about 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

26s quick mic
28s check looks good
54s [Music]
100s yes welcome ladies and gentlemen to the
102s official rockf Fish game stream that we
105s have every single Friday except we're
108s changing some things up a little bit so
110s stay tuned we're going to have some
111s announcements pertaining to the streams
113s moving forward um but uh goodness gravy
116s how the heck are you we are thrilled to
118s have you my name is Eric Sho community
120s Ambassador for Rockfish games and boy
122s has the armed and dangerous update as
125s well as the patch already been a treat
127s it's only been like 24 hours since we
128s lost that dang patch and the screenshots
130s have been insane the discovery have been
133s awesome the communication all around
135s it's been nothing but praise from you
136s guys and we cannot thank you enough um
139s and when I say we I'm talking about all
141s of Rockfish but also that voice on the
143s line for communications can I hear a hey
145s Gary hey Gary oh yeah that's right we're
148s both going to be serving you today
150s through some gameplay of nightmare
153s difficulty and the mid game kind of
155s branching into the later game cuz we're
157s at level 20 right now as well as talking
159s a lot about any of the additions that
161s came through the update and the patch of
162s course um and maybe a little bit of
165s conversation about the road map if we
166s get there and answering all of your
169s questions in due time So for anybody
172s who's new who's sneaking in right now
175s welcome we are doing this Game Dev live
178s stream answering questions questions
180s about every 30ish minutes or so so if
183s you have questions by all means dive
185s into the chat uh and we'll get all of
188s that stuff taken care of I'm looking at
191s people saying that the mic's not working
192s properly one second one second you just
195s coming through in Left Channel why would
198s it do that how dare it uh let's
207s see testing one two is that
212s better is that better the left it's
215s still the left yeah oh my gosh all right
220s one more
222s second doesn't matter how many times you
224s double check everything before stream
226s there's always something that will go
229s wrong um hang on I need I think I need
232s to disconnect from Discord really quick
234s cuz I think it might
236s be no that's not what it's doing either
239s well goodness great so welcome everybody
241s uh welcome to the uh the tech issue
244s segment of the stream where we go
247s through live the issues at hand so that
249s we can perform for you and showcase
252s these elements appropriately um gosh
255s it's it's got to be so annoying if it's
257s only coming out one side I'm going to
259s I'm going to try something else this is
262s it another test oh
269s nope it should be that
272s one and yet it is
280s still why is it doing that
289s though got to check one more thing oh my
292s gosh guys I'm so
294s sorry um are you doing something weird
299s settings
307s testing testing still on
319s left testing again why in the
327s world this is weird honestly haven't had
330s this one uh happen before
338s um I was waiting for somebody and
340s somebody just said if you try turning it
341s on and off again I mean that's going to
343s be the next step honestly um trying to
346s get all the settings
349s reconfigured
353s uh it's it even has the B it says that
356s it's on
358s both
366s um this is so this is so funky all right
370s give me give me one second guys I'm
371s going to try and poke around some some
372s things really quick my apologies on the
374s delay here um but if you have questions
377s about the the update or the patch you
379s know you haven't caught us before go
381s ahead and start asking those questions
383s we'd love to answer them uh just give me
384s one second I'm going to see if I can uh
386s just get this fixed
388s o
475s [Music]
492s testing is it from both sides
496s now I
499s hope
503s no goodness gravy guys this is
506s ridiculous oh hi Mercy glad that you
508s could join me at this pivot
513s time I don't know who that is sweetie
515s but I'm trying to take care of a
516s technical issue so go see
522s mommy absolute chaos welcome uh ladies
526s and gentlemen to the life of an average
528s person who's just trying to stream a
530s game and answer questions for the
532s community and highlight all the fun
534s things oh my goodness um yeah so uh my
539s balance says that it's coming through on
540s both sides uh and this is uh
543s annoying did this did did this fix it by
547s any chance has this fixed the issue now
550s I'm just going to start pushing buttons
551s until you guys say oh yeah it's working
553s now nope okay all right let me try
555s another one let's
557s just go through the
560s list oh my
563s gosh
566s um um let's try that is that better does
571s that work yeah it f yeah you're kidding
578s me all right that's you're in Stereo
581s great it's fine that's so freaking
583s annoying there's no reason why that
586s button should have become unchecked but
588s you know what it's fine all right just a
591s word to the wise if you ever want to get
592s into streaming out there just remember
596s that you have to know everything at all
599s times because anything can just randomly
601s decide to stop working on you so if you
604s are not like a super professional of
606s everything uh just be very weary about
609s streaming okay just a pro tip for you
611s right there uh either that or hire like
613s a insane stream crew that knows all the
617s stuff so that your brain can be
619s um not overwhelmed all right so let's
622s talk about everspace
624s 2 getting into this I'm so glad that
627s it's now on both sides uh so we're uh I
631s I I know that I could not handle hearing
633s a voice or a sound just from one side so
635s really glad that we uh nipped that in
637s the bud so today let's do this all right
641s I've got my build where I was in a
643s Vindicator uh it's looking really snazzy
645s I love the way that we actually uh
647s tweaked the colors on this which I think
648s we did either last stream or a stream
650s before um let's just let's just go we're
652s going to just start getting gameplay out
654s there yall been waiting let's go let's
656s go um so our mission is to do this
659s spatial bypass and see where it takes us
662s so I'm just going to start pursuing this
664s Mission chain and talk to you a little
666s bit about armed and
667s dangerous and the update recent recent
669s update
670s yesterday so some of you probably caught
673s it already but there were a couple of
675s little tweaks and improvements that we
677s needed to uh drop in just for sake of
680s making sure it was working as intended
681s because they
683s weren't there were a number quite the
686s number of changes across the board for a
688s lot of the ship passives
690s that were either working way too well
692s just a couple of them or they weren't
694s working well enough and we adjusted
697s them we adjusted those so there should
700s be a bit better performance overall
703s depending on which passives you got just
705s in general and for those who are the
709s ones who found like exploits through the
711s passives for getting like absurd damage
713s bonuses and stuff uh you're probably
715s going to feel a little bit of a
716s difference cuz it wasn't supposed to be
717s absurd damage level stuff
721s peace so yeah that
724s happened but we also were able to adjust
727s and make some new sounds possible which
729s I'm going to actually show you here in
730s just a moment cuz we're really happy
732s with how they come around um in fact as
734s we were playing around with uh getting
737s the engines sounds like all unique and
739s stuff is many of you actually received
741s in the update proper we continued that
744s wasn't actually the end of it we wanted
746s to add a unique spoolup sound for the
748s engines so as soon as H Hive and Adam
751s are done talking
752s here we can uh I'm going to kind of
755s adjust
757s this cuz I want you to I want you to
759s seriously hear this it's it's quite
760s beautiful um let's go ahead and just
764s drop this all the way down um and so I
768s want you to hear the engine spool up for
771s and this is just going to be your
773s standard Cruise booster each of the
774s thrusters sounds different
777s okay of course we have all these drones
779s too at least radioes to be stop it I
784s none of this is I expected it to out
787s Adam you know I'm talking about Hive I
789s have not the foggiest I feel things have
793s changed all I cared about
797s to we all thought it was Hive that
799s talked all the
800s time all right Dev cheats kill the
803s conversation all right so um Thruster
806s sound so whenever you start your
808s boosting you can hear it the sound of
810s the engine will actually increase over
812s time so just listen to
814s this
818s realize silence Adam
828s okay you hear that hear that spool up
831s what no all
837s right and that nice A little clicking
846s noise it's more applicable to the speed
850s you are going at now so if you are going
852s at an increased speed the audio levels
855s of your engines are actually increased
857s accordingly and this has been again this
859s was done on every single different type
861s of Thruster so when I'm referring to
862s different types I'm referring to um well
865s booster I keep saying Thruster boosters
867s um every single different type so that
868s means a cruise booster versus a standard
871s booster versus the um what's the other
874s one called the freaking the third type
877s of booster then you also have each of
878s the set boosters each one has its own
881s unique sound in that spool up period
884s this is something that we patched in and
886s we're really happy with it so if you
887s have your game sounds down or you have
889s like music cranked up um I definitely
892s encourage you to um play where you can
895s hear these improvements across the board
897s because truly um there was a lot lot of
899s time that went into it and we are very
901s pleased with the results we're very
903s pleased for the results um whenever we
905s first started implementing it I I just
908s was like playing around with thrusters
910s for like I think it was maybe 30 minutes
914s and I was just I was just in complete
918s awe that sounds really silly saying that
922s out loud but I mean sincerely just we're
924s really really happy with how these
926s little tweaks and improvements and
928s adjustments have been bringing all
929s together and we hope that you feel the
931s same we're really proud of this that
934s wasn't
934s clear happy with how it comes together
938s and being able to share it with you
939s finally is is quite the
941s treat so let's bring over these ancient
945s runes move
949s forward oh
952s whoops
954s I and get out of here so we can keep
957s moving along
976s excellent
978s wonderful all
984s right the guy in the distance says the
986s only thing I have turned down now is the
988s voices because of the as of spatial
989s bypass lines all right that's probably
993s Fair yeah so I mean there was a lot of
995s intentionality to go into the Voice work
997s um of course we wanted to make sure that
1000s the characters were providing those sort
1002s of interactive qualities the
1004s conversations make a lot of sense
1007s honestly when you think about being in
1009s the vastness of space and being alone uh
1013s that dead silence could be very um
1015s terrifying
1016s right so the entire of the hive unit is
1020s actually to help make the pilot of the
1022s vessel not go
1025s insane from
1029s St F little
1038s detail excellent there
1042s are went you're telling me we end right
1046s next to your
1047s esap
1050s now I don't have a lot of the um are I
1053s don't have a lot of the new sets yet on
1055s my
1056s ship but I am hopeful to spend a little
1059s bit of time here in K nubula to maybe
1062s pick up something that's very fresh and
1068s new at least one piece of
1073s it if you can retrieve it we will be
1076s able
1077s to
1082s lots of worms in here too this place has
1085s a ton of
1093s Secrets this the one I want to go
1095s through no it's
1098s not collect just a little more resources
1101s and we're going to dock at the base and
1103s figure out next
1107s steps
1110s that's
1112s fine
1115s cool also for anybody who is on consoles
1120s just wanted to make sure it's super
1121s abundantly clear that this patch that's
1124s going to be providing these little
1126s tweaks to the
1127s engines as well as the last
1132s set and a slew of other little
1135s changes this is currently in the
1138s certification
1140s process what does that mean it means
