about 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s foreign
35s [Music]
49s ladies and gentlemen
55s we are almost prepped and ready to go
57s here
77s foreign
134s [Music]
146s you know come to think of it I didn't do
148s a mic check
150s do I sound okay everybody
155s awful
159s perfect
182s the timer says we're early
186s but I don't care I'm gonna Dive Right In
189s anyway welcome ladies and gentlemen for
191s all of those who snuck in we usually
193s start the stream in approximately 30
194s seconds but you know what we're here
196s right now hello my name is Eric I'm your
198s community Ambassador for Rockfish games
200s I'm joined on the comms with Gary
201s Community manager wanna say anything
204s no hello
206s perfect Flawless and uh we are
209s delivering this stream to you across uh
212s twitch and YouTube and Facebook and
215s steam the home page of our title uh so
217s welcome everybody join the chats we are
220s we do these streams for you guys these
221s are community-based streams where you
223s dive in ask questions and see content
225s that we are producing in this case we
228s have the armed and dangerous free
230s content update coming to you in three
233s days just three days that's it and then
236s all of this content will be yours there
239s will be a couple of little details to
242s talk about along the way for example
245s today I'm going to be highlighting the
246s ship passives this has been something
248s we've kind of talked about in the past
250s but we're going to be highlighting as
252s many as we can that we have in game and
254s for what we don't have because there's a
256s lot of them I'm just going to read off a
258s list okay then we're also going to be
260s covering in a similar manner the item
262s attributes so you've seen a number of
265s those but we haven't covered the full 45
267s of them 45 yes 45 of them
271s and wanted to kind of cover that ground
273s as well in addition because we have this
276s update dropping on Monday I'm sure that
277s there are some individuals out there who
279s might be a little bit concerned you're
280s like on Console or on Game Pass or
283s you're on Steam and you're like what's
285s it coming to and how fast is it going to
287s be do we have to wait a week after the
288s other people blah blah you know it's
290s fine we're going to talk about feature
291s parody as well just kind of get that
293s explanation out the door and then last
296s but not least we're going to be moving
297s into our nightmare difficulty gameplay
301s playthrough
302s with screenshots from the community to
306s top everything off that way you'll be
308s able to see all of this new content in a
312s live gameplay session
314s instead of just being doctored up like
316s what I'm going to be doing here in just
317s a moment
318s um and uh yeah so questions again are
320s encouraged for the entire duration of
322s this and at certain intervals we will be
324s answering those questions
326s beautiful all right so let's get right
329s on into this uh the first thing that we
331s have to talk about and to show a little
333s bit of I've got an example here in the
335s Mercury actually
336s are these various new ship passes now as
340s I said there's actually a lot of new
342s ship passives that have been added four
344s new passives for every single ship what
347s that means now is every single ship has
350s at least nine passives in their unique
354s pools that can randomize that means that
357s we can start getting into territories
358s where you could own two vanguards that
362s would play just a little bit differently
363s because they could have an entirely
366s different set of passes and this is
368s going to be applicable to every single
370s one of the ships that we have
373s we also have a couple of ships that got
376s extra passives
378s um from having before and a couple of
380s tweaked passives that we've actually
382s already implemented over the course of a
385s couple of months just to make sure
388s balancing is where it needs to be as
390s well as that enjoyment factor is
391s elevated when you get those passives so
394s here for the Vanguard
396s we have two new passives on this
398s particular ship
401s Can you spot them now I'm not going to
402s do that to you oh my gosh so the first
404s one is at the very bottom it's the at
407s 200 meter range Primary Weapons gain 20
410s shield and armor piercing I'm actually
412s going to highlight just how effective
413s this is uh because I also pulled this
417s bad boy over this is an enforcer it only
419s does kinetic damage and I also happen to
422s roll this one with 10 of kinetic damage
425s bypasses the shield this is applicable
428s here that will now become thirty percent
431s that will bypass
433s so that's fun
435s um then uh let's see the other one we
437s have is that while Shields are
440s overcharged you gain 25 increased
442s critical hit damage
447s this one is just a nice convenient one
450s if you're flying fast in the Vanguard we
453s want you to get all of those added
455s benefits that's the idea of the ship so
457s promoting that style of play with these
459s passives shows you that you're meant to
462s get up into the face of your opponents
464s fast normally behind them and just power
466s through them so with these two new
469s passives
470s let's go ahead and demonstrate just how
473s powerful
475s this enforcer can be we just need a we
477s just need to find a Target basically
480s so we're gonna do that
482s I'm gonna find a Target
484s [Music]
485s because I know some of you guys are
487s probably thinking 20 that's not that's
488s not that much
490s it's not
491s that doesn't really do too much crazy
493s stuff does it
494s let me show you
496s hopefully we find a um
498s Proto Scout for an example that would be
501s that would be ideal
504s that would be ideal
514s I already see I already see a question
517s and I love it keep feeding those
520s questions then
521s and we will answer those
523s um and key intervals so let me get
526s through the Vanguard first
528s I don't see any Proto Scouts
531s unfortunately ah there's one all right
534s now we just need to not die cool
538s that shouldn't be too hard right
542s don't answer that Gary
547s all right so
549s this is our Target for demonstration
551s purposes let's try and clear out uh of
553s course there's an elite bomber
558s [Music]
560s let's get ourselves a little bit more
561s protected here
563s and then just
565s navigate this process ever so eloquently
572s nice okay now where's that protoscope
576s wait did we kill it too did we kill both
579s of them
582s of course we're too powerful oh here we
584s go
589s and he lost his shield
592s all right all right all right okay I see
594s I see how it is game
597s we should probably uh tell Bob to cool
600s his Jets let's let's probably something
602s that's going to help us out
605s uh bullet seal we can surely find one
608s that has any symbols let's just let's
611s just do the bomber why not we'll do this
612s bomber
614s take out these drones first
619s now this guy has some Hefty
622s Hefty defenses right
625s oops
628s yeah
630s um we just one shot him again
632s this only deals kinetic damage in his
634s shields were up
639s do not underestimate
641s a 20 piercing bonus if you can
645s capitalize on that 20 meters you can
648s dish out some serious damage in the
650s right situation
653s I wasn't actually expecting that to one
655s shot him but uh based on testing that
657s does actually it's applicable
660s so yeah and just again to confirm this
662s we use this enforcer that does not do
665s any energy damage for those who are not
668s informed of how the energy damage works
671s you have to have energy damage to
673s destroy a shield
674s okay so because this weapon only has
678s kinetic DPS that means it can't damage a
682s shield it has to rely on its 10 bonus
686s down here to bypass a shield but because
690s of this new passive at 200 meter range
692s your Primary Weapons gain 20 shield and
694s armor piercing we can just say nah get
697s out of here
702s so Vanguard
706s don't underestimate them also I mean we
708s also have some pretty decent critical
709s hit chance and this is also because of
711s this new passive while Shields are
712s overcharged gained 25 increased critical
714s hit damage
716s um and then we also had the flying
718s closely behind an enemy grants 20
719s increased weapon dips I mean we had so
721s much stuff that's stacking in our favor
722s here to where if you're maximizing the
724s details of a Vanguard you're playing it
726s correctly which you know for all intents
729s and purposes is basically like
731s a rogue
733s you're backstabbing your opponents you
735s can you can wipe the floor with even
738s those pesky Outlet teleport drones
740s doesn't matter that they have shields
742s just get Rex get out of here
745s they've got no place here
748s these are this is just an example of two
750s passives that were added to the Vanguard
753s so let's go ahead and um let's also talk
756s about the other two passives
758s the other two passives
761s are what are called exclusives
764s so when we're talking about exclusive
766s passives the easiest way to describe
768s this is when you think about the gunship
770s the gunship already has two exclusives
772s and that is the pulse laser turret and
775s the coil gun turret so what I mean by
777s exclusive is that you can only ever have
779s one if one randomly generates into your
781s pool of Chip passives the other one
784s cannot
786s make sense
788s so if a gunship rolls the coil gun
790s turret passive the pulse laser passive
793s will not show up so for every single
796s ship they now have two exclusive
798s passives so only one or the other one
800s will ever show up for the Vanguard
803s you can either have
805s overcharge is gained 25 faster
810s yeah see my overcharge going right there
812s just imagine that going 25 faster
814s or you can have it to where
817s overcharge never
820s deflates so you can see up in the upper
822s left mine is coming down almost as fast
824s as it was going up you could have the
826s passive where it just never deflates at
828s all
831s those are the exclusives
834s for the Vanguard let's jump on over to
836s the scout next
839s now I'm not gonna have demonstrations
840s for all the passives
842s it would be nice unfortunately some of
844s the passives are kind of hard to roll
846s would you would you fancy that crazy so
849s let's talk about
851s the Scout and its new
854s passives
857s here we see I believe two
862s new passives and they're the two bottom
864s ones
865s so for scout players a lot of you have
868s been playing with you know devices in
870s order to keep foes more away from you
873s than not and we feel that the Scout is
876s primarily a range like heavy range based
879s uh fighter you want to maximize your
881s railgun and to this the passive that was
884s added is going to enable further usage
887s of your devices so every single one of
889s your devices receives a 20
891s range so whatever its current range is
894s just extend it by 20 and it applies to
897s every single passive
900s every single one
903s absolutely
905s absolutely and the next one that we have
907s down here is 20 increased cloaking
910s duration this can be pretty fruitful
912s this is applicable already to the
915s ultimate the shadow strike it will
917s extend that duration
920s and in addition to that it will extend
922s the duration of any effects that would
924s allow you to become cloaked including
926s but not limited to the cloak field
928s generator consumable
933s so if you're ever in a pickle and you
935s need to stay away for a little bit
937s longer than normal this is going to have
939s your back on that front the other two
942s Scout passives the exclusives
947s are all about that sweet accuracy and
951s range
952s the first is a 50 increased velocity
958s to all of your primary weapon
959s projectiles
961s what
963s 50 increase velocity so while not
966s necessarily applicable to the railgun
968s it would certainly be applicable to not
971s a clog on either it would certainly be
973s applicable to something like an auto
974s Cannon or a pulse laser or uh you know
979s stuff of that nature where instead of it
981s having hit scan uh you actually have to
984s you know wait for the projectile to get
987s there and this is going to increase that
989s by 50 percent
992s across the board pretty nice or you
995s could just straight up get the 50
997s reduced spread
999s to all Primary Weapons this would be
1002s applicable to the coil gun still not
1004s applicable to the Executioner to the
1006s rogun
1008s but for the coil gun you see that 0.7
1010s degree spread on there
1013s just half that
1016s 0.35
1018s and that's going to be applicable to
1019s every single weapon now keep in mind
1022s that if you are utilizing this in
1024s conjunction with the expertise of a
1025s scout which of course you should be
1027s doing that you're going to be able to be
1030s much more precise with your foes at much
1033s longer range to give you the much
1035s greater benefits that you're receiving
1037s especially if you had a passive thought
1039s you know
1040s um increased your damage further range
1043s you are even though you do have the
1044s special here
1047s so lots of benefits across this front
1051s for these new passives
1054s lots of benefits for the Scout let's
1056s jump over to the stinger and I think I
1058s might have another example for you
1061s so stinger passives
1071s no it didn't unfortunate all right
1074s so this one has two new passives
1077s they are the two bottom ones
1079s using a device for stores 15 no no no
1082s that one's been that one's been
1083s accessible no excuse me just the bottom
1086s one just the bottom one there's another
1088s one that's similar to it maybe I can
1090s find it this one is while the third
1091s hardpoint is active gained 33 reduced
1094s weapon energy consumption
1098s this is pretty straightforward but
1100s basically what it means is whenever your
1103s third hardpoint becomes active
1106s you effectively are firing
1109s a bit faster 50 faster but at no
1113s additional energy cost
1117s let me say that one more time just to
1119s make sure it's it's abundantly clear
1120s whenever you're firing your weapons with
1124s this passive
1125s it means that you are consuming the
1129s exact same amount of energy now
1132s while increasing your fire rate by 50
1134s percent
1135s okay
1137s so if you can watch the energy of the
1140s weapon you'll see that it matches the
1142s same right here versus when we use a
1145s device even though we're shooting 50
1147s faster with that third point
1151s foreign
1155s a handy one
1157s for when you're trying to maximize that
1160s fire
1162s and this little nimble fighter now there
1166s are three other passives
1168s to the Stinger
1171s one is that when you use a device it
1173s will restore 25 Boost energy
1176s what this is a I got a little confused
1179s with the using device restores 50
1180s Shields that one's totally valid you
1182s guys have access to this one this new
1184s one using a device restores 25 Boost
1186s energy
1188s uh that's exactly what it sounds like
1190s this will allow you to start boosting
1192s for forever there's actually pairs
1194s incredibly well with bloodstar believe
1196s it or not but there's a couple of new
