Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

21 Jul


Originally posted by Joelallen3

Hey Bee! Do you have an update on this?

I do! It is still not in the show. We are discussing what to do on that; I think it would be great to reintroduce at a low-ish frequency, but we are assessing options :D


Originally posted by A_Person-named-Ian

Did this happen already cause I just got a 8 person royal fumble

Yes should be - could you pop me a DM/Chat with your support code?


Originally posted by brillissim0

Hello there. I noticed some little buggy stuff: in some levels, at the start, when countdown pops it's not possible to rotate the camera and also toggle on/off players nametag.

This is a high priority thing for us and we are looking into it. I tab between windows and I use that camera panning to figure out if I have clicked back into the game fully ahahaha


Originally posted by tunewar123

Holy smokes!

Can we get some appreciation on the team, they have been on a roll within the past 2 days...

Can we get some appreciation for those who have been patient and given us feedback through our season launch as well (you lot!!!)! :D


Still putting together lists of things off the back of S5 and will give a full update on known issues and feedback tomorrow by 5PM BST :)! (This will include trello updates!!)

External link →

Thank you so much :D


Originally posted by zuluportero

It's season 6 and there is a countdown for me it's 70 days. assuming that's until midseason tho.

cJust to check - you can see a countdown, but u/Najlepszy1590 cannot? Are you both PC or PS4?


Originally posted by Eyedunno11

You can exit on the pachinko screen, as you always could. But it's back to season 3 behavior. If you fail to back out at the pachinko screen, you have to wait for the next round to start in order to be able to back out.

I just added video of me alternately spamming B on the controller and escape on my keyboard to show when it is and isn't broken.

This is really strange. I have let the team know and we are investigating, but it doesn't seem to be affecting everyone. Are you PC or console?


Well done!!! I also love your outfit


/u/_renegade42 - do you have any custom settings on your playstation display or in the game settings? would you be able to share a screenshot of that with me?


Originally posted by Actingdamicky

What was that from? it looks so familiar.

Personally I recognise it from a specific era of Jake and Amir videos

20 Jul


Only for 200 years I'm afraid, enjoy it while it's there!