1144s that there is probably going to be about
1146s a week or two until this update
1150s officially goes live it's just a matter
1151s of waiting this out once it does we'll
1154s make those announcements
1156s accordingly and for the most part
1158s everything will be uh across all of the
1160s different platforms will be in parody
1161s with one
1162s another for the most
1164s part all right let's um Mark all of
1167s these as red we have more crafting stuff
1170s oh yeah we have barite it's fine and
1172s perks I am so excited I'm so glad to
1174s have supervision
1177s now um anything else we need to do we
1180s could increase storage size in the home
1183s base which ironically we don't need
1188s yet we're going to keep moving along I
1190s think oh I want to top that off too
1192s increasing the alt from rare orbs is
1194s actually huge this is such a huge bonus
1197s um let's see we just need prot T
1199s capacitors let's just make those let's
1202s just make those how much do we need oh
1205s yeah we don't need
1207s much the pin
1209s sidium that's fine let's do
1212s this I want to top this off I want to
1214s get this update those energy orbs can
1217s really come in
1224s useful
1226s done feels good
1233s very very good yeah so I see uh Michael
1236s CEO of Rockfish games welcome Michael
1238s always a pleasure having you in the
1240s streams helping answer questions and
1241s provide additional clarity as well
1243s pretty baller to have the CEO in a live
1245s stream um he is commenting on how we
1248s have had some conversations uh based on
1250s community feedback from you guys about
1252s how frequent the conversations spool up
1256s in game so the Adam and hive
1258s commentaries you know stuff of that
1260s nature um just to make sure we're not
1263s you know going too heavy with
1266s it let's go to an Undiscovered site I
1271s think yeah I think
1274s so actually which one's better actually
1276s let's go to this one and signals the
1279s beginning of a seon of ritual
1281s festivities on our home
1283s planets while there'll still be like a
1285s lot of banter regardless the frequency
1289s is the main thing that we are looking
1290s into tweaking like for example whenever
1292s you you use a spatial bypass right Adam
1296s and Hive always have like a quick
1299s exchange that's very likely going to be
1303s toned down we're still exploring what
1305s that would look like and how possible it
1306s is and how needed it is but there are
1309s details like that that are in discussion
1312s because of the feedback you guys provide
1313s so thank you for your
1315s feedback we'll see where we can go next
1318s to
1319s get things where they need to
1332s go well that was fast holy cow it was
1336s like the second kill and we got a drop
1338s so um let's talk about this very briefly
1341s so this Redemption set is the 10th set
1345s um there were plans to make it um a bit
1348s more unique in how the process of
1351s acquiring this would be a lot of
1353s discussions internally got us to the
1355s point where we realized we just need to
1356s release this out into the wild and let
1358s you guys have it um so thanks for your
1360s patience on us tweaking and modifying
1362s since that arm and dangerous update went
1363s live but also allowing you to give it in
1365s this
1366s patch so this particular set is
1370s mysterious very much intentionally
1373s so for the two set bonus some asteroids
1376s are not what they seem the three set
1378s bonus your you sense weakness in the
1380s hearts of your enemies and four are they
1382s even
1384s real we did this so you must find what
1387s those bonuses actually
1390s are much of the Redemption set revolves
1393s around
1394s webbing so this efficient Eradicator
1397s which I think I'm actually going to use
1400s I mean that's
1401s just that's a huge bonus in and of
1405s itself it deals 30% increased energy
1407s damage to weap targets if only this was
1410s a Weber missile instead of an EMP
1412s missile that might be what we go for
1420s next let's go ahead and craft this oh we
1424s don't have a proton
1426s capacitor actually didn't we make a
1428s bunch of
1430s this uh proton
1434s [Music]
1437s capacitor
1443s there you are
1445s okay
1446s neat I think we have enough we're going
1448s to make this um spatial bypass down
1459s here
1463s of oh my gosh I feel like Adam is
1466s trolling me this stream
1473s ridiculous he hey we have time to
1475s collect these resources has anybody
1477s discovered the new um mining attributes
1480s by the way we did tweak those they were
1483s a little
1485s um hard to understand I think before and
1488s we decided to clean those up a bit make
1490s them much more transparent and what they
1492s accomplish R and generally speaking they
1495s are now just better across the board and
1497s not just for beam like ERS but for
1499s basically
1505s anything I'll give you a list of the
1507s appropriate components they are a little
1510s different here than in my home world but
1512s they should serve their purpose I see
1515s okay I'll call you again once I have the
1518s basics all right seems like I need all
1520s the parts to make this work let's see
1523s what we
1524s got cool done
1531s isn't gamification fun sometimes there
1533s is very much intentionality behind why
1535s you can't build that during the
1538s conversations just one of those
1546s things um I think I'm just going to go
1548s ahead and use this and go back to home
1550s base even though it doesn't work
1553s everywhere no actually we could just
1555s stay here we'll stay here let's uh let's
1557s try and
1564s let's stop at Bri bioplant this is what
1566s we're going to do I thought there have
1567s so many paths to go on right now um I'm
1570s going to stop a BRI biop plant then
1573s we're going to trigger and complete the
1577s storyline for um commissioner for the
1583s commissioner I'm also going to skip this
1586s conversation but we did get a side
1588s uh side quest now completionist where we
1591s have to scan different
1593s data look at
1595s that and then we are going to uh pursue
1598s the first Rift that will trigger in this
1601s run now normally about this time in the
1605s uh stream we're answering questions uh
1607s Gary I have to ask how many have we
1609s generated or has it just been kind of
1612s a and we've got a few we've got four up
1614s to now but if you want to play a little
1615s bit longer then we'll get some more in
1618s okay yeah we we'll keep playing a little
1619s bit longer I mean there's a lot of stuff
1621s that's dropped in this area there's a
1622s lot of resources goodness but I I want
1624s to try and
1626s um well there's not really too much of a
1628s reason to go back to the home base
1629s because we don't have a new ship we need
1630s to buy a new ship today too oh my gosh
1632s there's so many things on our to-do list
1635s so um let's just move into the next
1638s segment of the the side
1639s missions but also for those who are just
1642s kind of curious um some people have been
1643s saying like oh man I really wanted a
1645s level cap I wanted more like um
1648s characters to meet and story and stuff
1650s like that and we know we know that
1652s that's what you guys want um I want to
1654s make it very abundantly clear guys that
1657s this update this free update what we
1660s were trying to accomplish here was not
1662s to satisfy anything but because we
1666s can the content we put into the game
1669s that we injected in it's all horizontal
1672s progression because we just want to find
1674s new ways to sort of explore and have fun
1676s none of this stuff is technically
1678s necessary for the game we just wanted to
1680s add it because thank you for your love
1682s and your support of our
1684s title that's all that's it that is truly
1688s the end of the piece so we're really
1691s happy of the content that we were able
1693s to send out there and now you're all
1694s playing with and having a good time uh
1696s but also know we're not done we're also
1699s taking into consideration your comments
1701s and suggestions on the forums and in
1703s Discord and across all types of social
1705s media of course and you probably have
1707s saw that with update and Patch both cuz
1710s the components that were added in here
1712s there are some that were Community
1714s suggestion and then beyond that now
1717s we're going into what more can we add
1720s how can we expand the
1723s world and that's what you're going to
1725s see next year you're going to see the
1729s fruits of those styles of questions as
1730s well as even more of your you know
1733s comments suggestions feedback and we'll
1736s see that development uh especially with
1739s like the premium
1741s DLC expanding the
1744s game whereas free content that we you
1748s know that we just dropped we just wanted
1750s to add stuff because
1752s we we just wanted to make things a
1754s little bit more
1762s entertaining also my time in playing The
1765s Vindicator on the streams for you all
1767s has made me grown to like The Vindicator
1769s a lot more and I don't like it I
1772s miss I miss my light
1775s chips but I do enjoy this one the drones
1779s are quite
1784s lovely so maybe you're not all crazy
1787s after all for liking this what I'm
1793s saying and we got a zealous core and
1796s dogmatic scanner what
1798s that is did we H Christian are you there
1801s did we are our drop rates off or am I
1803s insanely lucky this is that's wild um we
1806s might as well use
1808s this
1810s um so now we have some asteroids are not
1812s what they seem uh the Zeal
1816s score not sure about
1819s that we'll use
1826s this
1829s tidy up our last little drone here and
1831s then we'll move on into the
1836s story you want my loot luck yeah I know
1838s that was honestly pretty
1842s wild it's like the first three item
1844s drops I got were all Redemption
1856s items
1861s so let's go ahead and um let's go ahead
1863s and answer some questions I'm going to
1864s skip through a lot of this story content
1867s uh because if you want to experience it
1869s just play the game um so yeah so Gary
1872s what do we got we some
1874s questions right we have a question from
1877s soring Teton over on YouTube and he's
1879s just inquiring uh about a certain bug
1881s that we had uh the inquisitors dropping
1883s only one solar particle or one dark
1886s matter as loot we know if that's been
1888s fixed oh I don't know I have to check
1893s let me let me actually let me let me
1895s dive let me do a quick dive um and see
1899s if that
1908s one's let's do quick search for
1913s it no I don't believe that one has been
1918s fixed but let me do another quick
1921s check cuz we do have that one reported I
1924s know that one's been uh kind of looming
1925s on
1926s our
1937s lists well we increased the Redeemer
1940s inquisitor's hole in Shield hit points
1945s um oh no that was an older one sorry uh
1949s we did not do that not in this latest
1952s let's see no I'm not seeing that so that
1953s one's still on our to-do list we'll have
1955s to keep working on those little tweaks
1958s and
1962s details such as the the way of
1965s development goes but uh next question
1968s please uh next up we have a question
1972s from kizo and he he'd like a little
1974s background about who was the brains
1975s behind the new set bonuses and can they
1977s have whatever it is that they're having
1979s well there's a lot to that because no
1982s one person on the team went oh hey I'm
1986s going to just design all of these from
1988s the ground up figure out what types they
1989s are figure out the stats that they're
1991s going to have the bonuses the unique
1993s sort of traits the sets like no one
1995s person does that okay there's very much
1997s of community effort uh that comes
1999s together
2000s um and you know there's a there's a huge
2004s amount of creative influence from um
2008s like Marco and Hans Christian both of
2010s them like they they don't only just like
2012s develop and code in the stuff they are
2014s the ones the big brains behind it all
2020s um I also actually did a lot with the
2024s sets um so for example
2029s um I
2031s created basically the Rogue set the
2035s stormchaser set the um um what else did
2039s I make the escort Duty
2042s Set uh I made one
2044s more and I made I made all of those from
2047s the ground up thought of which item
2048s slots they would take up the naming
2051s conventions the bonuses all that type of
2053s stuff but then like we go into those
2055s other ones and that's where like you
2056s know Marco also created like the
2058s opulence set pretty sure that was one
2060s was his and and then like and and like
2063s even still after those created sets
2066s occur then we're bouncing around ideas