1197s sets that it also pairs nicely with for
1200s those who really like maintaining their
1202s speed and never stopping
1203s be very healthy because I mean just
1205s consider the fact that we're about 50
1207s out of our thrusters now we use this EMP
1210s just that would go up to 75 full now
1214s just one device let alone if we're like
1217s completely out and then we teleport all
1219s the way guess what our engines are back
1220s up
1221s all the way full
1225s all the way full with this new passive
1228s the Stinger has a lot of great
1229s opportunities here
1232s in order for you to
1234s not only get out of The Fray but also
1237s stay in The Fray maximizing those
1239s engines to its fullest now we do have
1241s the two exclusives for the Stinger as
1244s well one is that it has 25 increased
1247s corrosion damage
1249s the other is that it has 25 increased
1251s EMP duration
1254s it's a device master
1255s if you are maximizing your tools and you
1258s want to go either an EMP route or a
1260s corrosion route this guy is very much
1263s going to enjoy a slew of sets
1267s a slew of sets
1270s um I have used it with the uh where is
1273s it at yeah the blight Monger set and it
1275s is mean to get that extra 25 percent uh
1279s corrosion damage in accordance with this
1281s one for those who are missing the set
1283s benefits
1285s any mistake 20 increase corrosion damage
1287s at tier two three each stack of
1289s corrosion on an enemy grants you one
1290s percent armor regeneration per second
1292s and four Target suspected by corrosion
1294s take 50 increased damage from your
1295s secondary weapons so this just stacks on
1299s stocks on stacks on stocks and it's just
1301s the ship's passive it's just an inherent
1303s bonus that you will have if you're
1305s playing the Stinger
1310s all right let's go over to the striker
1315s beautiful little Striker here
1319s and talk about its passives that it has
1323s received
1325s oh there's lots of lots of passives to
1327s cover so I hope you guys are in the Long
1329s Haul here because I am explaining uh in
1331s great detail the remaining bits that you
1333s didn't get last week uh we're covering
1335s the full Gambit here so
1338s here we go this next one we've got uh
1341s just the one it looks like you know we
1345s got two
1346s we got two I can't confirm we got two so
1349s here we have enemies within one
1351s kilometer range deal 20 less damage this
1353s one we actually added because we noticed
1355s that for a lot of Striker players
1358s um there was kind of this incentive to
1360s not directly dive in like you want to
1363s because you have increased damage but um
1365s especially in riffs whenever uh most of
1368s our users were diving in with a striker
1371s we were seeing a lot of people die you
1375s know trying to go for that like 500
1376s lunacy for you know maybe not the first
1379s time but you know after excessive times
1380s and we thought you know what the striker
1382s actually needs a little bit more
1383s survivability up in The Fray so this is
1385s one of those ways to counteract it and
1387s it's exactly what it sounds like enemies
1389s within one kilometer range will just
1390s deal 20 less damage
1394s the other one that you probably saw and
1397s is also applicable to this rule of just
1399s helping the striker be more sustainable
1401s once again it's this bottom one where
1403s it's twenty percent hold damage
1405s reduction just a straight whole damage
1407s reduction
1409s straight flat hole damage reduction okay
1411s so this is in conjunction with your
1414s resistance stat okay
1417s so your whole damage reduction here
1419s it's not added to it
1422s it is increased multiplied by 20 okay so
1427s here this would effectively uh become
1430s approximately 38 or 39 whole damage
1435s reduction so pretty huge Boon
1437s um this our resistance stocks our
1440s resistance stat right now kind of sucks
1442s if we were to boost this up you'd see
1443s how that could become even more powerful
1445s because again that's a 20 bonus on top
1448s of it
1451s just providing that means to stay in The
1453s Fray getting up close and personal as
1455s the striker likes to do
1458s um I am looking for something to just
1461s kind of demonstrate that just in its
1463s survivability
1464s a hefty bit more
1466s all the while we have the uh Tides no
1469s this is autonomous so on top of that
1472s with all of these reductions you know if
1475s you're using some sort of defensive set
1477s that we've added and I would consider
1479s autonomous more of a defensive set
1480s because it is regenerating you
1484s this can this can do wonders for lasting
1489s the fights that maybe you were
1490s challenged by before this update
1494s and it does apply to
1496s turrets and stuff like that as well like
1498s so long as it is an enemy you can see up
1500s at the top
1503s plus combat
1507s close combat's just the standard here
1513s I don't even know if we're gonna get to
1515s Hole damage
1516s maybe we will maybe we'll allow it
1521s there we go so you can see that's
1523s actually going down a lot slower than
1526s normal
1527s normally when you get to your hole it
1529s goes by fast because all energy and
1531s kinetic damage is just gonna crunch it
1533s down right
1534s but here and now we're repairing
1536s ourselves because of the autonomous set
1538s getting our armor back
1541s here you can see that even with that
1543s incredibly sloppy display while I'm
1546s talking and like kind of sort of
1548s fighting
1549s that we sustain that
1551s quite well
1553s let me sustain that quite well
1563s neat
1566s so the striker has received those
1568s stability tools
1573s the other two passives for the striker
1577s are also kind of in congruence with um
1581s survivability
1584s one is
1585s a flat 60 60 reduction
1590s in self-imposed damage 60 reduction
1596s why why this because there's lots of
1599s explosions that happen at close range
1602s that's why and we want you close range
1605s with the ship so you get that try it out
1608s to try it out you'll see that you don't
1610s kill yourself nearly as often
1613s last but not least is the other
1615s exclusive
1617s so in looking at these one more time
1618s that 20 hole damage reduction is
1620s actually one of the exclusives on the
1622s striker the other one is kind of uh a
1626s compliment to it
1627s so you see how resistance has whole
1629s damage reduction and debuff damage
1631s reduction the other one is 20 debuff
1634s duration reduction
1637s so you can either have the hole or the
1639s debuff duration 20 percent
1642s added on top of that and don't let that
1646s fool you okay
1647s for those who are well versed I'm sure
1650s that somebody in the chat can actually
1651s attest to this for those of you who are
1653s well versed and doing hras and
1655s especially riffs in a late game
1657s situation having your debuff duration
1660s maxed out is chef's kiss it can actually
1663s be the difference between completing a
1665s rift and not completing it because one
1667s bad missile can stop you one bad
1670s explosion can freeze you like it's it
1674s can be rough and if you are down for
1676s more than three seconds sometimes on a
1678s rift that's all they need to take you
1680s out
1681s but if you can reduce that down and
1683s you're out back into the combat in less
1685s than say a second
1688s it's going to be a wonderful benefit to
1691s have so don't scoff at that from my
1692s mentioning it both of those bonuses can
1695s truly come in handy for the striker
1699s all right
1700s um let's go ahead and take a break
1701s because we are talking about lots of
1703s ship passives there's lots of
1704s information being dropped here next up
1707s we are going to talk about uh I don't
1710s know which we're gonna talk about next
1711s well let's go ahead and answer some
1712s questions I know there's some burning
1714s questions out there
1715s it's been a lot of information already
1718s but uh we've got a few all right let's
1721s let's cover some let's cover some
1723s right uh first up from uh slurring over
1726s on YouTube uh they want to know can you
1729s bonus attribute re-roll any item you
1732s find and craft uh will it cost for a
1735s reroll only depending upon the Rarity of
1737s the item not only the item type for
1739s instance
1740s so you're wondering about the ability to
1744s re-roll on just like a just any item let
1747s you craft I would think so okay let's
1750s just let's just craft the pulse laser
1752s let me just show this okay so we're just
1753s gonna say hey I like this pulse laser
1755s we're gonna go to modify
1757s and you can see that we can't increase
1759s the Rarity because it's obviously maxed
1760s out or the level we can install a
1762s catalyst like barrage which would
1763s actually not be too bad EMP Chargers
1765s would be pretty sexy on a pulse laser
1767s honestly
1769s um even better though on a Synchro pulse
1771s because each one of those shots counts
1773s as a hit so uh when EMP charges goes it
1776s needs eight stocks
1778s so effectively you get four hits in with
1780s a Synchro pulse and you've emped them
1782s pretty nice so now we get to the re-roll
1785s bonus attributes here and yeah totally
1787s available to us we crafted this and
1789s we're like man ah it just sucks to
1791s repair 30 of kinetic damage dealt as
1793s whole hit points with each hit on a
1795s pulse laser who designed this game uh
1798s two percent chance to jam the targets
1799s one that's actually pretty nice two
1801s percent chance with each hit to deal
1802s corrosion damage also could be
1803s applicable to some builds let's go ahead
1805s and just swap these out for something
1806s else why not and now we have 10 connect
1809s damage bypasses the shield dang it uh we
1811s still have the jam which is nice 10
1813s consecutive hits the chance of critical
1814s hits has increased by 20 until a
1816s critical hit is made I like that one too
1818s uh but say we want to just re-roll that
1820s again you can re-roll infinitely as much
1822s as you want quick giving me kinetic
1824s based ones oh my gosh ridiculous oh this
1826s is actually a new one that we haven't
1828s highlighted yet let's just take a moment
1829s and show that one 20 chance to reflect
1832s the shot to enemies closer than 500
1834s meters
1836s oh yeah
1838s all right
1840s all right
1841s next question though
1843s excellent excellent right uh pesky husky
1846s uh over on YouTube uh wants to know a
1849s bit of a law question this one with
1850s regards the story
1852s um but how was commissioner Hawk able to
1855s pinpoint the home base's location
1857s because it was hidden by three signal
1860s distractors
1862s the answer to that is actually
1863s incredibly easy
1865s um so the behind the scene lore
1868s is that our our friend Alec uh
1874s he talks a lot
1878s may or may not have been overheard uh by
1881s some Colonials passed off some
1883s information uh you know the drill so uh
1886s he's he's it's there's good intention
1888s there okay you know it's just that he
1890s does tend to get people in a little bit
1892s of some caustic situations uh from time
1895s to time uh but you know thankfully
1897s everything worked out all right
1899s if you finish the game you finish the
1900s game right
1902s Maybe
1905s next question
1906s uh just a little follow-up actually from
1908s slaurine
1910s um just regarding the re-roll uh is the
1912s cost always the same
1914s uh yeah so so there's actually a
1916s discussion going on and there might be
1918s an adjustment to it not by this Monday
1921s but
1922s um there will very likely be an
1924s adjustment to it
1925s um but yeah modifying uh here let me
1927s just go back to the shoot
1929s confused sorry I'm trying to do things
1931s too fast instead of like breathing uh so
1934s yeah right now these costs I believe are
1936s the equivalent of like
1939s um increasing the Rarity up to Superior
1941s I think I'm pretty sure that's what it
1944s is and also like crafting a superior
1945s item
1948s um but yeah there are there's some
1949s discussions to to modify this a little
1951s bit so you could see some changes to
1953s that
1954s um I think if Hans Christian's in the
1956s chat that's Christian if you are there
1959s um I would love any sort of tidbits that
1961s you would like to distribute if you're
1963s not there
1964s well dang it
1965s [Laughter]
1967s not to worry though um if anything does
1969s end up changing of course we will let
1971s you guys know on that front later
1974s all right next question Brian sticking
1978s still with YouTube uh Terry Lackey uh
1980s over there would like to ask will the
1982s barrage Catalyst multiply with the auto
1985s cannons modifier of plus 10 per second
1988s held up to a maximum of 100 absolutely
1993s yes and just in case uh anybody is
1996s wondering uh what we are discussing
1998s there let me see if I can uh let's see
2001s how long it takes to get that attribute
2003s actually let's do let's just see if we
2004s can uh
2007s let's use all of our tools to go for
2009s exactly that
2011s we just want to increase it while uh
2014s being held down surely won't take that
2017s long just for that one
2018s uh nope
2021s or maybe I'll get really bad RNG it'll
2024s be great perfect good good I like it
2028s I like it
2030s still still waiting for it
2036s you're getting to see a lot of different
2038s attributes though uh
2041s nope this is actually a really good one
2043s though holy cow I like this uh I like
2046s this one a lot but uh nope we're still
2048s going
2049s 300 starch star charge contents later oh
2053s my gosh
2055s aren't you guys excited for this
2058s isn't it great
2060s yeah the key moments of re-rolling
2062s attributes though it's going to be able
2063s to take something that is less than
2065s desirable like you know you get a set
2067s item in particular that's just awful
2070s with its stats and you're able to go in
2072s here and re-roll it getting a much
2074s greater chance of something that's going
2075s to complement a build
2079s there it is damage has increased by five
2081s percent every second fire is held up to
2083s a maximum of 100 perfect first try
2085s ladies and gentlemen first try
2088s all right so now let's go ahead and oh
2090s we need to be in the modify menu we're
2092s going to install this barrage catalyst
2095s okay
2096s cool so now we have barrage and we have
2099s the damage degrees by five percent every
2100s second
2102s um and for those who don't know what
2103s barrage does let me actually just hover
2106s over the Catalyst itself
2108s when increases damage by four percent
2109s each second uh to a maximum of 40
2112s percent
2114s four percent each second to a maximum of
2116s forty percent so now effectively the
2119s weapon has uh nine percent each second
2123s for 10 seconds
2125s and uh that's gonna be very powerful
2129s um
2129s very powerful indeed
2135s very powerful indeed oh did I miss it I
2137s saw it and I skipped it goodness
2141s let me just see if uh
2144s I can't remember if the conditions are
2145s set to show oh I need to equip the
2147s freaking thing low
2153s okay so that's only identifying the
2157s Catalyst but you can see it going all
2159s the way up to 40 if we have enough
2161s energy
2162s okay there we go so that one tops off at
2164s 40.
