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over 4 years ago - /u/V453000 - Direct link

Originally posted by triffid_hunter

The only time there is no hope is when you've backed yourself so far into a corner that you are literally incapable of stopping biters munching on you and your factory.

In all other situations, you're building the starter base which will provide materials for your intermediate base, which in turn will allow you to build your megabase.

Restarting is a trap - there are so many posts here from so many people who have identified that they've created a powerful habit of always restarting at around the same stage of the game, and therefore never progress beyond it.

Unless biters are eating your things faster than you can make them, you're able to push through these humps.

You're doing fine, keep going!

For inspiration, here's some of my 6 science spaghetti - and also note that /u/V453000 (one of Factorio's devs) is a huge fan of the spaghetti strategy

Spaghet 4 Lyfe