2068s of saying okay well does this work does
2070s it feel right is this good is it
2073s healthy is this addition what is needed
2076s or is this a distraction from something
2079s else is this good right are there fruits
2082s that can come from this
2084s Leep and then we'll like change a little
2087s detail and say like oh well actually no
2089s this Shield is way too strong or you
2092s know a a really good example is actually
2094s how Marco um will question basically
2097s everything he's great about that and
2099s he'll say do we want set items to be
2101s inherently better than normal items and
2103s the answer to that is of course no okay
2105s if that's the case then why do we have
2107s this particular thing at this level I
2110s think that this is a bad idea and we
2112s should go and do that and then we
2113s discuss that's kind of the process of
2115s how all of these things get added uh in
2117s this armed and dangerous upgrade okay
2120s most of the content was not just one
2122s person going I like it I'm just going to
2124s throw it in it was us going what about
2126s this
2128s how about that is this good does this
2131s feel good is this
2134s valuable and then we move
2138s forward and what's also fun is that
2141s there were quite a few ideas
2144s actually that had been hanging
2147s around that we've had for a
2150s while but just not the right time to
2154s either explore a concept or even just
2156s implement at all and when we were able
2159s to do this free update for you guys we
2161s were able to like go back into those ID
2163s do pools and go hey you know what this
2165s might
2167s work it's kind of
2170s fun it's kind of fun so there there's a
2172s lot of that there were a lot of ideas
2175s that were
2176s implemented generally are kind of from
2178s that direction and
2180s um
2184s yeah there you go we also need to get
2186s this generator I'm going to try and find
2189s another piece that looks like that
2190s because my guess is that it's going to
2192s be over here if we level Design This
2195s properly um all right next question that
2198s was a long answer next question oh good
2201s good uh ner over on Twitch uh would like
2204s to know do all the legendaries have the
2206s same drop rate in uh a high lunacy run
2209s not necessarily due to uh you know
2210s guaranteeing with M tears of the mad but
2212s are all legendaries having the same drop
2215s it um no not all of the legendaries have
2219s the same drop rate
2221s there's
2224s um there are I think there's a couple
2226s that have a different drop rate than
2229s others actually hang on let me let me
2231s look this one up too because there was a
2232s pretty lengthy conversation we had about
2235s drop rates in legendaries um but of
2237s course you know the higher the lunacy um
2240s the better chance you have a legendary
2242s to drop at all so that's uh that's an
2244s important thing to note um let me do a
2247s quick search on this cuz we've we've had
2250s a number of conversations about um
2253s legendary drop rates um quality of
2256s legendaries a lot of those
2259s details um even like situational drops
2263s for legendaries um for example like what
2265s we've done to the nightmare playthrough
2267s where they can drop literally from
2268s anywhere um at one point we were talking
2270s about well what if we had this legendary
2272s drop from that place right kind of like
2274s the same idea that you see with the set
2276s items and how are dropping from uh
2278s different systems right um we kind of
2281s had that thought with legendaries and
2282s ultimately that one was
2284s scrapped um but still as you guys know
2288s from our postlaunch
2290s timeline we plan on revisiting the AME
2293s we plan on adding more legendaries so uh
2297s there's still a bit of territory there
2299s that for us to walk through and figure
2300s out what's honestly best for the
2304s experience um and maybe some of those
2306s ideas are going to back
2311s up lots of
2314s information but we'll see we'll see what
2316s time does we'll see what um development
2318s does cuz let me tell you what guys we
2321s are doing a
2323s lot next question
2325s please excellent right uh last one for
2328s the time being from Jr panot over on
2330s YouTube um they can find a lot of some
2333s of the sets but they're struggling to
2335s find the final piece for the set and the
2337s feel it's impossible to find is this
2340s intentional um I mean I think that's I
2343s think we can chock that one up to
2345s General looter game RNG some people are
2348s going to find the sets like flawlessly
2350s kind of like what's happening for me in
2352s the Stream um some people are going to
2354s take a really long time to collect the
2356s whole set it's just kind of it's just
2358s going to kind of
2361s depends but there are ways to because
2364s now the sets are at specific locations
2366s and we're happy to have done this to
2367s actually alleviate that very pain that
2369s you might be going through instead of
2371s diluting that pool with literally every
2373s single set from dropping across the
2375s entire expanse of the game that would be
2378s really annoying if you're looking for
2379s one item out of 34 new items right
2382s instead now it's like you can
2384s consolidate and say okay I'm looking for
2385s that one of the set I know it's in the
2388s cay nebula I can go anywhere in the
2390s cayet nebula I can do high-risk areas I
2392s can do riffs and it will inevitably show
2394s up so you can still accomplish tasks you
2396s can you can still play and enjoy
2398s yourself and just know that there's a
2400s good chance of what you're seeking is
2402s right around the
2408s tournament uh next question please if we
2410s got one that's it for now
2413s okay awesome I'm going to take out some
2416s of these uh
2417s redeemers and then we are going to uh
2419s move into the next why am I doing that
2422s go around I'm so
2425s slow
2428s we're going to get into the uh next
2429s segment of the uh story I
2434s think i' possibly give you a little more
2437s insight into
2439s development
2442s ooh
2446s oh oh that's so good for vindicators
2452s too can we just point out there's no Dev
2454s hacks going on he's just very very lucky
2456s I'm getting so lucky it's level 18 I'm
2459s level 20 it's level 18 so you know um
2462s but uh yeah holy cow that's uh that's
2465s amazing I'm going to take
2467s that
2473s jeez a so
2476s good I actually need to double check my
2478s Vindicator passes we might be sticking
2481s with The Vindicator for a little
2484s longer let's see my pass is a drones are
2487s invulnerable F drones are IM okay I I
2490s don't have the passes that I really want
2491s to shine with this but this is good this
2494s is this is
2496s nice
2498s jeez all right let's try to just full
2500s body karate the rest of this Mission
2502s chain
2505s then
2507s jeez nensa asks is there a place to look
2509s up where the sets drop we actually
2511s revealed
2512s it um I wanted to keep it hidden but we
2514s did reveal it in our PR beats uh when
2516s when the update went live you can find
2518s that on Steam um you can also find it on
2521s actually I think it's on Kickstarter as
2522s well and it will actually tell you where
2525s you can find them um I also believe that
2527s grindle our Wiki Mastermind also put
2530s them up on the wiki I think I saw that
2532s updated um earlier this week so you
2535s could probably just go to the everspace
2536s wiki
2537s itself but um
2543s [Music]
2545s yeah
2551s my gosh I'm looking over at like the
2552s chat and YouTube and they're all over
2554s the place with sci-fi stuff you nerds I
2558s love it don't
2563s change yeah just confirm the G wonderful
2567s job ofing where all the set be pick cool
2571s thank you thank you grindle for not only
2574s communicating that but also doing that
2576s cuz I know that was uh that's your
2578s territory and you're are fantastic to
2580s this community man you are
2583s wonderful this is a sensible of
2587s action there's a reason why there's a
2589s character literally named after
2596s you all
2605s right
2611s honestly this uh Situation's not nearly
2614s as rough as I thought it was going to be
2616s thought we were going to be dying pretty
2618s fast but
2619s uh I'm also seeing some pretty runchy
2622s frame drops let me
2624s uh tone this down to
2628s 30s from my own tring they might bra but
2632s lack the broader experience that I have
2635s accumulated in the DMC
2637s everyone's thinking I'm death hacking
2639s this is
2641s great if only it were that
2644s easy ironically the only Dev hack that
2647s I've used in the Stream thus far was to
2649s skip the
2654s conversations oh jeez but that's only
2656s cuz we're focused on the gameplay here
2658s all
2659s right
2665s good
2667s all
2670s right oh that's right we have to pick
2672s up uh
2676s wait very good very
2680s good yeah this just kind of a question
2682s for you guys as we're completing this
2684s oakar clerical
2685s Corvette I mean you're all asking me
2687s questions now it's my
2688s turn what have been some of your most
2692s enjoyed aspects of everage space 2o and
2695s it could be specific specifically about
2696s the armed and dangerous update it could
2698s be just the general
2700s game it could be something hyper
2702s specific it could be something
2704s incredibly vague I want to know I want
2705s you guys to tell me like what have you
2707s guys what have you been getting out of
2709s ever Space 2 and you're just like gosh
2710s dang it I love this experience that's
2713s what I want to
2720s hear system is functional again it now
2724s needs to be powered all right here we go
2726s next phase I'm going to focus in on here
2729s but I really want to see some
2731s responses uh once we get through this
2735s pit cuz I want to highlight what your
2736s guys' thoughts
2740s are what you have to
2751s say here they
2755s come
2762s go this ship is so
2767s sluggish that also doesn't help that I
2770s uh am also doing a new ever space one
2772s run which you can watch by the way in
2775s the Discord I'm going to continue it
2776s next
2778s week um and I'm using all the
2781s maneuverable ships take so we're jumping
2784s over here to this Vindicator
2786s look he's got a great Shield he's got
2788s great drone buddies but man is he
2793s sluggish all right I'm want to I'm going
2795s to read some of the stuff that you guys
2797s were saying about ever Space 2 cuz I I'm
2800s legitimately have been curious so what
2802s we got um eek the real Angry snail uh or
2807s excuse me no I'm going to go back even
2808s one further so this is on Twitch I'm
2810s going to read through twitch really
2811s quick I am the law 42 welcome the core
2813s gameplay is just so much fun shooting
2815s things feel so good good glad to hear
2817s that eek the real Angry snail I really
2818s loved following the story as well as
2820s exploring the universe and finding nice
2821s things SPO Knight says really the way it
2823s mates the controls of descent and
2825s freelancer which doesn't really appear
2826s anywhere else truth it's actually one of
2829s the big reasons why we did that is we
2831s missed those controls uh late volley
2834s says armed and dangerous made the
2835s endgame much more fun some of the sets
2837s make specific ships that were less meta
2839s more enjoyable to play yeah for sure I
2841s will fully admit that even though we
2842s didn't need to supply this update and we
2844s just mainly did it for Fun's sake um
2847s there were some elements that we plugged
2848s in there to say you know what Vanguard
2850s could use some love let's do this to
2852s make it a little bit better so
2853s absolutely absolutely glad that you're
2855s enjoying that kazas says AR and
2856s dangerous turn your ship customization
2857s and damage up to 11 RGB toaster that
2860s feeling after solving a riddle and
2861s getting into a room full of loot uh NSA
2865s um are there oh that's a question plans
2867s to get bigger hanger for equipment oh my
2869s gosh we've been see that one a lot we're
2871s taking notes we're taking notes I can't
2873s uh uh we'll see what happens in the
2875s future on that one but um let's read a
2877s couple more comments I'm going over to
2878s YouTube now um we see uh black belt
2882s gamer says it's hard to pick the game as
2884s a whole is great but I do like how
2887s despite ships just being ships they are
2889s all unique and each individual player
2891s gets to put their own flare on it with a
2893s unique build yeah we're really happy
2895s with how that's come across especially
2896s with the additional uh ship perks um and
2899s new ways to sort of play with all the
2901s sets uh that's that's great um let's see