2167s before the standard effect for the
2168s weapon it's going to keep It's Gonna
2170s Keep building up
2172s uh let me uh let me actually do one more
2175s thing just to highlight this a little
2176s bit further since you know this is a
2178s friendly
2179s friendly shot let's do the damage
2181s numbers
2183s okay and now we just need a meaty
2185s targets
2189s hold please
2191s I don't want to waste your time you
2193s don't want to waste my time that's right
2196s let's just uh let's just cut to the
2198s chase shall we
2204s my how did this Ally Outlaw Destroyer
2207s get here that's crazy thank you for your
2209s services and participating in this
2210s research study uh here we go so let's
2214s see what those damage values do
2217s yeah
2219s they are definitely still going up
2223s and they are still going up
2228s and they are still going up
2231s and they are absolutely still going up
2236s we don't even have to go for the weak
2238s point whatsoever this guy's just screwed
2244s and we're done
2246s everybody's wanting a free meaty boy now
2248s a free music
2251s beautiful
2254s so yeah you can see that that damage uh
2257s it's keeps going and going it's
2260s basically the Energizer Bunny with
2262s barrage so there you have it next
2263s question please
2265s right we switched to Twitch now and
2267s we've got six wolf seven seven three
2269s four would like to know are there any
2271s plans to have the perks for Adam to be
2273s set to ships instead of having it set to
2276s the pilot
2278s um no there aren't any plans to do that
2283s I do like that uh concept though I like
2285s it conceptually but no plans
2288s and next up we have J.R panchiati back
2291s on YouTube for this one
2293s um are you able to tell which sets will
2295s be available in which system uh because
2297s they really want the anti-radiation
2299s shield
2300s definitely understand that um and that
2302s was something that we actually did talk
2303s about internally and we intentionally do
2306s not include that in the game I know for
2308s some of you you're going to be like what
2310s oh gosh you got to be kidding me
2312s um no we want you to explore the
2314s different systems and discover this on
2316s your own but I do want to say that some
2318s of these are going to be pretty clear
2320s and where you're going to be acquiring
2322s them just kind of use your senses and
2324s other key points of interests and the
2327s various locations and it's going to lead
2329s you probably right to where you need to
2332s go that being said there are a couple
2333s set items that can be found literally
2336s anywhere there's no restriction on them
2338s whatsoever and furthermore just because
2341s we're on the topic to make sure
2342s everybody is super clear about this set
2345s items within specific systems will also
2349s drop at unique locations like unknown
2352s signals high risk areas and riffs so if
2356s you're looking for blood Star Equipment
2358s for example and you do a rift in sedo
2361s you can absolutely have blood Star
2363s Equipment drop at the end of it
2370s right uh Fred spec vet on YouTube
2374s um a bit of a late game question this
2376s one but when you have the special bypass
2378s the thingies in place just setting a
2381s waypoint on the map tick the shortcuts
2383s into account
2387s when you have the spatial bypasses which
2392s you know we do
2394s the shortcuts
2396s if you set a point you say a kite nebula
2399s but you're in Sito would it take you to
2401s the special bypass that way no it would
2405s not no no so I I see so like let's just
2408s say kite nebula we want to go uh to the
2412s Ascension right
2414s um so instead it's like we're right here
2416s we're right next to a spatial bypass
2419s instead of it pointing to the spatial
2421s bypass since they use this the
2423s directions are going to be manual use so
2425s if you are looking to just get to a
2427s spatial bypass ASAP I mean just flip
2430s over to your fast travel and it's going
2432s to show you the locations of all the
2433s spatial bypass
2437s that's going to be the best way for that
2441s that's a good question though I like
2442s that question
2444s right uh switching to Twitch uh the guy
2447s in the distance would like to know
2449s there's a passive re-rolling being
2451s improved to accommodate the new ship
2452s passage while they're still going to be
2454s only two sets of four unless you refresh
2457s paper selection there are still two sets
2460s of four
2461s um and we have had some discussions
2463s about kind of adjusting ship dealer
2466s availability and timings thereof but no
2469s actions have been made at this time it
2471s is something that we may end up tweaking
2473s in the future but uh there will not be
2475s any tweaks to that in this particular
2477s update and furthermore
2481s um we reserve the right to change that
2483s at all so I mean I think that as we as
2488s we're introducing New Opportunities you
2489s know
2490s um especially like with the itemization
2492s we want to make sure that there's ways
2494s to kind of like navigate that in a fluid
2497s capacity which is one of the big reasons
2498s why we're adding re-rolling at all right
2501s um because it could be somewhat
2504s frustrating if you are trying to get a
2506s particular attribute and now your pool
2510s is incredibly larger right without the
2512s ability to re-roll that could be uh that
2515s could be taxing so it's features like
2517s this that we do want to complement that
2518s system
2519s um and ships again we've had that
2522s discussion um for right now you know we
2524s are pretty happy with the fact that
2526s terrine opens up the ability to buy
2529s ships from the flying Duchess don't
2530s forget that that is a very good source
2533s that you can acquire ships from
2535s um and then also of course
2538s um getting the ships from Cato uh to
2540s cycle through those is also not a bad
2542s option as well so it is also possible
2546s that
2547s um
2549s uh that we
2551s I mean yeah I mean it's so possible for
2553s us to do a lot of different things on
2554s this front but um if we do we'll give
2557s you more information on that in the
2558s future but yeah as of right now just a
2560s straight answer to you the answer is no
2562s we don't have any plans to change that
2564s at this time
2566s well well a question similarly uh from
2570s sniper nln on Twitch uh to the update
2573s will the new ship passives only appear
2575s on the new ships at the dealers or will
2578s there be some kind of reroll for All
2580s Ships existing as well there will not be
2583s a reroll option for existing ships
2586s um that's not planned Uh I that I I do
2589s think that is a pretty clever idea
2590s though um one that has not uh gone
2593s through
2594s um our team
2596s um but yeah you'll need to acquire
2598s completely new ships in order to get
2600s these new ship passives and because
2602s there are some exclusive ones and there
2605s um yeah it might take a little bit of
2606s time to get those uh perfect roles but
2609s in the state of a looter shooter I think
2612s time is something that is incredibly
2614s valuable to optimizing a build and is
2617s very much intended design and how we've
2620s approached this
2621s so
2622s next question it's just a follow-up from
2626s Terry Lackey from earlier regarding the
2627s barrage Catalyst Etc okay he has noticed
2630s that during the re-roll for the AutoCAD
2632s autocam it came up at like I think it
2634s was four percent per held second whereas
2637s his current one says ten percent uh does
2640s that has that been changed
2644s you mean in the currents in the current
2647s in the current game it says 10 every
2649s time
2650s according to Terry yes
2653s interesting that would definitely be a
2655s bug um I could check our patch notes and
2658s see if that's something that's
2658s effectively been will be changed
2662s um but I don't know off the top of my
2664s head my guess is yes since I mean I'm
2666s displaying it without it going up to 10
2668s and instead it's only going up to four
2670s um
2671s but uh let me just let me just see if I
2673s can find it really quick
2675s this will be hopefully a fast search
2689s not actually finding it
2698s yeah sorry it's five percent isn't it
2700s four percent was from the barrage cattle
2702s yeah so it's it's five percent from the
2703s autocannon and it's four percent from
2705s barrage
2707s but I am not seeing it
2709s listed here
2715s oh wait wait
2717s nope that's something else
2723s nah I'm not I'm not seeing it um but my
2727s guess is because
2728s you know I'm showcasing it here and it's
2730s ramping up accordingly like I mean I'll
2732s just do it one more time here
2733s well I guess
2736s you're only seeing it from The Barrage
2739s Catalyst you're seeing that up at the
2741s top
2742s so if you're seeing if you're seeing
2745s something that's applicable to something
2747s else that's not going to be just from
2748s the attribute itself what am I thinking
2750s goodness
2751s yeah so the the increase by five percent
2754s every second that's not listed as a
2756s condition that's only applicable as the
2759s uh as the element within the auto Cannon
2763s and as an item attribute we don't
2766s highlight that in the conditions but the
2769s catalyst is because it is a catalyst it
2772s is a modification on top of the item so
2775s uh that now I'm really confused what
2778s you're seeing that is adding as you're
2780s firing it is probably something else
2781s that does that and I can't think of it
2783s off the top of my head
2785s but let's go to the next question though
2786s let's keep moving things along because
2788s there's still a lot more ships to go
2789s through yeah yeah we'll check that out
2791s later on so wizard Jerry over on the
2794s tube of you would like to know it just
2797s wants to make sure whole damage
2798s reduction uh is this multiplicative with
2801s resistance
2804s so
2805s the whole damage reduction right here
2808s um this is going to be multiplicative
2810s yes it absolutely should be so that 20
2813s whole damage reduction uh multiplying
2816s um 32.2 percent so 20 of 32.2 and then
2820s you're adding that together so here it's
2821s approximately uh 61 or
2824s 6.1 percent so you're adding that
2827s together and you would have 38 points uh
2830s three percent would be the result of
2832s your hole damage reduction on this
2835s based on just this alone but that's not
2838s including any other benefits that we
2840s might have anywhere else but I don't
2841s think we do
2843s eggs right uh three questions to go and
2847s then we can let you fly on uh pesky
2849s husky on YouTube any plans to add a
2851s feature which allows the player to sell
2853s ships directly at the home base to free
2855s up hanging space so the hanger doesn't
2857s need to be always full
2859s that's a fun uh fun question but no
2861s you'll have to fly your ship to another
2863s site and then
2865s um you can sell all of your other ships
2866s once you are there because you do have
2868s to have a vendor to sell to it's
2870s actually the same exact reason why even
2873s though I can sell these resources I
2876s can't from the home base because I need
2878s a vendor to sell to so if you want to
2880s sell something that you have like a ship
2881s or a resource you have to dock at that
2884s respective location and then sell them
2886s there
2888s so good question
2890s um I did see
2892s um I did see a question about removing
2894s the Catalyst I mean I'd have to add a
2896s different Catalyst but let's just do
2898s this
2900s um to
2902s just wanna I wanna do this really quick
2904s so basically any any Catalyst will
2906s remove the prior one
2909s um I don't think this is gonna show
2911s anything
2912s maybe I'm crazy maybe it does
2916s come on
2918s no it doesn't okay I am not crazy you're
2922s crazy
2923s all right
2924s that was quite a number of questions do
2927s do we still have more lined up or two
2930s more two more okay let's let's go
2931s through go go go get him okay let volley
2934s over on Twitch would let you know a
2935s little bit anyway to use tears of the
2937s Madden crafting increasing drop chances
2940s or Commerce he says right now it's a bit
2941s frustrating that if you play uh 500
2943s lunacy or higher tiers for them are
2946s completely useless
2949s we don't currently have any plans to
2952s um
2953s allow the tears of the Mad to affect
2955s drop rates
2957s um that's not really a design decision
2959s we wanted to go throughout that actually
2961s sounds a little bit kind of like the
2963s equivalent of magic find
2964s um in something like Diablo and we
2966s wanted to avoid that mechanic because
2968s that's an extra level of meta
2970s progression that we didn't feel was
2972s necessary for our game if you want to
2974s find stuff you're just going to find
2976s stuff and where you go is how you're
2979s going to acquire it so your hras you
2982s know depending on what your modifiers
2984s are the challenges that you face the
2986s greater the challenge the greater the
2987s loot quality which makes sense that's a
2989s trade-off right
2990s um whereas and then like the riffs as
2992s well you know you're increasing the
2994s challenge to the lunacy you have greater
2996s loot quality
2997s um there um and yeah so that that is
3001s entirely by Design there is no plan to
3005s change that Ultra in any way no plans to
3007s have the um the tears of the Mad uh be
3010s used in any other capacity
3013s they are there to stack up for those who
3016s are having a tough time and who just
3018s really want a legendary item and
3019s maximize that
3021s so
3022s all right last question and then you can
3024s fly on and show more uh pesky husky over
3027s on YouTube talking about location
3029s specifically is there any specific
3031s location where one can obtain rare
3033s resources such as proton capacitors or
3035s multi-phase propellants Etc oh I like
3038s that question but no there is not those
3042s are entirely random do keep in mind
3046s though if you refer to your components
3049s say like you're looking for a
3050s multi-place phase propellant
3053s um you can you know look at your
3055s ingredients down here and just start
3057s finding that copper the course gate the
3060s phasium the solar particles most of
3063s these are going to be easy to know where
3065s you need to go because it's either
3066s marked on your resource map that you've
3068s gotten the appropriate perk for or it's
3070s just going to be common knowledge based
3072s on your encounters like redeemers for
3075s example so
3077s um there are ways to go after these
3079s certain components but it's you're
