Gary what do you got to
7611s say uh
7613s bye awesome and don't stop being awesome
7616s we'll catch you in the next stream in
7617s two weeks from today
7638s toodles
7645s [Music]
7656s [Music]
7677s [Music]