2905s uh
2907s DC's bees it has a bit of the raw feel
2910s that the original had Enterprise had a
2912s little bit uh okay all right good good
2915s um wait actually that might be a
2917s conversation that's going
2920s on oh my gosh I see S
2924s verigin I like the story so far mostly I
2926s love playing with my hotas in this
2928s fast-paced game nice with light chips
2931s yes my people awesome I love it I love
2935s it so much so good oh I'm like having to
2938s filter through the YouTube chat cuz of
2940s all additional commentary and
2944s conversation oh my goodness that's so
2948s good
2951s uh very very
2954s good but yeah if there were there any
2956s additional comments on Facebook or steam
2959s uh Gary that you caught no nothing's
2961s come through on there yet oh you guys
2963s we're we're watching all the chats you
2965s know if you want to join the fun and and
2967s chat with us by all means we love
2968s hearing your thoughts just as much as we
2970s hope that you are uh wanting to know
2972s ours and how development's gone and
2974s answer those curious questions that you
2976s have so two-way street here these are
2979s Community streams for a reason I am your
2981s community Ambassador and Gary on the
2983s cons he's your community manager we are
2985s here to serve
2988s you good
2991s stuff bage says my favorite thing about
2994s everspace 2 is that it exists really
2996s nice no BS polish game that's great to
2999s hear we were aiming for nice polish
3002s without any of the
3005s gotas I think we accomplished that so
3009s thank you thank you all for your very
3013s thoughtful comments there that's awesome
3015s stuff awesome stuff um I was going to do
3019s one more thing before I go here what was
3022s it oh yeah I'm going to change this
3025s setting back so we get to hopefully we
3027s get to to 60 a nice smooth
3032s experience and what's that highrisk what
3034s level are you 18 with reinforcements on
3037s site okay yeah we're going to we're
3038s going to do this with the The Vindicator
3040s and I think then we're going to go swap
3043s ships before we do the um the
3054s rift
3058s seren tson says what's the difference
3059s between a community Ambassador and a
3061s community manager uh the second
3064s [Laughter]
3067s word um honestly uh we do very similar
3072s tasks um as the Ambassador I mean I've
3076s been around at Rockfish for over 5 years
3079s now and I served as a bridge between
3081s Germany over to America um at
3084s first and so Ambassador that term just
3087s kind of fit and that's the term that
3089s kind of landed but yeah I mean I'm I'm a
3091s community
3092s manager for
3095s sure and as mentioned before in having
3099s created a bit of content for this update
3102s um I also absolutely work um directly
3105s with the developers as well so I'm not
3106s just a a pretty face and a happy
3114s voice
3124s man this
3126s music does get her own chat I wish she'd
3130s swing by I just want to love on him that
3132s man
3134s Mastermind all sound design all
3137s music basically comes from one person in
3141s this entire is that is that crazy I feel
3144s like that's crazy man is a
3150s legend Marco also
3152s helps D credit where credit is
3169s do there's a there's actually you know
3172s thinking more about it there's so much
3174s jumping around that all of us Rockfish
3176s help each other out with it's kind of
3178s nice being a part of a team that's just
3181s there for each
3186s other it's really Pleasant I think that
3188s the the content of the game shows that
3204s too
3210s man I feel like a striker would be
3211s really good with the equipment that we
3213s have here too just with all the
3234s disabling
3244s oh thanks turrets really appreciate the
3247s support where did those come
3257s from we
3264s go
3272s here we
3294s go
3305s a personal damage is not as high as I
3307s would like it to be but the drones are
3308s doing some solid work that's for
3324s sure
3326s oh nice we didn't take any whole
3330s damage wasn't expecting to to get that
3332s there but I'll take
3340s it Eco Catalyst all right not too bad
3343s not too
3345s bad very nice so we're going to repair
3348s up our drones then we're going to go
3350s swap our ship then we're going to go
3353s back to home
3354s base
3356s that's the plan you have to repair the
3359s drones before we get rid of the drones
3360s that's that's the
3365s plan beautiful how do I view the art
3367s book oh actually that's a that's an easy
3369s one so um whenever you launch um
3372s everspace 2 um it should pop up with
3375s that information uh that says play in
3377s like direct X2 or DirectX 11 the art
3380s book is in that same category if you
3382s disabled that you actually have to go
3383s back into the properties um so you can
3386s uh see that um you have to go into your
3388s specific Steam account properties so
3390s that you can see that pop
3392s up but yeah that's that's where you
3394s access it I mean the other method you
3396s could go into the game folder and
3399s extract it from there but uh I think
3402s it's super easy just to you know Play
3404s everspace 2 art book it's nice and it
3407s just got it got patched as well we
3409s caught like a couple little details that
3411s we're like H we should probably adjust
3413s this and we adjusted
3414s it
3421s cool uh we're going to we're going to
3423s dip out of these guys I just want to
3425s keep
3427s going music though gosh dang
3436s it
3438s man is there anyone who doesn't like the
3441s music I'm asking not to ban
3443s you just uh
3449s he might not buy you but I
3451s [Laughter]
3453s might my
3455s [Music]
3457s gosh you know I'm sure there's a lot of
3459s you out there that like whenever you're
3460s playing your games especially ones that
3462s you're like you return back to you know
3464s time and time again um sometimes you'll
3466s just be like I'm going to listen to my
3467s own track like to get in my groove and
3469s everything and like turn off the game
3471s music I get it I've definitely done that
3473s before in the past but there are some
3475s games where I just can't I have to have
3477s that game soundtrack when I'm playing it
3479s and everspace 2 is absolutely one of
3482s those games it's just
3485s H and I'm not even saying that because
3488s like oh I work for the company I'm I'm
3489s obliged to talk really kindly no
3491s freaking I love it like I just I listen
3493s to this thing all the time uh it's yeah
3497s I'm really I'm if you couldn't notice
3499s like it makes me this excited just
3501s because of how much I love it oh it's so
3504s good
3506s so
3507s good I even listen to it during my
3510s workday yeah of course I have it mixed
3513s in with other game soundtracks actually
3516s uh through my workday but yeah
3518s definitely is definitely is in the
3520s rotation that's for
3524s sure so we are just uh heading back to
3529s Prescott getting through these lower
3531s level elements I think we should be
3534s getting
3535s we should be getting a uh a level up the
3538s enemy should be getting a level up here
3539s pretty
3540s soon maybe it's after the rift I'm not
3542s sure we're getting close to that stage
3545s cuz uh we're going back through these
3546s areas and they're lower levels which is
3548s fine honestly cuz you know we're playing
3549s on nightmare
3559s um but I also want better loot too as
3562s I'm exploring and extracting all the
3563s things so
3577s I could fast forward but I don't want
3594s to
3596s M oh that's the transit gate it's fine
3600s that just means we get to dance
3605s longer hey what's your take on the
3607s current
3609s situation
3624s silence
3625s oh yeah it's so
3645s smooth all right now we're we're going
3646s to top it off can only dance for so long
3649s like
3653s thato but yeah how how dare Adam
3655s interrupt my
3657s dance how dare
3659s he
3662s ridiculous all right uh we need a proton
3665s capacitor again that's fine we can craft
3667s it that's all we need sweet oh my gosh
3670s that's actually that's huge uh proton
3673s capacitor you where were you at there
3676s you are
3680s ha beauti that's going to oh that's so
3682s helpful connect my
3686s so good oh my
3688s gosh I know that I can Dev cheat but I'm
3691s trying to play this run as cheat lless
3694s as possible you all know
3696s that the only exceptions are if I'm like
3699s highlighting something and I want to
3700s talk and show about it but uh let's look
3703s what our new ship options
3706s are there an interesting load there all
3708s right so cool we got a scout
3711s beautiful got another Scout also
3713s beautiful
3716s I love that style that's so
3720s good we also recently played a striker
3722s though didn't we I'll keep going
3726s ooh we also recently played an
3728s Interceptor I wish there was a Vanguard
3730s that would that would have been well
3732s there is a Vanguard down here
3739s but also a
3743s stinger good looking
3747s ships we could jump over to a
3756s scout wait was this our previous Scout
3759s this was our previous Scout that is our
3761s old
3763s scout they haven't rotated the the ship
3766s out yet that's funny like had to kind of
3770s double take that that's the one we
3772s customized that's awesome
3776s oh my goodness all right let's go ahead
3777s and uh let's go through some more
3778s questions actually it's a good time uh
3781s because I'm going to be indecisive about
3782s this what do we
3784s got right we have a question from I am
3787s the law over on Twitch and i' like to
3789s know does the4 for set bonus for tides
3792s of the siren sea uh more primary damage
3795s for Less Shield work with the uh
3797s legendary Shield the sh-
3800s 8495 uh using like no Shield at all um
3804s so basically the way that that works um
3807s is that the that legendary Shield only
3810s now applies to armor so as a shield the
3815s tides of siren SE any sort of Shield
3818s sort of adjustments on that front don't
3820s apply because that legendary Shield is
3823s actually
3824s Armor All of the triggers from that
3826s legendary are going to apply to the
3829s damage reduction um in the steps that
3832s that occurs right the more damage that
3833s you're taking or how however that works
3835s I can't remember the specific um details
3837s of it but that's that's separate that is
3841s separate so for all intents and purposes
3843s um you do not have a shield so any bonus
3847s or detriment to the shield using the
3849s tides of siren C doesn't happen because
3852s you don't have a shield in that
3857s case so next question please um right we
3861s have another question from Jr ponti over
3863s on YouTube uh and they were just asking
3866s were the sets designed for ships or
3868s rather play Styles a bit of both a bit
3871s of both so like even the ones that like
3873s you know I I told you a little bit
3875s earlier like I came up with several of
3877s these sets that were included the
3879s intentionality that I had for example um
3882s with escort Duty was all about playing
3885s more securely with allies right so it's
3889s like if you're going to um go to like
3891s distress signals or um go to like the
3894s the battle B the battle locations it's
3896s going to prove to be a very effective
3898s set because you're surrounded by allies
3901s right and you're going to get all of
3902s those benefits to just tank through it
3905s regardless um another set for example uh
3907s would be like the Rogue set the
3909s intentionality of the Rogue set um we we
3912s might revisit it a little bit there
3914s might be a tweak in the future I'm not
3915s sure um but the Rogue set is meant to
3918s provide a more a greater bonus for like
3920s the light Fighters um than not because
3923s the light Fighters I thought could use a
3924s little bit more love um based on our own
3926s data of seeing what ships you guys are
3928s flying out there a lot of you enjoy the
3930s heavy ships and we're happy with the
3931s heavy ships don't get me wrong um but
3934s the light Fighters man there's a there's
3936s a lot that can be done with these guys
3938s um and we think and and so there was the
3940s mentality of hey let's see if we can
3941s unlock that potential uh through the
3943s incorporation of this set um and it goes
3945s on and on like that right so it's either
3947s a general idea of saying hey we should
3949s allow players to like capitalize this
3952s particular play style right or say hey
3954s we should allow players to capitalize
3956s this particular class and move forward
3960s with that and of course as we're doing
3961s that we're also trying to think can we
3963s solve two solutions in one go right
3966s because if you're just building one
3967s thing for one thing H it's kind