3082s either gonna have to be lucky from a
3083s shop or a drop or you just need to focus
3086s on the resources you need for them and
3088s build them
3089s so all right but that was the last
3091s question it's good I liked it yeah
3094s fantastic questions everybody I love it
3096s I'm hoping for even more in our next
3098s round it'll be fantastic
3103s so um next ship that we're going to be
3105s talking about is the Interceptor so let
3107s me pull up my little cheat sheet since
3109s we have so many freaking passive
3111s modifiers
3114s I don't know how many times I've told
3115s you guys how much content we're adding
3117s to this update it's ridiculous it's
3119s actually absurd
3120s um so uh we have a couple of of them
3124s here so
3126s um the First new one that I see is when
3128s entering a location gained 20 increase
3130s boost and fire rate for 60 seconds so
3133s this one should probably be fairly
3134s obvious it's actually in the name of the
3136s ship it's called an Interceptor the idea
3139s here is that when you're going into a
3141s location you generally have a plan a
3143s course of action to get somewhere and do
3145s something it's especially relevant if
3147s you were going to an unknown signal
3149s where
3150s you know you're going after the beacon
3152s or somebody in need of help you're
3153s trying to intercept that signal this
3156s AIDS in that entering a location 20
3159s increase boost in fire rate for 60
3162s seconds
3163s uh see the next one that I see uh while
3166s fire uh while we know that one's
3170s we've had that one before
3173s oh this one was changed so it's kind of
3175s new but you guys do have access to the
3177s the bottom one when flying toward a
3179s locked enemy Target Beyond 150 meters uh
3181s 150 uh 1500 meters uh you gain 15
3185s increase speed this is also applicable
3187s to the design uh of an Interceptor who
3190s is intercepting so flying towards the
3193s lock Target you're going faster
3195s uh but I think those that's going to be
3197s is that the only one I thought we had
3199s two on this one as well goodness gravy
3202s oh no we only got the one so let's talk
3205s about the other ones that are hidden
3208s um so we also have while firing Primary
3211s Weapons you gain one percent increased
3212s critical hit damage every second to a
3214s maximum of 20 percent that would pair
3217s incredibly nicely with barrage that
3220s we've talked about before
3221s um this is instead of it just being
3223s straight damage is your critical hit
3224s chance so critical hit chance uh or
3228s excuse me critical damage
3230s um as that's ramping up of course it's
3231s going to be much more explosive
3233s um because that is going to multiply
3235s versus your standard damage as opposed
3238s to just be a smaller number just getting
3240s added on top right
3241s so that one can be rather effective with
3243s the Interceptor next we have the two
3246s exclusives
3248s the two exclusives the first one is
3251s they're both applicable to the weapon
3253s overdrive here the first one while
3254s weapon overdrive is active you gain 100
3257s increased energy orb collection range
3262s I'll say it one more time while the
3263s weapon overdrive is active you gain a
3266s hundred percent increased energy orb
3268s collection range
3271s um I'm not seeing here let me just
3274s gonna highlights
3276s this this particular
3279s um Storm Chaser set for no apparent
3281s reason
3282s um
3284s so it can be pretty useful if you're
3285s using it in the right situations
3287s um I think a lot of you out there
3288s already know that energy orbs can be
3289s rather effective for maintaining uh
3292s combat so just having double the
3295s collection range for energy orbs is can
3298s be pretty substantial and trying to keep
3301s your boost up keep your health up your
3303s Shields up any of that stuff
3305s and also to capitalize on recollecting
3308s for your alt as well the opposite of
3310s that one well maybe not opposite but the
3312s alternates of that one the what while
3314s the weapon overdrive is active you gain
3316s 50 percent you get a 50 chance to refund
3320s your secondary weapons upon use this is
3323s applicable to every single secondary
3325s weapon if you're spamming them while
3327s weapon overdrive is active you're just
3329s gonna randomly keep half of them have a
3331s random chance every time that you are
3333s going to maintain those secondaries very
3336s very effective if you have specialty
3338s missiles something like an amp missile
3340s in particular to try and keep your
3343s enemies down so that you can continue to
3344s waylay them or you know a cruise missile
3347s for example that you need in your back
3349s pocket you could potentially maintain
3351s that and I mean when we're talking about
3353s Rockets holy cow you would quite
3356s literally be able to fire these for the
3357s entirety of that alt duration without a
3361s problem
3364s so that's the Interceptor let's move on
3367s to the gunship
3369s let's go to our first heavy looking good
3371s gunship let's make you look a little bit
3372s better you know for those who haven't
3374s seen our Liberator to your four wings
3378s we'll go ahead and apply that
3381s so nice looking nice looking ship
3385s let's go over to the passives here now
3387s the gunship actually has more passives
3390s than uh a lot of the other
3393s um ships
3395s so we still only added four more to it
3398s but you're gonna have a lot more chances
3400s to roll different opportunities here
3402s since there are just a couple more
3403s different passives there so the first
3406s one that I'm seeing here we have when
3408s whole is 50 or lower gained 40 percent
3410s hole damage reduction that is at the
3412s very bottom
3414s when hole damage is 50 or lower again 40
3416s hole damage reduction this is a straight
3418s Boon to where if you're getting blasted
3420s from all angles and you know because the
3422s hole is incredibly strong here
3425s um that's going to be a super powerful
3427s way to maintain yourself a 40 hole
3430s damage reduction is nothing to scoff at
3432s our resistance is garbage here yikes but
3435s um but you get the picture anytime your
3437s hole is half or less you gain so much
3440s more damage reduction to stay in The
3441s Fray to build your armor back up which
3443s is usually pretty beefy on a gunship
3444s let's be honest
3446s uh can be pretty useful in a pinch uh
3450s the next one that I see here is
3451s instantly reset all Warfare device
3453s cooldowns when armor depletes all
3456s Warfare device cooldowns so that's going
3459s to be applicable to something like an
3460s EMP generator not applicable to any of
3463s these support devices these teal ones
3466s greed ones
3467s only to the magenta ones
3470s and it will instantly reset them so if
3472s you're in The Fray you use all your
3475s Warfare devices to to like maintain the
3477s aggression and then your armor depletes
3479s use them again
3481s stack that and you can be incredibly
3483s powerful in that moment that two minutes
3486s or 120 second cooldown though is still
3489s applicable there and you need to be
3490s mindful of that
3492s um let's see we also have when using a
3495s consumable this one was a good role when
3497s using a consumable restore eight percent
3498s armor and that's going to be any
3500s consumable doesn't matter what it is
3502s straight up eight percent armor increase
3505s kind of nice
3507s in fact I don't think any of the other
3509s ships have any means to restore armor
3512s other than just to
3514s get a kill based off of the armor
3518s restoration benefits of plating
3522s I think we added a couple more tricks in
3524s with some of the new item attributes
3525s though and I certainly know that there
3527s is a repair protocol Catalyst that can
3530s up the Antion not quite considerably too
3532s so with the main focus of the bomber
3535s stocking as much armor as it humanly
3537s possibly can this is going to truly
3540s cover itself
3541s and become that space tank that you all
3544s know and love anytime you just use a
3546s simple consumable
3548s all right
3550s um and what was not shown here the only
3552s uh the only other one that I see
3555s um is
3557s 20 increased armor repair per kill it's
3561s not on this one but 20 increased armor
3563s repair per kill and no that does not
3566s mean you add uh 20 to this this does not
3569s become 23 ornate plating is repair per
3573s kill actually truly sucks uh it really
3575s does but it compensates itself through
3578s that massive massive hit point gain
3581s through those credits
3583s but uh regardless about 20 percent is
3587s multiplicative
3589s so here you know your ornate plating is
3591s not going to like increase hardly at all
3595s um it would go up to 3.6 if I if I'm
3599s doing math correct correctly so yeah not
3602s much at all
3603s um but if you had something like
3607s uh let's see a scale guard with good
3609s example because this is one of the
3610s highest repair per kills in the game you
3612s have 16
3614s um this would actually go up by
3616s approximately about it go up to about 19
3620s percent
3622s so um nothing to scoff at that little
3625s bit of a percentile difference can make
3627s or break everything you need your armor
3629s to do
3630s so a nice straight bonus again for the
3633s gunship to maximize those armors you're
3636s probably seeing a lot of themes as we
3638s cover each one of these ships it's
3640s incredibly intentional each one of the
3641s ships does have a theme and how it's
3643s utilized the gunship already has Arsenal
3646s to just like blow everything out of
3648s water it's passives and a lot of its
3650s tools
3651s um behind the scenes are then related to
3652s it surviving the onslaught that is then
3655s being returned and
3657s you can probably imagine we have a lot
3659s of elements themed around armor
3661s regeneration or armor uh boosting and
3663s stuff like that so that's what the
3665s addition of these passives are you'll
3667s also have noticed that whenever I
3668s described these as the only ship's new
3670s passive we did not add an exclusive
3672s because again we already had exclusives
3674s for the gunship which was the koi gun
3675s turret and the pulse laser turret both
3678s of those exclusive you can only have one
3680s or the other not both so all four of
3682s these added you could technically have
3684s all four uh new ones
3686s it's possible
3688s all right let's move into the uh bomber
3691s Titan
3692s Titan bomber let's look at this uh let's
3695s look at the other variation of it
3697s because it's new
3699s um just give it a nice clean look for
3701s those who haven't seen it yet I love the
3704s way that the lights
3705s shine on this one lots of fun can be had
3708s with the mixture of colors
3710s um in yeah it's just this this one looks
3713s this one's growing on me I I at first I
3716s was like oh yeah I know it's just okay
3717s but it's actually this thing is Pretty
3719s stinking cool when you're flying it
3721s around so let's talk about its new
3723s passives here
3725s so the first one that we have is the the
3730s one at the bottom I see uh is 20 reduced
3733s energy consumption for all secondary
3734s weapons this is a straight Boon for it
3737s specifically because no other ship has
3740s energy consumption four secondary
3742s weapons just means that you can use your
3743s secondary weapons for longer
3745s a nice solid bonus to a ship that wants
3750s to use secondaries for free just now you
3752s can use even more of them perfect the
3754s next one because it likes secondaries a
3756s lot it has a kind of a clever one that
3759s can be utilized in unique ways Target
3761s lock-on is maintained off screen it's
3764s completely new passive of course so
3767s um in the game proper you'll see that
3769s anytime that you're facing a foe
3772s and he goes off the screen your target
3774s is in fact lost but the bomber utilizing
3778s deep everspace one technology
3785s can now maintain its Target
3788s when it is flying off the screen I'm
3790s just going to highlight it really quick
3791s so you can see a pretty basic
3794s um but can be incredibly nice in a pinch
3798s especially if you are struggling to
3800s control your bomber and it's not facing
3803s the proper direction for whatever reason
3807s hmm
3808s the last two uh for the bomber by the
3811s way
3811s um I don't I don't think I had one no I
3814s didn't so the last two are going to be
3815s the exclusives
3818s so here we have that Target lock and you
3820s can see we still have the target lock so
3822s I could fire this cruise missile and
3824s it's going to turn all the way around to
3826s try and get that drone
3828s what a terrible demonstration let's do
3830s that one oh that that just teleports
3833s yeah that's that's pretty cool
3835s I don't think the mines are gonna man we
3837s need a different hang on
3839s for demonstration purposes let's craft
3841s uh just a standard homing missile
3844s goodness
3846s there we go except perfect
3855s but here yeah like this this is like the
3857s epitome of not having to worry about
3859s what's yeah like this freaking Outlaw
3861s teleporter drone
3862s like let's just barrage it like this and
3865s like we can't maintain it on our screen
3867s so we'll just start firing our homing
3869s missiles
3870s and they're all going for them look at
3872s that he's gone not a care in the world
3874s thermogun missiles teleporter drones
3877s giving you a bother just look for the
3879s bomber get this passive say no to
3882s teleporter drones today
3884s excellent
3886s last but not least on the passives for
3889s the bomber
3890s um again these are the exclusives both
3892s of these pertain to the arc 9000s usage
3894s the first one when activating the arc
3896s 9000 it will fully restore your
3899s secondary weapon energy
3902s boom there are some very nice pairings
3905s that you can accomplish with this
3906s believe us we know
3909s it's fun the next one the alternate one
3912s when Arc 9000 is manually detonated gain
3915s 40 increased Arc 9000 shock wave damage
3919s so if you are very particular about
3921s where that Arc 9000 is going to explode
3924s and you time it well this gives you the
3926s added bonus and says you know what you
3930s strategically place this let's make it
3931s even stronger
3933s that's right
3934s just Pummel our foes
3938s absolute crushage
3941s and again both of those are exclusive so
3943s you can only get one or the other you
3945s can either have it fully restore
3946s secondary weapon energy or when you
3949s manually detonate The Arc 9000 again you
3952s will gain a 40
