Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

22 Jul


Originally posted by PuppetShowJustice

Hey, uh, does the fact that an in-game distribution method exists now mean that the social media giveaways like the fast food alts are going to be phased out in favor of these live events? I was hoping the Reddit art contests and Discord giveaways would pick back up.

This capacity to host mini events is super cool but I'll be sad if this means the fries / lemon blast / burger are going away. I was still hoping to be able to have a shot at lemon blast.

No they'll still happen! Don't worry :D


Originally posted by trichoglossusbee

I believe it is a had-to-be-there kinda cosmetic and won't come to the regular shop; I am double checking though!

I am back and yep; for now this is the plan :)


Originally posted by MarMar46

Question: will these type of events have repeats in the future? Or will these event prizes be in the shop after a few months, if not, does that mean its forever unobtainable after that like season pass items?

I believe it is a had-to-be-there kinda cosmetic and won't come to the regular shop; I am double checking though!


Originally posted by G-H-O-S-T

I like this but why is clank so fat?

natural bean chonk


Originally posted by TheMuff1nMon

Are Ratchet and Clank Playstation only or can I earn these on PC too?

PC too :D


You can finally earn cosmetics in Fall Guys through in-game events and WE ARE SO EXCITED!!! More to come in this space so stay tuned :D


Wow. That's your good luck for the week done.


This is being investigated along with increased issues on FM!


Originally posted by Actingdamicky

Yeah I thought this as well, eight or less is the sweet spot. Mind you the jungle playlist might have some exceptions in place as it’s the only final there is.

Yeah, I think something we can revisit for main show, but with the 6 rounds we have for WTTJ we need to have the cap relatively high to ensure a coherent Show Flow


Originally posted by batt001

It's not just the camera but also cannot turn player names on or off during that time, it looks like it doesn't register user input until the start.

Yeah these issues are linked!


Originally posted by PeteryChavez

Our dear Bee, could you please share something about these two issues, experienced on PS4 Pro and PS5 ? πŸ˜”πŸ™

  • Visual artifacts at the end every platform in Big Fans and See Saw (happening since Season 4.5 update) ;

  • Background planets all purple, in Skyline Stumble (happening since Season 4 update) .

Team have been notified and this is a known issue! :) thanks for flagging and sorry you're experiencing these!


Sorry this happened! I can verbally tell the team but bugs like this need to go to our Support (let me know if you reported it and I can chase it up) : https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/

If you report it to them they can investigate from there - things like locating the game you were in to see what happened server side.


Originally posted by PizzaSteve99

Fr i lost two games due to that crap. MT if u see this PLZ fix this asap gonna cause a lot of outrage

On it!!! /u/larlarz this hurt to watch and sorry you experienced it, team are investigating crown issues since s5!


Originally posted by bathroomfun1

I believe it is just a bug and will be fixed but it is very annoying.

Yep!!! Sorry about this as for finals especially it's difficult. I spawned in Jump Showdown yesterday and couldn't tell where the lower bar was until the game started - eesh!


This is incredibly satisfying