3971s of but if you're building it and it's
3973s addressing multiple elements that you
3975s feel like could use Improvement then
3978s it's a winner and that's how all of the
3979s set items were designed it's how a lot
3981s of the passives were actually designed
3983s too um for the variety um all of these
3987s as well as a lot of the different item
3989s modifiers all how they were like yeah so
3992s through and through um yeah there were a
3994s lot of considerations of saying we need
3996s to honor this particular play style or
3998s we need to honor this particular ship
3999s class uh to highlight its capabilities
4002s so long as the players are looking for
4004s them and if they found them now they can
4006s maximize them even
4008s further
4010s wo marvelous cool um one question uh
4015s before I can carry on is over on YouTube
4017s and I'm going to butcher this name cuz
4019s it's a Dutch follower we have S V visin
4022s hope I've said that right wants to know
4024s how many people use hotas or Hass in the
4027s dev team and do they normally have to
4029s lower input
4031s sensitivity that is a fantastic question
4033s that I would have to defer to Michael if
4035s he would be able to provide that
4038s information and I don't know if he can
4040s um but Michael um if you are still
4043s listening I hope you are I'm sure is um
4045s the question is how much of the player
4047s base is playing via hotas and
4051s hosas specifically the dev team as well
4054s yeah I I don't know if anybody on the
4056s dev team like truly uses that as their
4059s primary obviously we had to have it for
4061s testing purposes um Andy would probably
4063s be the the biggest user of it because
4066s he's the one who made a lot of it
4068s work but uh even still I'm pretty sure
4071s he prefers mouse and keyboard but uh I
4073s digress
4075s I
4077s digress um if Michael's there um we'll
4080s see if we can get that response but um
4082s from what I remember having
4083s conversations about pulled data it's
4086s actually been a little bit but maybe a
4088s month or two ago um I remember hotas
4091s users were is like a very small percent
4094s oh Michael just answered he said it's
4096s less than 2% less than 2% so I mean
4099s we're we're happy with the work that we
4101s provided you know it's it's it's
4102s something where it's like you know we do
4104s have members of the team where it's like
4106s this would be really nice it makes sense
4107s for the type of game we're designing
4109s right um and that's why we pursued that
4113s um so yeah small portion but
4120s um uh let's see I'm going to build some
4123s oh I can't build solar panels I need to
4124s buy solar panels do you sell solar
4127s panels dang it let's do another question
4130s I'm still being indecisive about my ship
4132s uh I've got nothing for you at this okay
4134s that's fine that's fine um let's go
4136s ahead and sell a lot of this stuff
4140s actually um man light Monger is so
4147s good get through a bit of
4153s this four solar panels man we have so
4157s many so many things that would actually
4159s be awesome
4161s [Music]
4163s but cleaning cleaning everything up guys
4166s if you have a question and you asked it
4167s right now you'd be moved to the top and
4169s you would get it responded to ASAP so if
4171s you got one you should definitely bring
4173s it right now ooh an enforcer too I
4176s didn't even realize we caught this that
4178s could be that could be a lot of
4181s fun no Dev hacks no Dev hacks I'm not no
4185s no
4186s hacks no whammies going sell
4189s these and those lot of clean up here we
4194s had these high capacity mines this
4196s entire time we do bonus to we what in
4198s the world let's get those bad boys
4202s on we are going to stay with the multi
4205s the multi cell here but that is nice to
4210s have found uh we're going to hang on to
4211s the mining equipment CU I think I
4213s actually need
4215s that uh I've got a question from pesky
4217s husky over on YouTube uh super light
4220s fast forward is unlocked by completing a
4223s select set of uh events within a region
4226s could we get something similar for
4228s collecting special items as we progress
4230s through the story perhaps oh that's
4233s definitely that's been something that
4234s we've thought about through the course
4236s of development so I mean but I suppose
4238s that's I don't know it's it's one of
4240s those ideas that is possible for us to
4242s you know visit in the future I suppose
4244s but I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't count
4246s on it I wouldn't count on
4249s it
4251s so we got we had a I mean there's been
4254s so many clever ideas of how to get
4255s certain items over
4257s others
4259s but
4263s yeah that's a good question though I
4266s like it it's a good thought good
4271s suggestion oh yeah I'm I'm I'm currently
4274s going to another shop right now to try
4276s and find a different ship cuz even
4277s though the selection was nice um I want
4279s to see if I can find something
4281s else um and uh makes a good point where
4285s I should probably swap to a normal
4286s booster so we can listen to those
4287s beautiful sounds as well yeah I'm that's
4289s a great
4290s idea that's an absolutely great idea um
4293s do we have a normal booster is that why
4294s you were saying that or did I sell one
4298s should have sold more what in the world
4299s hanging on all this crap but we'll get
4301s there
4303s we another question did you have one uh
4306s slow just asking uh with regards Carla
4309s when we actually get to meet her she
4311s says Cleo and he's trying to work out
4313s what that actually
4315s means know the translation yeah so um
4318s the short of it is that um I'm not going
4321s to tell you because we have a number of
4325s elements that are not meant to
4327s necessarily be understood um directly
4330s but rather just be understood um through
4333s the use of
4334s her delivery right this is an alien race
4338s that has had to learn the language here
4344s in order to communicate whatsoever and
4346s has done so at a pretty remarkable
4348s rate um while being
4351s stranded from anything remotely close to
4353s her own solar system and or Galaxy right
4358s so it's meant to feel alien and we're
4360s not meant to even be able to put things
4363s [Music]
4366s together it's a clever
4369s question I'll give you
4372s that
4376s all right we're almost at this ship
4378s dealer see what our new options are I
4381s see another
4382s Vindicator boy here we
4386s go uh another Scout there we
4390s go there we go that's a desired ship
4393s right there I mean this I think we're
4394s Curr currently we have a um a three plus
4402s right I really want to should I do it or
4407s a stinger what do you guys think yes or
4409s no yes or no going back it's going to
4412s make things harder for
4413s us do we do it cuz the the neutral
4417s option would be going to a scout even
4418s though we kind of recently played a
4420s scout um I'm going to wait for some
4422s comments in the uh chat as I get rid of
4426s a couple more items and make much
4429s greater profits
4432s here small
4435s okay we need more solar panels do you
4437s have solar panels solar
4441s panels got the solar
4445s panel perks Terin ship
4450s dealers you can certainly dance better
4452s than you can sing that I'll give you
4453s that
4459s [Music]
4460s absolutely so much better now we can
4463s actually get from the flying Duchess as
4465s well and we can cycle passives for
4468s ships so good all right so I'm looking
4471s over and I'm seeing a quite a few
4473s stingers and a couple Strikers um an
4476s Interceptor okay I'm seeing a lot of
4479s stingers we're going to go with stinger
4480s all right we're going to go with
4482s stinger so what are our passes 20%
4484s reduceed cool Downs for support devices
4487s not bad while the third Hardo is active
4489s get thir ooh ooh and using a device for
4493s St Boost energy oh that's so good oh I
4497s think that's it I don't even think we
4498s need to switch passes we're going to
4499s look anyway uh because not no this one
4502s this is it oh my gosh I love those
4505s passives support devices uh basically
4509s faster fire rate when using devices and
4511s then devices restore Boost energy like
4513s we're th this is that's a
4517s wonderful I'm not these are not Dev
4520s [Laughter]
4522s cheats oh oh my gosh now keep in mind
4525s that this is actually a ship downgrade
4527s for us this is a ship downgrade I also
4531s really like the colors too gosh dang it
4533s just it just lined up so
4537s well but uh let's let's play around with
4540s this just a little bit Let's uh let's go
4543s with red we haven't done like a red
4546s color in a while and I feel like
4549s um a stinger would be a good choice for
4552s that
4554s maybe like
4560s a not feeling that hang on we could do
4563s better but if this one was black and
4566s this one was red it's a little too much
4569s Hang
4570s on we're going to get there we're going
4571s to get there we're
4577s close darker
4582s red
4589s I kind of like it I kind of I'm kind of
4591s vibing with
4596s that though I also I kind of like the
4598s yellow
4602s too all right it's getting a little iron
4605s Manish
4606s but we're gonna we're gonna go with this
4608s one I think I think I like this and this
4611s is not going to be metallic yeah we're
4612s GNA keep that
4614s active like that let's get some uh
4616s better colors
4617s here we want uh I mean sh we could
4620s probably just make this
4625s black
4631s yeah hang on a second what if
4634s we all right okay okay yeah now I'm
4637s feeling
4640s it mhm I'm feeling it
4645s we don't have a lot of Thruster color
4647s options yet we need to do more of our uh
4650s challenges
4652s shoot but we want to get that red in
4655s there so let's see let's let's do the
4657s main Thruster orange but then when we
4658s boost it's red yeah okay and last but
4662s not
4671s least so too many options now we added
4674s too many
4675s options how dare
4680s us we're going to do that for now we'll
4682s probably change this
4684s more but um oh I forgot that we had
4688s we've been unlocking things goodness
4690s gravy I do like this the the front sort
4693s of spiky one the most um so we're going
4695s to go with type
4702s c
4709s we'll do these
4711s neat
4713s excellent by the way for anybody who's
4715s missed it completely you can randomize
4718s colors I just don't want to do
4722s that so this is what we're going with
4725s I'm happy enough with that oh gosh I
4727s need to be upgrading my stuff and look
4728s we have four support devices that
4730s actually works incredibly well here 20%
4732s reduced Co cool down for support devices
4735s um let's see really briefly right after
4737s spinning the device upgrade if there's a
4739s better direction we should be taking
4741s this um ooh Fusion hook
4744s actually uh that could be a lot of fun
4749s here um well let's keep missile defense
4752s system for now cuz we still are using
4754s the uh legendary armor to get those
4757s bonuses might as well just keep it it's
4759s fine it's we we'll just hang out with it
4761s it's fine however we're going to change
4763s this
4763s mode um so we're going to change it to
4766s Carefree package distribution would be
4768s uh great for healing allies which is why
4771s we had it on The Vindicator but we are
4772s going to change the Carefree package
4774s here um so it restores armor and shield
4778s if we have any left after getting hit
4779s that
4781s is oh yeah corrosion injector would be
4784s really good here
4786s too
4789s um but we didn't get the passive for
4792s corrosion the added corrosion so I don't
4795s know I think this is fine this is fine
4797s this is good I think this is a good
4800s swap oh yeah I'm feeling more dangerous
4804s too that's
4807s nice that's
4810s noise but are you armed
4815s UND stop
4821s that let's get these guys down and then
4823s we're going to go do a rift run I
4829s believe oh yeah this is this is feeling
4831s pretty
4833s good we just got the pigeon
4839s stair what is happening the
4842s stream
4848s jeez honestly there's no Dev hacks she's
4852s ridiculous
4855s oh that is crazy so we're going to try
4858s our best to to make it through the rift
4860s run I think let's see on nightmare does
4862s it I think it defaults to like 500 or
4864s 400 or something around there um
4866s honestly don't think I can make it but
4868s we're going to try we're going to try I
4871s I legitimately am surprised I'm getting
4872s this many legendary
4874s BS oh Adam perks yeah yeah yeah yeah oh
4877s gosh why didn't I even double check that
4879s that's
4880s silly okay that's probably fine
4885s um that actually works pretty well