3953s increased Shockwave damage
3956s to that Arc 9000 that is not a small
3958s amount
3961s not a small amount
3966s we've been going over so many of the
3967s passes goodness gravy we've been going
3969s every one of the passes
3971s wow
3973s kind of questioning if I'm gonna have
3975s time for the nightmare gameplay session
3977s goodness
3980s it's good I want you guys to have all
3981s these details
3984s and I'm sure grindel will also be
3986s pleased to know that I'm going to just
3987s send you a list of all the passives
3992s he's got them all so
3994s um if you missed any of this stuff I'm
3996s sure that it will show up on the wiki
3998s soonish uh if not through Grendel uh
4001s through somebody else from our
4002s invaluable Community here
4005s so all right uh next up we have The
4008s Vindicator ooh The Vindicator this one's
4010s a fun one this one's a fun one
4013s um I don't actually I don't think I
4014s actually had any of the new ones on this
4016s though let me double check
4019s oh no I do I do I have one of them
4022s [Music]
4025s no I got two of them okay cool
4029s so
4030s um this ship actually received
4033s five new perks what yeah that's right We
4036s snuck in an extra one so this this ship
4038s actually has the most perks in the perk
4040s pool or perks I call it perks passive
4042s this has the most passives and its
4044s passive pool at a whopping 12 different
4047s options
4049s let me count to make sure that's I'm not
4051s a crazy person one two three four five
4053s six seven eight nine ten eleven I am a
4056s crazy person it's eleven there's eleven
4058s but that's still the most out of all the
4059s different ships I believe the gunship
4060s has ten one two three four five six
4064s seven eight nine ten yeah gunship has
4066s ten Vindicator tops it off and says I
4069s can do you one better I have eleven so
4071s we added five new passives the first one
4073s we see here
4074s um is going to be the collecting
4076s wreckage restores ten percent Shields
4080s depending on how you're utilizing this
4082s this can be a lifesaver a lot of times
4085s what we've seen from Vindicator players
4086s as well as ourselves is that when we are
4089s going for the wreckage it's normally
4091s because we've lost all our drones or our
4093s drones are in a hard spot right
4095s um and when we've lost a lot of drones
4097s generally we've lost shields in that
4100s process so just getting that nice little
4102s boost of 10 shields back can actually go
4105s a pretty long ways this passive feels uh
4107s pretty good in the right hands
4110s uh and the bottom one is a also a new
4113s passive this one's a pretty fantastic
4115s one when a drone is destroyed the Drone
4117s just has a chance to be reconstructed
4119s instantly twenty percent chance
4123s that's right roll a five-sided die
4127s and if you're lucky
4129s boom drones back no problem
4133s pretty nice
4135s pretty nice now like I said there are
4137s five new passes here so those are just
4139s two of them let's cover the other ones
4141s another one is that drones are immune to
4145s all debuff conditions
4149s all of them every single one
4152s Frozen no burning nope corrosion EMP
4157s nothing is going to affect those drones
4160s at all they are immune to all debuff
4164s conditions Weber nope not gonna touch it
4167s it's it's not gonna affect them
4169s so their lasting power becomes much
4172s better now also keep in mind however
4175s that uh should you be under Fire of any
4179s of those conditions your ship will still
4181s take it but your drones can still
4182s operate pretty effectively surrounding
4185s you so it may or may not be a good
4187s choice for those of you out there
4188s getting a little too frisky even though
4191s you're supposed to let your drones do
4192s all the work for you
4194s so uh next up we have
4197s um the exclusives we've got the the two
4199s exclusives like I said every single ship
4201s has these so you have two options the
4203s first option is that your locked enemy
4205s Target will suffer 20 increased damage
4208s from your drones
4213s that's it that's the bonus you lock a
4215s Target
4216s 20 increase damage from drones you
4218s maximize that with your expertise and
4220s things are going to feel pretty dang
4222s good
4223s the other exclusive so if you don't go
4227s that direction of the Locking getting 20
4228s bonus drone damage the other one is
4231s enemy support drones within two
4233s kilometers range
4234s their passive abilities are disrupted
4236s and disabled
4240s what yes let me say that one more time
4241s so your opponent's drones you know like
4245s uh I don't know say like a shield
4247s recharge drone or a Retaliator
4251s um
4252s Shield drone thingy person or like an
4255s ocar
4257s um or a shoot even a teleporter drone
4259s all of those abilities that it's able to
4262s use whether it's you know provide armor
4264s or teleport it no longer has you just
4268s disabled them because you are the Drone
4270s Master Get Wrecked enemy drones
4272s everything within two kilometers is
4275s effectively disabled and can only fire
4277s at you that's all I can do can't do
4279s anything else if it can even fire at you
4284s so uh it's pretty nice all those passive
4287s abilities completely put
4296s nice bit of fun on The Vindicator all
4300s right let's head on over to The Last
4301s Ship The Sentinel
4304s goodness I love this build oh
4308s Matthias I know that I Gave You Praises
4310s like last week or whatever and we like
4311s had that really good talk and I was just
4313s like dude I love the work you do I'm
4315s just gonna keep saying it uh Matthias if
4317s you're watching the stream uh the way
4318s that these Ships Come Together is just
4320s beautiful
4322s but you're here for the passive so let's
4323s talk some passives
4325s on the Sentinel again four new passives
4328s here
4329s uh we do have I think there was one here
4332s yeah so let's look at the bottom one
4333s first we have using a consumable
4335s immediately triggers The Shield to
4336s recharge
4338s if it wasn't enough for you to have a
4341s perk that could start your Shield to
4343s recharge as well as tools to uh recover
4347s your Shields through your devices or
4349s even through your Weaponry itself uh now
4353s we have one from the passive side of
4356s things if you want your Shields to be
4358s maintained in an essential believe me
4359s you do this passive could actually be
4362s quite useful and furthermore
4366s if you're using this passive it might
4368s open up other slots for you maybe you
4369s want to swap out your perk that uh would
4372s otherwise be uh giving you a shield
4375s recharge from killing an enemy you know
4378s if you're pairing yourself nicely with
4380s the appropriate consumables you're gonna
4382s be just fine in this vessel
4386s we also have I think that's actually it
4389s dang that's the only new one we have
4391s here unfortunate
4394s but another one which is kind of fun and
4396s actually I'm gonna go I'm gonna cheat my
4398s way over to nufti's planes I want to see
4401s if I can find a sentinel with this
4403s because it would be fun to show
4406s I want to see if I can find a sentence
4407s with this because it would be fun to
4408s show
4410s the irony is that and preparing for this
4413s stream everybody I was doing a lot of
4415s rolling around to get a lot of variety
4417s on the ships and I felt really good
4419s about it uh Sentinel I probably should
4421s have rolled a couple more sorry about
4422s that but let's see if we can find one
4425s this would be a fun one to show
4430s so just a sentinel let's see
4435s there's using a kazoo bowl and
4436s immediately triggers The Shield to
4437s recharge that's nice
4439s um there's another new one on here too
4441s so let's just go to go ahead and cover
4443s that it says while Shields are at least
4447s 50 charge
4449s gain corrosion immunity that's actually
4452s one of the exclusives while Shields are
4454s at least 50 percent charged gain
4457s corrosion immunity
4459s now you guys of course there's also
4461s blight Monger there's the new item that
4463s grants corrosion immunity The Shield I
4466s believe
4468s so long as your Shields are up at all
4469s then you gain corrosion immunity so if
4472s you don't want to go that particular
4473s route and go a different direction
4474s that's going to be great also make sure
4476s that if you are going that direction in
4478s the Sentinel which is oddly specific
4480s you probably don't want that passive
4482s because you're effectively not getting
4484s the opportunity there and that's one of
4486s two of the
4488s um exclusives maybe the other exclusive
4489s Shop nope it did not
4492s it did not so the other exclusive while
4496s Shields are fully charged you'll gain 20
4498s reduced Boost energy and weapon energy
4501s consumption
4502s so one more time I'll say it again while
4505s Shields are fully charged
4509s you gain 20 reduced Boost energy and
4511s weapon energy consumption Shields maxed
4514s out
4516s guns and thrusters
4518s are good
4519s be able to fly quite a bit more
4524s last but not least
4526s um we have collecting an energy or I
4528s don't see it unfortunately
4530s I don't see it
4532s is there another is there another
4534s Sentinel nope
4535s one Sentinel
4537s um but uh the other one is collecting an
4539s energy orb deploys an energy shield for
4542s two seconds
4544s that's the one I was hoping to actually
4546s uh highlight let me see if I can uh
4551s can't go to Prescott Starbase for
4553s reasons
4556s Let's uh here let's just go let's go
4560s over to um
4562s I really want to highlight this one dang
4563s it I'm being stubborn now but I want to
4566s do it
4576s come on Marie devent don't fail me now
4582s [Music]
4587s Sentinel Sentinel Sentinel
4595s I have been got by the rngs uh let's go
4598s ahead and refresh our ship offers
4602s none re really
4605s I've been betrayed
4610s I guess we go back to Netflix
4613s and recycle the off first
4618s ah what are the odds
4620s man there's some low rolls here all
4624s right live streams the best
4625s aren't they just so Grand
4630s you never know what you're gonna get
4632s neither do I
4634s yeah
4635s all right let's uh let's try oh what
4639s what
4640s what it's because I cheated isn't it
4645s cheaters never Prosper
4649s uh anyway all right well you kind of get
4651s the idea but basically the energy orbs
4654s um whenever you collect them that two
4656s seconds of an energy Shield is immunity
4659s it's complete full-blown immunity two
4663s seconds this was actually strongly
4665s debated internally on how long it should
4667s have been
4668s um so is it completely overpowered if
4671s you pair it with the right particular
4672s set that's all about collecting energy
4673s arms at extended range and dealing
4675s damage to everything that's really close
4676s to you probably
4680s you should try it it's nice uh
4683s uh and then we also have I think that
4686s was the only other one that we have
4688s um for the Sentinel no that was it that
4690s was it
4691s that's it so those were all the four I'm
4692s gonna read those off again because we
4693s flying around a little bit so quick
4695s Clarity
4696s um so the ones that we have on this
4697s particular ship we have the static
4699s overload has a temper nope incorrect
4703s using a consumable immediately triggers
4705s The Shield to recharge that's the new
4707s one
4708s that was the new one um and then we also
4711s have
4713s um collecting an energy orb deploys an
4714s energy shield for two seconds
4716s and then our two exclusives while
4718s Shields are at at least 50 charge again
4720s corrosion immunity or while Shields are
4723s fully charged gain 20 reduced Boost
4724s energy and weapon energy consumption all
4727s right ladies and gentlemen concludes all
4729s of the ship passives I have listed every
4731s single one of the new ones again I am
4734s going to pass off this information to
4735s our our wiki guide because I want to
4737s make sure it's super clear uh so we can
4740s get through all of that content but
4742s let's go ahead and break into the
4744s question phase now I'm sure that there
4746s have been a number populated for all of
4748s the ships I wanted to power through the
4749s rest of them so throw them at us and
4752s let's cover them as best we can
4755s right let's see what we have so first up
4759s uh we have a question from uh slurrine
4761s over on YouTube
4763s um will the ability to teleport stuff
4765s from my home-based stories to my ship
4767s while out and about be included in the
4770s updates
4772s um we have never
4773s said we were going to do that
4775s um
4776s so no there's there's no plans there's
4779s no plans to to do that
4781s um I do know that this is something that
4783s has been stated in the past during Early
4785s Access like it's been a desire from the
4787s community but uh yeah that's not
4790s something that um
4792s we have gone the route of
4796s I suppose it's possible in the future
4798s and if it if it becomes possible or if
4800s we go that direction we'll let you know
4802s if we do that but for now no
4810s panchiati over on YouTube as has noticed
4812s that sometimes when they've dropped into
4814s an unknown system that's supposed to be
4816s resource Rich that they've actually
4817s found newer resources at that location
4819s uh they wonder why that happens are they
4822s just literally unlucky with the RNG yeah
4826s sometimes to try to go looking for a
4827s sentinel and you re-roll the ship offers
4829s and they're not there at all you know
4831s it's it's uh you know it's it's part of
4834s the experience you know when you're
4835s hunting stuff down sometimes it can you
4838s know it can take some effort it can take
4840s some a few attempts it doesn't just
4843s magically uh happen and that's also
4845s applicable to the random locations you
4847s know you can go to a resource Rich
4849s location that can generate no nodes of
4854s resources it is rare I have seen it
4857s happen as well
4859s um I think we consider that a bug but
4862s it's uh all kind of part of the RNG and
4866s it's not been addressed either
4869s not been addressed because it can happen
4872s sometimes you show up to a mineral-ish
4874s location you know what somebody else got
4875s there first
4878s all right next question please
4880s uh
4882s went into twitch uh lit volley would
4884s like to know will there be more ways to
4886s use credits after the Patch
4889s more ways to use credits after the Patch
4891s uh I think that's a I think that's a
4893s wonderful question
4894s um this particular update is not really
4897s expanding upon that