4889s um yeah I think this is probably our
4891s best bet here yep downtime Warrior for
4894s sure excessive
4898s [Music]
4900s force maybe crit happens could be better
4906s here we have a tiny Shield it should be
4908s up and running most of the time right we
4910s we'll keep it um AC Al instant yeah
4913s we're keeping that one as well no these
4914s these perks are fine these perks are
4916s fine I'm happy with that thank you for
4917s the the double check though KZ I always
4919s I don't know why always forget to check
4921s my perks when I'm swapping things around
4923s or chat we excuse me Chad we is the one
4925s who made that
4926s recommendation thank
4935s you um and I also completely failed to
4938s purchase a standard Thruster uh standard
4941s booster I keep calling it Thruster I
4943s point I'm pretty sure we actually called
4945s them
4946s thrusters oh gosh that sound is so
4952s nice so here we
4958s go see what
4964s happens super scraper says it's not Eric
4966s he's saying it's not him so it must be
4968s geek
4969s [Laughter]
4971s B only to do with me Governor that's
4974s right Gary's just behind the scenes
4975s pushing buttons oh it's luny 300 okay
4978s maybe maybe we can do
4981s this it's still going to this is still
4983s going to prove to be quite
4997s challenging to really maintain our Focus
5000s we want to be getting kills quite
5002s consistent ly
5007s here we also want to make sure that our
5010s devices are getting used to maximize
5012s damage as well which we are not doing at
5015s the
5016s moment there we
5031s go let see timings are
5040s okay not as much damage as I would like
5042s it to be honestly I'm seeing some flaws
5044s in our system however we're able to keep
5046s our Shields maximized for getting use of
5048s all those perks that we were maybe
5049s concerned about
5051s getting this isn't too
5055s bad
5058s space okay that was an awesome
5061s teleport IO
5065s rer thank you for joining my
5075s team good good
5081s good just trying to maximize the bonus
5083s cuz our passive allows us to get that
5085s third hard point for free it's fantastic
5091s Edition keep the shields up good good
5095s yeah this is coming together pretty well
5096s luny 300 is maybe not as bad as I
5098s thought it was going to be
5100s so maybe maybe we can pull this
5108s up maximizing our energy orbs is also
5111s going to be huge here especially since
5113s we have this
5121s gos
5123s no not too bad not too
5131s bad this might be a little more tricky
5134s than I would like it to
5147s be it's one of my favorite things to see
5150s right there a webbed Detonator drone
5158s woo
5160s on there we
5168s go excellent we're getting credits
5172s everywhere the credits are dropping
5175s because of uh I believe it's a modifier
5177s on this one yeah 5% chance to drop
5180s credits with each hit so we're going to
5182s get lots of extra credits it's my only
5185s option right
5187s now area damage on death okay so I know
5191s that like for for like the crazies out
5194s there when I call you crazies I'm
5195s talking about the the guys who like do
5198s the lunacy 1000 like this one's actually
5200s a pretty good one to take H but because
5203s I like playing really close to my foes
5205s it's
5206s painful it's going to be tricky it's
5209s going to be
5211s tricky don't do this with the out
5212s reactive armor dude I'm I have no
5215s Warfare
5217s devices I I I wouldn't benefit from
5230s it oo that was a bit
5233s painful let's get that teleport drone no
5236s no no you're not going away from me no
5237s thank
5239s you and see this is where we're playing
5241s too close again
5248s right too close too close
5257s okay good good good ah not good not good
5261s not
5264s good quick breather quick breather all
5268s right oh there a really a drone okay
5270s those things really hit hard but I'm I'm
5272s going to try and go for this ravager
5276s instead hopefully he will convert to our
5278s cods cuz then he can do a lot of extra
5281s damage for us in a lot of different
5287s ways come on join me ah
5300s unfortunately we are able to stab Iz
5303s with our device usage it's feeling
5305s pretty good
5306s here oops I stopped firing that was
5312s silly and now we're taking damage
5319s okay where is that Prime protector there
5323s you are woo
5326s okay wow things got way crazier all all
5330s of a
5331s sudden
5344s I mean for a nonoptimized build I'm
5346s actually fairly happy with how this is
5348s all coming together not going to lie
5352s wasn't Le
5354s surprised oh oh no we ran out of we ran
5357s out of juice where my energy cores are
5359s energy orbs there you
5361s are
5367s ouch pain there we go there we go much
5379s better I think so long as we just kind
5381s of stay the
5384s course shouldn't be too bad for us I
5391s hope
5393s there we
5397s go oh that was a lot of
5406s damage okay okay everything's going
5409s everything's going
5412s well well
5421s enough
5427s oh that's not
5432s good not good not
5437s good
5450s ouch all right
5453s Health back good good
5459s good ah pesy armor grown over
5465s here I was a little closer than I wanted
5468s it to
5473s beoo suest we also have been taking a
5475s bit of ship
5478s damage we oh ah it's fine this is fine
5483s uh that sucks however uh that's
5487s pain that that is authentic pain
5491s um we just got to deal with it I can't
5493s do this can I no it's all loed
5497s yeah all
5499s right what is the second weapon I have a
5501s scatter
5503s gun I'm just trying to keep The
5505s Eradicator damage up because I'm using
5507s Weber mines uh in conjunction with it so
5509s this is a new item uh that was just
5512s added yesterday technically um and it
5515s deals 30% increased energy damage to web
5517s targets so I'm going to capitalize on
5518s that as much as I possibly
5521s can as much as I possibly can so I
5525s didn't even read what I have to deal
5526s with through this one gosh I just
5532s went woo here we
5535s go always good to have an N repair kit
5537s for that reason yeah no I was just I was
5539s pulled into the rift didn't really have
5541s too much of an option
5543s I could have prepared a little bit more
5544s like Prescot or NE these planes but I
5547s digress that's my excuse and I'm
5549s sticking to
5551s it woo
5560s damage going to focus these drone
5562s carriers that should be
5565s enough oops it's fine it's fine it's
5570s fine oh no no they repair on kill this
5574s is not
5578s fine oh we are we might be in
5581s trouble we might be in
5588s trouble going do our due diligence we're
5590s going to try our
5591s best repair on Kill ah
5596s brutal it's even worse cuz we're doing
5598s the splash damage all around us um using
5601s the um
5603s hang on a second where's that damage
5604s coming from that was that was painful ah
5607s we got a
5617s freelancer Ah that's not good that's
5620s really
5627s bad oh no progress ah cuz they're not
5631s dying
5632s they're not dying from all the splash
5634s cuz they keep getting healed oh
5637s no we're going to time out cuz we're not
5639s doing enough
5641s damage oh come
5645s on oh it's
5650s painful come on come on come
5655s on more energy where the energy orbs
5658s thank
5660s you
5673s Weber drones out here and a Tormentor
5675s too oh my
5686s God
5690s okay
5694s Prime Fighters goodness gravy we're
5697s getting I feel like the the anti luuck
5700s is starting to roll in based on all the
5702s luck we've got everywhere else surprised
5705s we restabilized though I'm
5713s happy
5714s W oh whoops I tracking the credits
5718s instead of the
5720s ships
5724s where's that Prime
5727s fighter
5732s W Retaliator as well
5737s jeez and this is only lunacy 300 what in
5740s the
5741s world I mean we're also level 20 so
5744s there's there's
5745s that hi dig
5750s gr might make it after all
5752s do we go for the Corvette or we just
5756s a I think we just go for the standard
5758s kills right we're getting
5769s close almost there come on one
5780s more
5783s tell you what these passives have been
5785s really paying off that's for
5788s sure
5799s woo another portal let's see where it
5802s takes us this
5804s time all right no more Rift bonuses for
5808s them though this
5810s time
5813s but we are going to have to do one last
5815s thing to get out of here let's see if we
5817s can pull it
5824s off super Scrapper says thank you for
5826s making this dream a reality like I said
5828s I've been loving this game since I first
5829s found it and brought it bought it on
5831s Steam almost immediately well I'm happy
5833s that you are satisfied with the product
5834s we are really satisfied with how it's
5836s all come together for you guys to enjoy
5839s it the way that we've enjoyed making it
5842s so thank you for your appreciation your
5844s love your dedication to it as well I
5846s mean shoot you're here in the Stream
5847s you're hanging out you're asking
5849s questions you're
5851s engaged knowing that is just a huge Boon
5856s to us here at Rock cuz we want to keep
5858s doing more you know that you got you've
5859s seen the road map we're bringing more to
5864s life so thank you sincerely and if
5868s israels like you you are a
5870s lifeblood
5883s let's try and use the energy we just
5885s picked up to address this bit a little
5889s bit
5900s more
5904s come on I forgot that he heals when I'm
5907s killing other F too silly me oh speaking
5912s of ah no no no no no okay hang on hang
5920s on nice little reset here we
5927s go all right here we go here we
5930s go good position to be in I
5937s think you know I just can't help but
5939s think like
5940s the a friendly little uh Vanguard being
5944s able to capitalize on those rear shots
5946s would be so nice here but I am happy
5950s that we're making this work I really
5953s enjoyed the passives that we got on this
5954s vessel going do one more flyby I think
5957s that'll be enough need more energy
5959s though ah more damage no
5962s here we go here we go this should be
5966s it
5969s yes I don't see any legendaries
5974s a I don't see a legendary that's
5977s unfortunate but
5981s okay we did it woo I wasn't actually
5985s sure if I was going to was questioning
5989s everything it took a little longer than
5990s I thought it was going to to as well so
5992s thanks for your
5994s patience ouch frames yeah yeah that the
5996s the frame rate dropped there so happy to
5998s see home
6000s awesome this is the first time this has
6003s happened this is a new effect due to the
6006s rift of the Ancients trying to find do
6009s we even get any any
6013s um I don't know if we got oh we did we
6015s get a wave pulse analyzer
6020s okay maybe wanted to confirm that you
6022s can actually get like the cedo
6025s drops um will show up in the cedo Rifts
6028s for example cool I'll get it right with
6031s the excellent be inter we're going to
6035s let this conversation uh die out we're
6036s going to dock then we are going to jump
6038s over to our community segment even
6040s though we've kind of had a couple
6041s Community segments today since I've been
6043s giving you praise and uh you guys are
6045s just awesome so thank you but I do want
6048s to highlight some screenshots that have
6049s been taken for the last couple of weeks
6051s exactly I'm going to skip this to do so
6054s and we're going to man we got a lot more
6056s credits um also because we sold our ship
6059s but
6061s um so many so many things so many things
6065s um we are going to uh we're just going
6068s to save here yeah we're just going to
6070s save
6071s here that's where we're going to call it
6074s um for the
6075s game such a good run so many lucky drops
6079s I feel like gosh this is nuts so um so
6082s take a quick breather get up and stretch
6085s get some water you know all of those fun
6087s nice things that you absolutely need to
6088s survive and I will be back in like two
6091s minutes and we're going to jump into
6093s another section where I'm highlighting
6094s your screenshots that we've collected as
6097s well as answer all of those questions
6099s that Gary has been stocking up so see
6101s you in just a
6104s moment one
6110s moment
6188s and we're back once again I just want to
6190s thank all of you guys for joining the
6192s stream today um I know that we had a
6194s couple technical issues at the start
6196s little U but honestly like you guys
6199s sticking through that and then Al just
6201s being here being present uh bringing
6203s these questions to the table so that we
6204s can have a conversation about All Things
6206s everspace 2 uh as well as not just like
6209s the
6211s current elements we've added into the
6213s game but also what's to come in the
6216s future we're so very thankful to be able
6219s to work alongside you as we're
6222s developing here uh an active
6224s communication hearing your thoughts
6225s getting your feedback and you know while
6227s we're not able to you know do most of
6230s the stuff that you guys suggest some of
6232s those statements and comments out there
6235s have been Little Golden nuggets to help
6237s make this game even greater so sincerely
6240s thank you so much for everything that
6242s you guys do we very much appreciate it
6245s um and now let's look at some
6246s screenshots that have been taken from
6247s the last couple of weeks some of these
6249s are right before um the uh armed and
6252s dangerous drop some of these come a
6254s little bit after so um through this
6256s process Gary I want you to start reading
6258s off questions I'm going to be delighted
6260s to answer those for all of you out there
6262s uh these first three shots I'll be
6263s cycling through are from cargo
6266s Jacker so what's the question we got uh
6269s we've got a question from Jr panot again
6271s over on YouTube and I want to know does
6274s the legendaries count a star Forge for
6277s the opulence set they do not they do not
6279s yeah we've seen that question before um
6282s we love that question we actually had a
6285s number of uh thoughts pertaining to it
6288s um and more thoughts have sparked
6290s because of the observations you guys
6292s have made um I think that maybe the uh
6294s reception wasn't quite aligned with uh
6296s the goals on that front so it might be
6298s something that we revisit not sure we'll
6300s find out in the future I suppose uh but
6302s no guarantees on any changes on that
6304s part uh we'll see good question good
6306s question what else we
6308s got uh again from J panot uh the want
6312s you know if a set is available in a
6315s system does that guarantee that in Rifts
6317s it's a potential drop or are the some of
6320s the sets only found specific regions and
6322s rfts no no no they are in the system
6324s they're systemwide so they're not in a
6326s region of the system they are systemwide
6328s so if you're finding like it like for
6331s example you don't have to go to um siren
6333s sea to find the set items tides of siren
6336s sea uh you can find it throughout all of
6338s cedo and if you go into an H that's in
6341s like the territory of the home base
6344s region you can absolutely fine tides of
6345s C SE set items from there um same thing
6348s with the Rifts etc etc great question I
6351s love providing Clarity on that so very
6353s very good the next couple of shots that
6355s I'm going to highlight o that's a nice
6356s one we got Flory um I do like this
6359s outlaw base all those red lights very
6362s menacing dig it what else we got
6365s Gary all right I'm just digging through
6367s them one second uh sing um just curious
6371s why there isn't a character profile for
6373s officer
6375s Shaw yeah you know I think
6379s that uh I I think the the there's a very
6384s long answer there but the short of it is
6386s that did you guys know that at one point
6388s we actually thought we were going to
6389s have to cancel the
6391s Codex we were not sure we were going to
6393s have a codex in the game at all we
6395s thought that we needed to kind of move
6396s away from it um to focus in on other
6399s things but uh fortunately enough we were
6401s able to kind of red delegate some tasks
6404s around um put our heads together and
6406s make it possible and so the Codex was
6409s brought to life uh through a number
6410s number of individuals who kind of went a
6412s little bit above and beyond um in the
6414s team to make sure that it happened and
6418s um we wanted to cover like most of the
6422s basics at the very least to provide that
6424s sort of hi knowledge of these other
6426s things going on um we're really pleased
6428s with the results there um to make it as
6432s deep and as detailed as probably the
6435s initial thoughts of what it would look
6436s like um was n impossible to accomplish
6441s um officer Shaw maybe we'll be able to
6443s squeak him in there in the future I
6444s don't know but just know that we're
6446s really happy with being able to provide
6448s the Codex at all um and uh yeah
6453s development is uh interesting at times
6456s so um I I really like this shot from you
6458s too uh Flor I love the explosions and
6460s the flying through everything it's it's
6462s pretty pretty solid this next shot comes
6465s from hbar a nice colorful shot honestly
6468s I love the red and the blue just
6470s complimenting each other other um a
6472s clever little
6473s shot so Gary what else do we have for um
6477s questions oh we got a question from T3
6479s Cube over on Twitch um with regards to
6482s Vanguard they've noticed that the status
6484s effects count down in normal time while
6486s devices countown slowly while recharging
6489s but only while recharging went under the
6492s time extender how is the time extender
6494s supposed to
6496s work um so the time extender is supposed
6499s to operate where the ship and all of its
6502s components are actually supposed to tick
6504s down at the same rate where literally
6506s everything else uh not associated with
6508s the players ship um is halfed um I know
6512s that we have seen that the devices were
6515s slower during the um the thing and I
6519s think we kind of just said this is fine
6521s so if there's other things that are
6522s ticking down at normal speed that's
6524s technically how it's supposed to happen
6527s um but yeah there were some executive
6529s decisions in there so it might not be
6530s consistent all the way through um and
6533s that's the sort of product that we got
6534s to but we are pretty satisfied with the
6536s balance thereof
6538s um yeah that's why it kind of does
6542s that we have Kowski who's got a couple
6545s of shots here um this one actually got a
6547s lot of thumbs up on Discord Lots going
6550s on here but it is a pretty cool shot
6552s admittedly um this is uh showcasing the
6557s true power his ship is right here for
6558s anybody wondering showcase the two power
6560s of the Sentinel and just mad chaos all
6564s around it so good stuff good good stuff
6569s do I have another question yes I've got
6571s one from pesky husy over on
6574s YouTube asking many space sims have
6576s these ships and then they have this
6578s ultimate ship with maxed out specs that
6580s cost a fortune could we expect to see
6583s anything from from that in the future
6585s update nope no plans we do not want to
6588s do that um in fact a core element of our
6591s design philosophy has been providing
6594s opportunities across varied opport uh
6598s varied um foundations so um to explain
6603s that a little bit further each class is
6605s kind of your foundation of opportunity
6607s okay you're not going to play a scout
6610s the same way you play a Vindicator
6612s you're just not and if you are that's
6615s interesting I suppose you could but
6618s you're going to get vastly different
6619s results right vastly different results
6622s uh this is Kowalski's shot as well um I
6625s love the the energy that this provides
6627s after completing a rift like that's a
6629s nice that's a nice drop um but yeah
6631s overall um we don't want to have a
6635s weapon that's just inherently better
6637s than literally everything else so when
6639s you find it it's like oh well I don't
6640s need I don't have any purpose to hunt
6642s for loot anymore this is just the best
6644s thing ever um coincidentally this also
6647s goes directly into why we limit the
6649s number of legendaries you can apply to
6651s your ship what oh my gosh there's a
6654s reason for that they weren't just being
6656s jerks not letting us do it yeah actually
6658s yes because if you could just slap
6660s legendaries on every single slot you'd
6662s be so overpowered that nothing would
6663s matter anymore and we don't want that we
6665s want there to be thought and Care in
6667s your build we want there to be
6669s satisfaction from you putting in the
6671s work and making it your own if there
6674s were something that was the best that
6676s just overrode everything else it's not
6678s really yours anymore it just means you
6680s got to that thing and now you're as
6682s strong as literally everyone else has
6684s got to that thing so instead of it being
6686s yours and your ownership now it's just
6688s oh you completed it and it's done two
6692s different things we we want the variety
6694s to be um uh spread across all Fields
6699s instead of there be just like this one
6700s big in goal item or ship in the case of
6703s your question I'm not going to
6705s happen all right next shot we've got
6707s from kazah uh that's it looks dangerous
6711s but I love the way that Interceptor
6713s looks honestly those colors seriously
6716s pop very well done kazah what's another
6718s question we've got um uh lativ Voli over
6722s on Twitch would like to know uh are we
6724s going to see a buff to the RG beam uh
6728s weapon to make it into a real weapon at
6730s any
6731s point that is absolutely Savage uh keep
6734s in mind that um we have a lot of a lot
6737s of the legendaries were brought to life
6739s by backers and we wanted to honor those
6741s backers as accurately as possible that
6744s we could um so that they're getting
6746s exactly what they asked for um and there
6748s were a couple of little tweaks and
6750s changes on that front um and then also
6752s keep in mind that we're bringing more
6753s legendaries to you in the
6757s future and with new legendaries that
6760s probably also means there going to be a
6761s little bit of tweaks and modifications
6762s to Legendary balance maybe I suppose who
6765s knows I certainly don't this is also a
6767s shot from kazah um I love it I love the
6770s color ation here really pops burns into
6773s my soul it's
6774s great super duper got another question
6779s yeah I've got another couple for you a
6781s RGB toaster on Twitch would like to know
6784s do you think customization for the color
6786s of weapon fire would be too specific a
6789s change or could it be a potential option
6791s in the future it's definitely a
6792s potential option in the future we've
6794s talked about that one in the past and
6795s how it's something that would be uh nice
6797s to have um but it's never been a
6800s priority we know that there's actually a
6802s lot of room where when you're
6803s customizing a ship and you got special
6805s colors then when you're firing your
6806s weapon of a similar color like that can
6808s feel really good feel really cool and
6810s like it tops off the build in a way it
6812s also um would be a very complicated
6816s process to go into the nitty-gritty
6818s details is something like the color of
6820s the particles um which is why we've
6822s actually kind of stayed the course and
6824s not done it so while the possibility is
6827s there uh we make no guarantees that
6829s that's something that we are going to uh
6831s dive into in the future um but just do
6834s know it's a conversation piece that we
6836s have had um and um yeah that's all so uh
6842s this shot comes from kazah as well and
6844s he reminds everybody to get your flu
6845s shot I think it's clever very nice very
6849s nice a question for Wizard Jerry over on
6852s YouTube um does the striker the players
6855s ship have any references from EV space
6858s one for example The Outlaw r seems to be
6860s a duplication of the marauder from ever
6863s space yeah um the striker is basically a
6866s new ship um brought to life by the idea
6869s of forward- facing engines um and we
6874s just kind of had fun playing around with
6876s what that concept might look like um I
6877s think only one of the main concepts for
6881s that made it in um but then the other
6884s ones it's like the what's it called not
6886s Delta Wings it's basically like the X
6888s Wings right um there's a term for it um
6892s but then we wanted to complete that
6893s Motif accordingly um just stylistically
6896s had some fun with it um not really
6898s anything outside of that um I don't
6901s think there's a no there's certainly not
6903s a ship that was based off of from ever
6904s space one it's a brand new one that's a
6906s brand new one so good question I like it
6910s uh this one's the last one from Kaza now
6912s we're moving over to a shot from Nelson
6914s I thought it was a clever use of depth
6916s the field so I just wanted to highlight
6917s it thanks for the shot Nelson that's
6919s nice of pretty enough to highlight good
6922s good stuff what other questions we got
6925s uh nothing at the moment nothing at the
6926s moment that's great I am looking over at
6928s the chats though and I'm seeing some
6929s nice uh conversation here and there
6932s which is always Pleasant um I see