4900s not really expanding upon that other
4903s than
4904s if you're looking for a particular set
4906s items for example and you don't want to
4909s go hunting everywhere you could just go
4910s to stations and purchase them straight
4912s up that's always an option
4915s to that though we have not increased the
4917s loop pools of shops so if you're
4920s wondering about like the loot quality of
4921s what you could find from a storefront it
4924s is going to remain consistent or has not
4926s been increased
4928s so but that's going to be probably the
4930s largest thing if you will which is you
4933s know basically saying nothing right
4936s so I'm not gonna beat around the bush
4938s there I know what I'm saying
4940s so yep there is potential for you know
4945s possible changes in the future though um
4948s but if that's the case you know it's
4950s also one of those things where we would
4952s let you know what those plans look like
4954s and maybe give those teasers and all of
4956s that type of stuff if that's the
4958s direction we would go
4960s um but it is something we've taken note
4962s of and something we may or may not be
4964s trying to rectify
4966s to
4967s Maybe but not in this update
4972s right uh switching back to YouTube uh
4975s wizard Jerry actually would like to know
4977s which set items you were most attracted
4980s to and uh on why oh gosh
4985s that's a really that's a great question
4987s and I mean if you're asking for like my
4991s personal opinions here well I do
4993s appreciate that I love that you guys
4995s want to know what's inside my mind
4997s um I do want to make sure that you guys
4998s know that the focus here is like on the
5001s whole of the experience my preferences
5003s are not going to be equal to your own I
5005s love the striker for example because
5007s it's in The Fray it's always causing
5009s Madness to occur
5010s um and I feel like it pairs incredibly
5012s well actually with uh the uh Storm
5016s Chaser set because you want to be close
5018s to all of your opponents you slap on
5020s retaliation and Away you go it's it's
5022s just a nice medley of chaos everything
5025s dies and it's so incredibly satisfying
5027s especially with some of these new perks
5028s to make sure that you are surviving even
5031s more while you're taking that damage to
5032s then deal the damage to everything
5034s around you it's it's quite nice but all
5036s of the different ship classes they have
5039s incredible pairings that are going to be
5041s you know maximized to their greatest
5043s extent of of you know
5046s what they can do I mean shoot even right
5048s here we're using judge jury and
5049s executioner on the Scout and it's it is
5053s not uh it is not messing around at all
5056s right
5057s um and it's really just going to come
5058s down to your play style it's going to
5059s come down to what your favorite ship is
5061s what your favorite items are
5063s um what feels good to you
5066s and we're very happy with the variety of
5069s the set items that we're bringing to the
5071s armed and dangerous update that's for
5073s sure we got a little bit of everything
5076s and it feels pretty good
5080s so next question
5081s uh pesky husky over on YouTube
5085s um a bit of a long question uh any
5087s specific reason why the old car stopped
5090s sending their frigates into the DMZ like
5092s they did in everspace one
5098s the main reason why the
5102s okar were present
5105s is because they were trying to form a
5108s blockade
5109s for any particular Colonial
5114s clones
5116s that were actually escalating
5119s a candidate for war against the
5122s Colonials
5123s so the okar we're trying to stop this
5126s because it was creating a lot of chaos
5128s and they were sending a vast number of
5131s their fleets and their forces to not
5133s only protect
5135s the semblance of colonies across the DMZ
5138s but also to stop the threat that was the
5143s reason they don't show up in everspace
5144s too
5145s not threats more or less been eliminated
5149s no clones are really identified anymore
5156s that's about it
5158s excellent so they kind of hold away if
5161s you will from the territories
5165s Terry Lackey over on YouTube was just
5168s wondering with the adjustments to
5170s current stats for weapons and gear is
5173s that going to include anything
5174s um changes for legendaries we're going
5176s to see it needs 50 tweaks to legendaries
5179s um I think there was one tweak to one
5181s legendary and it was castiel's
5183s protection
5185s um the
5186s um
5188s the little uh Illusions are much better
5192s at distracting your foes
5195s that's I believe the only tweak we've
5197s made to all of the legendaries
5199s though do keep in mind of course that
5201s set item bonuses and these new item
5203s attributes in conjunction with
5206s legendaries can absolutely be awesome
5210s they can be really effective
5218s okay last one for now uh kind of is kind
5221s of a suggestion though of something to
5222s look at in the future at every Space 2
5225s and everspace won't have references to
5227s certain elements of previous games uh
5230s that devs hinted in the names of
5232s Manufacturers and Equipment uh do we
5234s plan to include any more of those in the
5236s future
5237s um so certain names were referenced
5239s mainly due to backer requests that was
5242s something that we honored through the
5244s Aerospace one Kickstarter a lot of the
5246s manufacturers in fact were established
5247s by backwards
5249s and they still exist in our world you
5251s know we carried them over to everspace 2
5252s of course so technically those certain
5255s names and uh whatnot would in fact exist
5260s in our world but we are not going to
5262s cross any IP lines that could damage the
5266s Integrity of our product
5268s so
5270s yeah I don't believe we've had to make
5273s any alterations at this time maybe we
5276s did have to change one
5281s but uh regardless we want to maintain
5284s that consistency as clearly as possible
5286s while also
5287s um you know not getting into legal
5290s issues
5292s yeah oh it's good to avoid yeah
5296s that is all for the time being free to
5298s fly on cool all right well with that
5300s being said I want to jump over to my my
5302s nightmare save because I haven't
5303s actually played it in quite some time
5307s um and while I'm doing this I want to
5309s just experience the game for probably
5311s about 20-ish minutes
5313s um and see how stuff is dropping maybe
5315s you could take notes of like seeing a
5316s set iron be like oh it dropped from this
5318s particular system you know that's
5319s exciting you know what hobby is
5322s um but this was our save we've got our
5324s nice crusty Vindicator I say crusty
5327s because it's all damaged
5329s we need to get some repairs going on
5331s um our thrusters are damaged ouch we do
5334s have Omni Magnus that's that's actually
5336s really nice
5338s um we have a multi-cell we've got a
5341s Genesis barrier and we have secure hold
5343s oh nice okay cool
5346s cool so we actually I kind of want to
5349s free up some of this
5350s um
5352s maybe we'll get to a station or whatnot
5353s so during the course of this play
5355s through
5356s um go ahead and keep asking those
5357s questions
5359s um as you uh see fit
5361s and I will try and cover as much as I
5364s possibly can once we get to another key
5367s interval
5368s but otherwise yeah um we've oh shoot
5371s guys no hang on hang on a second
5373s goodness no we need to talk about
5375s something
5375s we need to talk about something oh my
5377s gosh okay so this update
5379s um of course uh we probably shouldn't
5381s have super light music
5384s it's gonna be so distracting hang on
5386s goodness gravy let's just all I want to
5389s do is dance
5391s and not appropriate to dance during this
5394s conversation
5395s uh but basically what I want to do is I
5397s just want to talk very briefly about
5399s what's called feature parody just so
5401s everybody is aware we've had a couple of
5403s individuals not really understand what
5405s this means and uh why that there's
5408s um say like a two week delay for a you
5411s know on Game Pass versus steam getting
5414s the update immediately right now um so
5416s some quick Clarity here I just want to
5417s make sure everybody understands this
5420s the updates for armed and dangerous is
5424s going live
5425s for all platforms
5429s at the same time
5431s okay it's all coming together at the
5433s same time and the reason for this is
5435s because we have gone through the
5436s appropriate certifications to get all of
5439s said approvals from the respective
5441s parties thereof
5443s when you are working on a game and you
5446s are operating in different platforms you
5448s must go through those certifications
5450s working with others mainly the
5452s individuals of owning that platform to
5455s ensure that all the checks and balances
5457s are there if they are not you instead of
5460s getting accepted you get rejected and
5463s you have to resubmit and sometimes these
5465s submissions can in fact take uh you know
5468s a week or two and sometimes even longer
5470s if you can't expedite the process
5473s because of a number of varied issues now
5477s while of course it is in an ideal world
5479s that we get every single update uh to
5483s you at the exact same time this is
5485s something this feature parody bringing
5487s this update at the exact same time for
5489s every single one of you out there
5490s regardless of where you're from this
5492s only happens with major content Updates
5495s this is considered a major content
5497s update here
5499s the reason it's hitting everybody at the
5501s same time is because the build that is
5503s approved to go live well hopefully
5506s approved pretty sure it's approved
5508s um but timing's all considered to bring
5511s that alignment up was already submitted
5513s approximately a week and a half ago on a
5516s couple other channels okay
5519s a couple other things to note on this
5521s some of you are thinking what you mean
5523s we could be totally playing it right now
5524s of blah blah like it's not that's not
5526s what you should be pulling out of this
5528s okay what you should be pulling out of
5530s this is that our approach here is to
5532s make it an equal Level Playing Field for
5534s literally everyone regardless of where
5536s you're coming from I just want you to
5537s understand the system of how there's a
5540s certification process depending on that
5542s particular platform
5545s also
5546s over the course of this last week and a
5548s half after having done these submissions
5550s we've found a couple little things that
5552s we want to tweak a couple of things that
5554s we want to adjust a couple little things
5556s that we want to add so I can guarantee
5558s that there will be a follow-up patch
5562s when we're ready to upload that I can't
5565s really give you a set timeline on it but
5568s we already know that we are going to
5570s adjust the armed and dangerous update
5572s with a follow-up okay one of the core
5576s things that's actually not present in
5578s this particular build and I want to make
5580s sure everyone's aware so that your
5582s hearts don't break when we get there
5583s okay
5585s um you know we have the and of course I
5587s don't have an example on the screen
5589s hang on a second let me let me get an
5592s example real quick
5594s uh there it is
5597s um the one thing that you will not have
5599s come Monday but then will be patched in
5602s okay
5604s it's the unique engine sounds for the
5606s different set items okay
5609s it's the unique engine sounds so for
5612s example this is the Recon booster
5616s you know this beautiful engine sound
5618s here
5619s this was actually a detail that we
5622s wanted to magnify
5623s after that particular
5626s certification had gone through and was
5628s approved okay so rest assured
5632s whenever you receive the update come
5636s Monday you will have all of the content
5639s and most of its Glory
5642s but we are aware that there are a couple
5644s of things that we have continued to
5646s build upon you want I want you guys to
5648s be aware that there are a couple of
5649s things that we've continued to build
5650s upon over the course of this last week
5651s and a half and there will be a couple of
5654s these uh additional little tweaks
5655s modifications and additions to follow
5659s um at an undisclosed time at this time
5661s so
5663s very very likely going to land in uh
5667s next month though I would be surprised
5669s honestly if we didn't get out the door
5671s by the end of next month so just know
5674s that I want we want to be very
5675s transparent with you guys
5677s um and yeah
5679s that's just one of the little things but
5682s a lot of it's going to be
5684s uh I mean you're getting from a gameplay
5687s standpoint all of the content is there
5689s um I think there was like a maybe like a
5691s little revision or two for like a a text
5694s it's sincerely like the other stuff guys
5696s it's nothing to to worry yourselves over
5699s but again I just really needed to make
5701s sure you guys are aware of the feature
5704s parody it's all coming to you come
5707s Monday and then we can guarantee that
5709s there will be a follow-up patch
5711s inevitably to add and adjust and to
5714s tweak just a couple of elements within
5717s this armed and dangerous update
5719s cool hope fully hopefully
5723s hope that we're being incredibly
5724s transparent by this instead of somehow
5726s being frustrated at the fact that uh
5729s certification exists uh it's just a part
5731s of development we do hope that you
5733s understand
5734s um and we're still excited to get all of
5736s this stuff to you rest assured it will
5739s get to you so I know you're super
5742s excited about basically everything we
5744s are to it's we're the we're almost there
5747s guys we're almost there oh geez all
5750s right thank you for letting me do that
5752s quick segment let me see if I can get
5754s back to where I was going oh my gosh
5758s oh my goodness
5766s oh goodness yeah and Michael did say one
5768s other thing and that's actually really
5769s important too
5770s that's also really important so Michael
5772s says that and this actually happened
5774s whenever we launched on consoles
5776s so I'm going to read this aloud just
5778s make sure everyone is super super aware
5780s of this
5781s um the updating upcoming content the
5784s propagating on consoles can sometimes be
5787s a little bit
5789s um
5791s mixed okay uh there's a lot of factors
5794s there that are completely out of our
5795s control guys they are completely out of