6934s imbalanced 11 says wow has not been here
6937s since everspace 1 streams very happy
6939s about everspace 2 success bought it in
6942s the beginning of Early Access but never
6944s played it thanks Rockfish for amazing
6946s games hey you know and we just got that
6948s update so if you haven't actually played
6949s it yet yet you're quite literally
6951s getting the most quality experience of
6953s ever space to right now and it's you
6956s haven't had to do anything you haven't
6958s had to buy anything more it's all there
6961s uh that's awesome and balanced I hope
6963s that you have an absolute blast and hey
6965s we got more free content coming around
6967s the corner and if you want to we'll also
6970s have a pretty expansive
6972s DLC uh scheduled for I think the endes
6975s of next year I think that's I think
6977s that's what's on our timetable that's
6978s what was on the the road map right I'm
6980s not going crazy oh gosh maybe I'm going
6983s crazy uh but um but regardless we got a
6986s lot more on that front uh to come so
6989s super cool super cool um we got this
6992s shot from
6993s notson um terrifying really um I was I
6997s don't know if how many of you caught
6998s this but I was actually replaying
6999s everspace one uh was it yesterday on the
7002s Discord I'm going to do that again
7003s probably uh next week I'm going to play
7005s a little bit more ever space one have
7006s some commentary it'll be fun um but this
7009s missile
7010s directly pulled over from ever space one
7013s like it's just a like exact same sort of
7016s thing when you see this thing it's gosh
7019s I still remember when we added the sound
7022s to the missile silo for ever space one
7023s do you guys remember that in Early
7024s Access like raise your hand if you
7026s remember when that was added it's like
7027s the most terrifying missile alert sound
7030s like in any
7032s case gosh oh it was so good so good and
7037s that's what this reminds me of it just
7038s goes straight into that but uh good on
7041s you for your thrusters maximized uh
7044s notson straight into the asteroid oh is
7047s it oh gosh that's problem maybe but uh
7052s regardless just a clever shot looks
7055s great uh we got Speedy Sam over here too
7058s sharing some new shots of his I think it
7060s was a new playthrough since armed and
7061s dangerous and so this is the tutorial
7063s area um it also kind of looks like he's
7065s flying into the asteroid but no there's
7067s some space there he's going to turn I
7069s hope uh so good good stuff do we have
7072s another question that's spooled up I
7073s think I might have saw one maybe maybe
7075s not uh nothing yet um but I just thought
7080s mention if you do have any issues and
7082s you want to report any bugs Etc then
7084s please do uh let us know on the Discord
7086s in the support Forum uh which is a very
7089s handy place for us to catalog uh any
7091s bogs reports Etc and also on the steam
7093s forums absolutely absolutely yeah and
7095s those Discord forums uh that opened up I
7098s mean thank goodness discords continue to
7099s develop and add some cool features um we
7102s know that as a console user you're
7103s probably not going to steam to provide
7105s any sort of support so um that's why go
7108s to Discord instead join us over there
7110s drop some questions in some feedback
7112s some bug reports all of that type of
7113s stuff and we will handle that
7115s accordingly great to keep up the
7117s communication so we can keep hammering
7118s out free updates and quality patches uh
7121s much like you just got yesterday because
7123s of what you guys do it's awesome it's
7126s very awesome and we're very appreciative
7128s of that this shot comes from SPO Knight
7129s this was the ship that he's been wanting
7131s for such a long time his tier four Wing
7134s set for this one um he loves this so
7137s much and was thrilled whenever we got
7140s the update in he was immediately going
7141s for it found it and now it's just like
7144s in absolute Heaven I think it's a very
7146s fantastic looking ship you've colorized
7148s it incredibly well too this is um a
7151s different ship with a very similar color
7153s scheme um also spoot Knights um and yeah
7157s he's he uh converted from um I can't
7160s remember the wing names oh gosh but the
7164s standard sort of Flagship Sentinel he he
7166s finally moved over and he said I think I
7167s like this one just a little bit more um
7170s and you know it's it's hard to choose
7171s between them and that's a good thing I
7173s think Matias has done fantastic with the
7175s 3D modeling bringing these ships to
7177s light I love all the details too of the
7179s tier fours ah it's so good uh but I
7182s think you've captured some pretty cool
7183s looking ships here SPO Knight very
7186s nice I've got a uh shot here from
7191s sing1 um just kind of an explorative one
7194s looking off into the distance that's
7196s really really nice and I think I see a
7199s question coming in so Gary do you want
7200s to do we want to cover that it's just
7203s something to do with any premium DLC in
7206s the future Etc um want to know pricing
7208s but we're not ready to talk about
7210s anything along those Realms yet
7211s absolutely yeah and and just to kind of
7213s give a comparison point to guys like
7214s when everspace one got its DL DLC um
7218s first off we did want to price at
7220s something ridiculous but secondly it is
7222s a true expansion to that game for any
7225s out one out there who hasn't played ever
7226s space one and um like for any reason has
7231s everspace one but hasn't had the DLC
7233s like the difference between not having
7235s the DLC and having the DLC it is is
7238s massive it is seriously huge just
7240s because of how much content gets added
7241s to the game and I say that use that as a
7244s comparison point because with everspace
7245s 2 I mean we've already provided so much
7248s and then we added this free update
7249s that's so much more and we have another
7252s free update that's so much more and then
7254s we have the premium DLC that is truly an
7256s expansion to the
7259s game oh my gosh it's there's going to be
7263s a lot more to everspace 2 that's all I'm
7265s say okay it's that's that's what I'm
7267s that's what I'm really trying to ring
7269s home here so if you have been enjoying
7270s the game and you're just like you just
7272s want a little bit more I think you're
7274s going to be rather satisfied uh when we
7276s roll into next year uh next shot we've
7279s got comes
7281s from the chemical bro always bringing us
7284s some high contrast shots this one also
7287s is a very very pleasurable one on the
7289s eyes love the way his ship's just kind
7291s of swooping out and the composition is
7293s is very well done too with the station
7295s um uh just looking like it is in dire
7298s need of repair these asteroids that
7299s maybe swooped through the station I
7301s don't know but uh clever shot indeed
7304s definitely loving it I need to check the
7306s time ooh oh we're going to speedrun the
7309s last last couple of screenshots going to
7311s speedrun them uh any other questions
7313s let's hold them off for the moment um
7315s we've got or goal of lyanna uh who
7318s started getting back into their ever
7320s space to grooove this is a nice shot of
7322s their stinger that they were customizing
7325s uh to their pleasure I love the way that
7327s the lights are in the back of this um
7329s the the fire of the weapon but then also
7331s the the star that orange and blue
7333s contrast it just it really pops for me
7334s and I just I really enjoy that um then
7337s this one also comes from or Oracle of
7339s Leon
7340s another solid shot they finally got
7342s their stinger Mark for of These Wings
7345s and they're very pleased and I love that
7346s shot as well I think capitalizes on the
7349s silhouette uh beautifully good good
7351s stuff um then I've got a shot that's
7354s kind of a multi-composition from winged
7356s nightmare in all of their ships which I
7358s think is really cool I love how you put
7361s this together I'd love to see more sort
7362s of like um what do you call this not a
7365s mural but you know what I'm saying like
7368s multiple photo at once like you guys can
7370s do that too you can slap those into the
7373s screenshot channel it's it's always a
7374s pleasure to highlight uh more of your
7376s stuff than that I love collage collage
7379s that's the word thank you goodness did I
7381s mention I went to Art School uh
7383s anyway get the
7385s CR but uh but yeah it's I I love this
7389s stuff um I love highlighting your
7390s particular styles of your ships and I
7392s think this does a lot of justice for
7394s where Wing nightmare is coming from
7396s really
7397s cool uh we got two last shots we got
7400s wizard Jerry looking somberly off into
7403s the distance within the zarov
7406s vortex ah so good I that ship style for
7410s the Interceptor is like truly one of my
7412s favorites now um I love the screenshots
7414s everyone's taken for it comes together
7417s so incredibly well and last but not
7419s least this is zerif and this is his
7421s interpretation of what the canon ship
7423s would be for Adam um if he were
7426s maximizing all of his stuff and the the
7429s sort of a cannon ship if you will and
7433s you know it's pretty good take I won't
7434s deny that so pretty solid so guys we
7437s actually did run overtime um I am going
7440s to have to go here Pretty stinking fast
7443s um but wow you have all been absolutely
7447s incredible today and I have absolutely
7450s been Eric Shader your community
7451s Ambassador joined with Gary uh on the
7454s comms uh don't stop being awesome and we
7457s have a little bit of news to share so
7459s with the stream Cadence we're going to
7462s be making some tweaks to it Gary and I
7465s have kind of talked about it and a
7466s couple other members of the team have
7468s talked about trying to meet some uh
7470s specific Community goals if you will and
7473s we want to engage with you just a little
7475s bit more in order to do so we are going
7478s to swap a stream schedule to where we're
7480s streaming every other week that means
7483s there's no stream next week okay and
7485s then the week after that there will be
7486s one so streams are cutting back we'll
7489s have every other week be a stream we'll
7492s make those according announcements uh of
7494s course but more importantly we're
7496s probably going to be having a little bit
7497s more fun with you all and the various
7499s Community channels for example as I just
7502s mentioned uh several times uh through
7504s the course of this stream I was doing a
7505s little everspace one run with you guys
7508s yesterday and that will continue next
7510s week so we encourage you to join us in
7512s those coms to just chat about the games
7515s uh talk about where you're at and stuff
7517s that you like uh we just want to be more
7519s engaged with you all and in doing this
7521s to the streams it gives us that
7523s opportunity while also ensuring we can
7525s hit some pretty solid highlights when
7527s those streams do come around so thank
7530s you all so much for your uh attendance
7532s today um I've already said kind of the
7534s the closing lines haven't I Gary oh gosh
7536s yes yeah you're just rambling now get on
7538s with it do I say do I say them again oh
7540s anyway but guys seriously don't stop
7543s being awesome and we'll catch you in two
7545s weeks from now and we'll sneak in some
7548s stuff maybe in the Discord between that
7578s toodles
7605s hey
7606s guys I know I said that I like out of
7609s time I love you too much let's have some
7621s fun oh I want to check one more thing
7623s hang on hang on one more possible bit of
7625s knowledge let me just check I want to
7628s check a
7629s thing not anything secret or or crazy I
7632s just need to check a
7638s thing
7641s and of course I'm not finding any of the
7643s things um that's fine uh regardless uh
7646s what I do want to say though um for
7647s anybody who did miss it with the armed
7649s and dangerous update if you're playing
7651s on consoles and you're like where's the
7652s patch it is still going through
7654s certification okay I just want to want
7656s to re-clarify that one last time it will
7659s drop after certification which is
7661s generally about a week or two uh
7664s hopefully not any longer than that um so
7666s we do appreciate your patience but we'll
7667s get it to you as soon as it gets through
7671s all
7673s right why do I do
7697s this
7701s [Music]
7727s it's
7729s [Music]
7745s you guys are
7757s awesome
7764s [Music]
7774s seriously though you guys are awesome
7776s have a great
7787s weekend