5798s our control what we do is we Supply the
5801s build that has been approved it goes
5804s live and then the respective locations
5807s are then taking into account of where
5809s you are at uh which takes in again a lot
5812s of those different factors of you know
5814s there's just a lot of factors we're not
5816s going to go into the factors because it
5817s would be deep
5818s and so for some of you you'll be able to
5821s start downloading almost immediately for
5823s others you might have to wait a couple
5825s of hours or two okay again we saw this
5828s at the console launch it is very much
5831s expected that this is going to occur
5834s again but rest assured when the update
5836s goes live everything is out of our hands
5838s and it's into those systems to where as
5841s soon as it is prepared on that front for
5844s you to download from
5846s you will be able to start downloading
5848s cool thanks for that quick Clarity
5850s Michael I really do appreciate that
5853s awesome
5856s lots of details there
5857s now
5859s we're back to the cedo transit gate in
5862s our save
5864s with our
5866s five little drones our Vindicator isn't
5869s anything too crazy
5871s um
5872s we do have the new passive on this one
5874s we have drones are immune to all debuff
5876s conditions so we have that going for us
5878s that's nice
5884s otherwise
5886s we are heading back to the home base I
5888s think probably
5890s gonna hit Level 20 I hope
5899s yeah I'm seeing a lot of little
5900s discussions in the chats pertaining to
5901s like certifying uh processes and stuff
5904s and yeah it
5905s it's you know
5907s it's an interesting discussion to like
5909s take a deep dive into
5911s um
5912s but I'd say most of the time developers
5914s are like
5915s [Laughter]
5918s I don't I'm not sure I know a single
5920s developer who like gets excited about
5922s certification like oh certification yes
5925s oh boy I love this process now it's
5935s ah good stuff good stuff
5938s just while we're flying to home but it's
5940s a quick question for you from zero uh
5943s over on YouTube do legendary items count
5946s for the opulence set bonus
5950s uh uh for the star forged benefits
5955s is that uh I would believe so
5959s um
5961s I don't believe
5964s actually that's a really good question
5970s you got me with that question I'm gonna
5972s have to follow up with you are you on
5974s the Discord by chance because if you're
5975s not I would encourage you to swing on
5977s over there it's discord.gg Rockfish
5979s games and you could head on over to the
5981s support forum and just
5982s ask your question there be like hey do
5985s you know if the opulence set works with
5986s legendaries and from that point I Will
5989s Follow You Up
5991s um and respond accordingly with whatever
5994s my trusty team has to say on the matter
6000s but yeah I think for all man I just my
6004s mind can wander on that one quite a lot
6005s but um
6007s yeah I don't have an answer that's a
6009s great question
6011s it is very rare that I get stumbled the
6013s question on these streams so uh kudos to
6015s you I tip my hat to you good sir that's
6017s good that's a solid question all right
6019s uh let's go to the next question though
6021s and I really do hope to follow up with
6022s you on the Discord
6024s um because I want to I want to I want
6025s that information too now goodness that's
6027s a that's a great question
6028s what's the next one we got
6030s oh that's all we've got for the time
6032s being okay that's great
6033s all right so now I can actually show
6035s these freaking
6037s things in my build because we do have
6040s the supervision which is available
6042s um almost available we have a heat
6044s detector needed but also we have the
6046s location
6047s um scanner which we are absolutely
6049s investing in this oh my gosh we've got
6052s the goods so I'm doing it
6054s excellent ah we can't get tier two
6058s oh we need a lot of stuff
6061s all right
6062s um we need 12 heat detectors exactly let
6066s me just see what our
6069s heat detector requirements are
6073s um
6074s we could actually make 12 of them
6079s we're doing it
6083s all right
6085s excellent
6088s I got the resources
6090s so what's happening
6094s meet
6095s so that was supervision so now we're
6098s going to be able to unlock this
6101s what that means
6103s is that any location that we have
6106s um started
6108s getting a strong amount of of completion
6111s in
6112s um so like actually this is a good one
6114s I'll sign a station let's head over here
6118s um let me just show you what this does
6120s for anybody who has missed this I love
6122s that I can now get this
6125s I can start completing more challenges
6127s and finding more secrets
6130s super light is an addition
6132s um
6133s mainly because of the community requests
6137s surrounding it
6144s ah The Familiar Mass crafting for that
6146s perk you really really want yeah yeah
6151s absolutely all right look here we've got
6153s this nice little question mark that's
6156s showing us something exists we are going
6158s for it
6160s so in most cases
6162s um the super light is going to all but
6164s tell you where this thing is at like
6168s it's almost penned on it exactly
6173s so as you can see here we have to
6174s destroy this uh
6177s um
6178s Detonator thingy words it's an asteroid
6183s gosh
6184s I don't know why words have completely
6186s failed me all of a sudden I'll try
6187s aluminum oh goodness yeah aluminum is
6190s going to destroy me why what I missed I
6192s missed oh there it is everything's fine
6195s we're all fine here all right we get
6198s this thing destroyed we're going to
6199s complete this location
6201s wonderful
6204s thank you to Carla's new perk thank you
6207s to all of you guys who have been asking
6210s for some new tools to assist you
6212s especially when you're getting closer
6213s and again these uh these locations
6217s she doesn't start revealing them let me
6219s just show the perk one more time she
6221s does not start showing these until you
6224s have around 80 percent completed okay
6227s you have to have like at least 80
6228s percent and when you have at least 80
6230s then you'll start seeing basically
6233s everything else revealed some locations
6234s have a lot of stuff so she can reveal up
6237s to three secrets
6239s okay so it just depends on the location
6241s and how much she's going to show you
6246s good good stop
6248s uh let's also do this because this will
6251s be embarrassing so why not
6258s racing in the Vanguard or a Vindicator
6262s I said Vanguard because you should be
6272s surprised I actually haven't missed a
6274s ring
6276s surprised I did this as well as I did
6279s what the heck we got
6283s I'm not complaining about the Vindicator
6285s and it's like oh it's not very good
6287s racer easy Platinum no big deal what the
6290s heck oh my gosh
6295s I'll take it
6300s so I'm sure you guys are aware but we
6302s have made a couple other a lot of little
6303s tweaks along the way as well
6305s um for this update one of which you can
6307s actually see right now on the screen or
6309s rather you can't because the indicators
6311s for your drones are hidden anytime that
6314s you're outside of combat you don't need
6316s to know where your drones are at so we
6317s hide it from you
6318s they're there they're still they're
6320s still pleasantly surrounding us
6323s they haven't gone anywhere but we don't
6325s have the indicators anymore just to
6326s clean up the UI just a little bit more
6331s just to clean that up a little bit more
6332s I also forgot to do this we need to
6334s invest in this
6336s excuse me let me invest
6339s now we can make spatial bypasses
6345s neat so now we have to go back to the
6347s homepage home home Pace I have to go
6349s back to the home pace
6352s well I think what we're going to do is
6353s we're going to park at the home base
6355s We're Gonna Save
6357s um I'm glad I got the level 20 though oh
6359s because I got a new perk new perk let's
6362s see
6365s I mean critical faculty is really good
6368s if you're not me because I don't use my
6371s old actually this is a problem all of
6372s these don't count for me because I don't
6373s use them at home that's
6375s I'm a big fan of unyielding assault
6377s though um it kind of comes in a pinch
6379s for me um when things are not going well
6381s and I realize oh yeah I have the all to
6383s use then I immediately have armor and
6385s I'm using my ALT so I'm gonna go ahead
6387s and use that one it just pairs nicely
6390s for my my memory
6395s my goodness so yeah we're gonna get back
6397s to the home base here
6398s we're gonna dock
6400s and then we are going to move into the
6402s last segment which is talking about uh
6405s screenshots
6407s good question before
6409s uh tzpq over on Twitch uh the ship
6413s illuminative lights uh they are enough
6415s for them they think could we see better
6417s glowing effects such as luminescent
6419s paint designs on on liveries Etc
6422s that is a big ask
6425s um I'm not gonna say it's not possible
6428s but that would also take a bit of time
6431s for us to implement and we don't have
6433s any plans at this time to do that
6435s especially for the freaking update
6437s around the corner right
6439s um so if if we were to go in any sort of
6441s direction to expand upon I mean honestly
6444s let's just open it up to like any level
6446s of additional ship customization right
6448s let's just put put that uh probably some
6451s other thoughts that maybe are out there
6452s anything on that front that would have
6455s to come down in a future line should we
6458s pursue that so again at this time it's
6461s it's not coming to the update
6464s um and uh in the future who knows that's
6469s who knows
6471s so we're pretty happy with the
6472s customization as is let's let's be clear
6474s especially with adding a number of these
6477s new features to you know randomize your
6479s paint colors and stuff like that
6482s um
6483s I don't want to get rid of my current
6485s one I want to see what else we get
6488s that's actually not too bad
6490s I don't like that actually
6493s come on out let's use it
6496s um but yeah do we have another question
6497s or was that just this time no you're
6500s okay okay cool I'm also going to clean
6502s up my save file just a little bit just
6504s so that when we come back it's not
6506s begging me to do 50 000 things oh I can
6509s also invest in resource selling let's
6510s let's Max this puppy out
6512s that's nice as soon as we get to a
6515s station oh yeah that's going to be
6516s really nice because now that we've
6518s unlocked that I mean we've collected
6520s we've collected a pretty decent number
6522s of certain items like Culver Crystal
6525s look at that we could we could
6528s compensate some of these areas where
6531s we're lacking
6532s um to boost up our
6534s ship
6536s all right that feels good
6539s that feels good it's still saying I can
6540s do something else storage size
6545s I'm not worried about it
6547s cool all right well let's uh go ahead
6549s and save here
6553s and we are going to take just a very
6555s light break we're going to jump over to
6556s some screenshots and during the
6557s screenshot segment guys it's going to be
6559s open for any type of question that you
6562s have whether it's about everspace
6563s whether it's about the armed and
6565s dangerous Upstate update whether it's
6566s about Rockfish games as a whole if you
6568s wanted to crack open some conversation
6570s about uh feature parody again I mean
6572s shoot that's totally fine uh but it'll
6574s be all doors open for you while we're
6576s just highlighting some pretty cool
6578s screenshots from the community so I'll
6579s be right back in one moment
6586s okay
6607s I'm hopeful that my computer is going to
6608s behave today
6610s and it won't jump around with the screen
6614s like it did last week so what we are
6616s going to be doing is wait a second is it
6618s already doing something weird
6620s no it's fine
6621s it's fine enough
6623s we're going to just highlight a couple
6625s of screenshots again from the community
6626s um if you guys have any questions by all
6628s means go ahead and send them out here
6630s these screenshots all come from the
6632s Discord for the last two weeks so I've
6635s selected uh what I feel are better shots
6638s but also highlighting newcomers as well
6639s just to like get you up on the screen
6641s and say thank you for contributing some
6642s screenshots so this one comes from cargo
6644s jocker and Bob is just amazing like what
6646s a champion he's so he's so dang cute
6649s everybody deserves Bob
6651s oh it's it's wonderful so thank you for
6654s that share cargo jocker also this
6657s screenshot that's provided
6658s um that's pretty cool actually I love
6661s that I think you said something about
6663s how it felt kind of like a cartoonish or
6666s comic bookie or something like that
6668s um but I love the way that this ship is
6670s highlighted in this space I think you've
6673s done a pretty fun job of customizing
6675s um the qualities here and it pairs well
6677s with that nice
6679s I'd slap this on my wall that's pretty
6681s it's pretty fun
6684s let me know whenever a question
6686s generates Gary just interrupt my uh
6688s showcase and let me know well indeed
6691s cool we got this one also from cargo
6694s Jacker I think you said something along
6695s the lines of you were strangely waiting
6698s on this uh stop light you didn't know
6700s whenever it was going to change and so
6702s you're just sitting here waiting that's
6704s a nice little fun shot again uh
6707s compliments to your ship design I think
6709s is pretty nice like you're using the
6711s metallic and making it look kind of gold
6713s with those purples and blues maybe
6715s purple more purplish than blue it seems
6718s like but definitely in the realm of
6721s those colors but yeah nice compliments
6724s as well everything's it is the
6726s complementary orange to Blue
6728s um and feels pretty good feels pretty
6731s nice I have a question okay cool
6734s Terry Lackey over on YouTube with
6737s regards the banker Shield the recharge
6739s only happens when boosting but still has
6742s a recharge delay does the boosting
6745s instantly start the Chargers does the
6747s delay still apply
6750s okay I'm gonna I want that question one
6751s more time because I want to make sure
6752s that I'm not missing any details so it's
6755s about how it recharges while boosting
6757s the speed word
6759s yes and it has but it still has a
6761s recharge delay yes okay so basically the
6766s short of it is that if you get hit and
6768s then you start boosting it's not going
6770s to start recharging
6771s first you have to wait for that recharge
6773s delay and then once that recharge delay
6775s passes even while you've been boosting
6777s that entire time then it can start
6778s charging
6779s so if you are just boosting continually
6782s you get hit you're going to wait exactly
6784s that same amount of its recharge delay
6786s and then it's just going to keep going
6787s if you stop boosting it doesn't matter
6790s because your Shield's not going to come
6792s back at all does that make sense
6797s it's a good clarifying question
6798s [Music]
6800s so this shot comes from flori by the way
6803s I think it was called taste of your own
6805s medicine because man these uh these
6808s Raiders they really like to to mess you
6810s up with those Webers
6812s and uh yeah it is it's kind of fun
6814s seeing them getting stuck
6818s it's good
6819s very nice very nice screenshot
6823s we also have this one from flori as well
6825s not something you see very often at all
6828s but a freighter is definitely in the
6831s wrong place the wrong time you don't
6833s mess around with the retaliators
6836s and it's not looking good for this
6839s Convoy unless the goods are in fact
6842s Frozen in which case maybe this helps it
6845s further
6846s who knows all of that beef is now you
6850s know definitely going to get there
6851s without any problems
6854s how that works in space anyway
6857s we have this shot from gig bite it was
6859s one of your earliest shots I think is
6861s what you said from everspace one yes it
6863s was yeah a long long time ago was this
6866s yeah I took this from the archives nice
6869s yeah so this uh indicates to me that you
6872s know the the DLC was live at this time
6876s um so yeah that's that's good stuff I
6878s love the
6880s School design on the project the
6883s particular ship I love the way that we
6885s had those unique skins
6888s I just I really like the scenery that
6890s you've chosen here as well I think it
6892s comes together pretty well
6894s nicely done definitely like to honor our
6896s roots from where we came from and it's
6898s it's
6899s pleasing for us and how well visually
6903s everspace one has indeed aged
6907s next up we've got a shot from
6911s uh however our eye or
6915s why I'm not sure how to pronounce this
6918s it's h-o-u-r-a-i our eye I don't know
6922s there's probably a hard H there
6925s hooray
6927s I'm gonna stop trying to butcher this
6928s and just show this the screenshot look
6930s at that look at this love the aggression
6933s um gotta love those stingers and it's
6936s full force coming at any of your
6938s opponents that Redeemer never stood a
6940s chance
6941s um man let me tell you what I I just
6943s really am thrilled with that passive for
6944s the Stinger to reduce the energy
6946s consumption by 33
6948s um fun fact I actually felt like that's
6950s how it should have worked just initially
6952s but it turned out it wasn't incredibly
6954s balanced to that degree so that's why it
6956s is just a passive
6958s [Music]
6960s so good to keep that barrage when you're
6963s using your devices and having the energy
6966s to support it
6968s so this just makes me want to play a
6970s stinger with that passive now just that
6972s one passive out of all the passives
6974s we've shown today that's the one passive
6976s I'm thinking of jeez
6978s crazy we also have another throwback
6982s screenshot which is kind of a throwback
6983s throwback because because this is a
6987s hardcore run of everspace one that has
6990s the Retro handicap
6992s um a lot of people have never seen this
6994s before this is an authentic screenshot
6996s in game the pixelation is how the game
7000s looks the color saturation might
7002s actually be a little uh but regardless
7005s in this particular handicap the music
7009s also changes
7012s there's Retro Music that actually plays
7014s when you have this handicap so it's a
7017s visual impairment of course
7019s um if you've never heard those uh you
7021s definitely should you know go purchase
7022s everspace one soundtrack actually
7024s because the Retro tracks are in there
7026s but also exploring hardcore mode as a
7029s more authentic roguelike uh can be a
7032s tremendous amount of fun it's probably
7034s what I returned to that it is when I
7037s returned to everspace
7038s like through and through I just do
7040s hardcore mods and
7043s so nice showcasing that from rare scrap
7046s I didn't even say the username rare
7047s scrap thank you for capturing the shop
7049s for whatever space classic I'm only
7051s username you could actually pronounce it
7052s yeah I know right
7054s goodness goodness given the praise given
7056s the praise very nice
7058s all right a couple of questions for you
7060s if you're already right uh Terry Lackey
7063s over on YouTube I would like to know
7065s will we ever get to see those nice enemy
7066s weapons that freeze and burn your Hull
7068s or maybe some type of catalyst to apply
7071s those perks or you can see those weapons
7073s all the time you just go face them and
7074s then they're in your face
7076s well we um we've explored some options
7079s of like you know
7082s what it might do to the game if we were
7085s to give player that level of control if
7087s it's fun or not
7088s um and with the tampering that we've
7091s done there are some technical elements
7093s in there
7094s um let me just kind of cut to the chase
7095s it's not technically in the plans
7098s um it's something that we kind of like
7101s having as a specialty trait of these
7104s very factions
7105s um but that's not to say we couldn't
7107s change your mind I suppose if we were to
7109s change our minds and you know
7111s possibly go in a direction like that I'm
7113s sure that we would let you guys know
7115s we'd hype it up all that type of stuff
7116s but for now we like that it's very
7119s distinct factors for those respective
7122s factions and the player has a number of
7125s tools that they can already just do
7127s crazy stuff with so it's a curious
7131s question you want to pull information
7132s from me I actually gave you more
7134s information than uh probably what
7136s normally a person would respond because
7138s I did say that we did explore some of
7140s that at one point but
7141s is not the plans so
7144s this shot comes from speed by the way
7147s that's their username just speed I like
7149s highlighting the ways that you guys
7150s design your spacecraft and this is no
7152s different definitely giving me those
7154s Iron Man Vibes that I think it comes
7156s together very well so thank you for your
7158s contribution from
7160s we're gonna cycle over to Steiny's shot
7162s here which is honestly it feels like
7164s such a high resolution shot it just
7166s looks so clean that's honestly why I
7168s like it let's go to another question
7169s though
7170s uh right they're all back on YouTube
7174s um if you could tell us can legendaries
7176s roll the new affixes too or are they
7178s still limited to attributes they all
7181s they've seen in the streams is still
7183s only they have attributes and they're
7185s not talking about re-rolling them but if
7186s they can rule the stats when they drop
7188s right so there have been so many
7191s discussions on legendaries and uh
7194s possible whatever that could happen to
7197s them for the iron and dangerous update
7199s nothing is changing about legendaries
7202s they will not have those unique item
7205s attributes
7207s um and this is very intentionally by
7209s Design the legendaries already have a
7212s very powerful unique attribute into this
7214s whatever they particularly provide if we
7217s mix and match those with the various
7218s item attributes that could randomly
7220s generate we could actually create a
7223s significant number of issues and instead
7226s of going down that sort of rabbit hole
7227s we do actually have a different concepts
7231s of what we could do to a legendary
7234s instead should we ever go those
7236s particular routes that's also in that
7238s realm of we'll let you know whenever we
7241s have something to either talk about or
7244s show should we desire to go that route
7247s hopefully this isn't coming off as a
7249s surprise to anybody I mean I've talked
7250s in the past on legendaries and how we do
7252s want to do more with them but since it's
7255s technically not in the plans maybe I'm
7258s being a little overly hopeful but yeah
7260s there's again more information for you
7262s because we like to tell you a lot of
7265s stuff what's going on at Rockfish and I
7266s think it's important so we hear you we
7268s know that you want more with legendaries
7271s maybe you know maybe we'll get there but
7274s armed and dangerous nothing armed and
7277s dangerous it will still be the static
7278s bonuses because of the the overarching
7280s very powerful legendary status
7283s so uh this shot again this one's steiny
7286s yeah steiny uh just a great shot
7288s honestly I love the detail like even
7290s warp uh zooming in I said warping it
7293s uh even like zooming in you still see
7295s just the high quality elements and it's
7297s just
7299s I love these drones and remember with
7301s that Vindicator passive that can disable
7303s the passive benefits of drones nearby
7305s you could fly up to the sky and his
7307s Shields are going to go down he's going
7308s to be like drones what the heck are you
7309s doing and the drones will be like I
7310s don't know what happened and you and The
7311s Vindicator are going it's going to be
7314s beautiful
7315s absolutely gorgeous in fact so uh
7319s there's that going for you next up we
7321s have this shot from the chemical bro
7323s always complimenting his shots with an
7326s intense amount of contrast using that
7329s light and dark and I mean do I even need
7332s to say anything on this one let's go
7334s ahead and answer another question great
7336s shot I haven't got one at the moment so
7338s oh my gosh okay well
7342s there's nothing to say on this shot I
7343s mean it's just awesome
7346s awkward silence
7349s oh my gosh but the chemical bras has
7353s always provided a lot of fantastic shots
7355s so this one's no different thank you for
7356s the chemical bro and always contributing
7358s you do great work love it speaking of
7362s chemical bro let's just keep going
7363s because he's got another shot here
7365s looking into uh the keoni uh looking
7370s into keone and uh everything thereof
7373s who knows what's going on there it's
7376s it's like a graveyard for ships it's
7378s crazy just go to die there it's really
7380s sad but it's pretty
7382s it's really pretty and I don't know
7383s about you guys but if you've never done
7384s a rift over in keone it's actually I
7387s think it's one of the most beautiful
7388s riffs to go through just the way that
7390s the Skybox itself illuminates the rift
7394s sort of effects going on the colors it's
7397s very pretty you should definitely try it
7399s if you haven't especially when the set
7400s items drop them where there's specific
7402s ones that can only drop in that
7403s particular location and then you the
7405s roof to get inside item anyway
7408s good good stuff last but not least last
7411s shot we have wings nightmare
7414s um I love this shot I had to do a double
7417s take because somehow I actually thought
7420s that was an Interceptor with different
7421s wings I was like where did he get that
7422s is that like a prototype no no no no
7424s this no that's a redeemer ship uh
7427s but it was a nice capture I love how it
7430s looks like it's the angle of you're
7432s playing as the ship as well as firing
7434s off the missiles it just seems like a
7435s really fun shot kind of a clever shot so
7437s thank you for that lean Nightmare and
7441s we got that's that's what we have for
7443s the screenshot segment again guys thank
7446s you so much for all of your questions
7447s today thank you so much for all of your
7449s contributions with these screenshots
7451s themselves it's always a pleasure to
7453s highlight you guys always a pleasure to
7454s provide additional feedback and support
7457s um and also provide that rich Clarity of
7459s anything that you're questioning or
7461s concerned about that's why we do these
7463s streams and it's wonderful that you're
7466s bringing all of this energy here and
7468s asking these questions so that we can
7469s serve you because that's what we want to
7471s do so
7472s I don't know about you all but I am so
7476s excited because in three days three days
7480s at 10 A.M Pacific Time 1 p.m eastern
7484s Time or 6 p.m British summer time or 7
7487s P.M central European summertime the
7489s update will in fact be yours so uh yeah
7494s looking forward to it all right guys I
7496s will catch you
7498s probably in the next stream
7500s um so don't stop being awesome I won't
7503s stop being Eric Schrader uh Gary do you
7506s have anything to say
7507s I know I'm just waiting till next week
7510s when we see the reports of everybody
7511s playing armed and dangerous
7514s so many bug report
7518s no you'll find no books you'll be
7521s perfect right right you were in the
7524s segment where I mentioned there's a
7525s patch right okay uh anyway yeah but guys
7528s don't stop being awesome and we will
7529s catch you in the next stream next week
7532s um after this content drop and don't
7534s forget there's a slew of other details
7536s uh in the mix not just this content
7539s update there's other stuff like the
7541s physical version of the game like the
7544s soundtrack like the all the other stuff
7547s that we've listed in our freaking go
7550s read things and stay informed words are
7553s completely escaping me I need to leave
7555s now all right toodles
7557s foreign
7560s oh my gosh
7595s you guys didn't leave it's like you're
7596s sticking around for something on the
7598s world guys but seriously three days we
7600s are almost there it's gonna be glorious
7602s content's gonna be in your hands
7604s um and for anybody who missed it
7606s because of uh feature parody there is
7610s going to be a patch to follow up okay so
7613s um but by all means give us all of that
7615s feedback all of the bug reports all of
7617s the everything on our new and improved
7619s Discord support Forum or the steam
7622s forums should you be a steam user it
7624s should come together just fine on that
7626s front
7627s okay
7628s let's have a little bit of fun then I
7630s gotta go
7647s [Music]
7651s excuse me
7655s [Music]
7669s [Music]
7676s [Music]
7679s foreign
7684s [Music]
7695s [Music]
7704s spoon
7705s [Music]
7733s teaspoon
7735s [Music]
7755s [Music]
7757s Monday
7760s peace
7772s thank you
7776s foreign