Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

20 Jul


Originally posted by gamstat

Yes, only while my teammates are still in. After they've qualified / been eliminated, I can spectate other players.

I mean, it's okay for most rounds, but I'd want to see our opponents in Hex-a-Gone as well.

I will definitely pass it on - I don't think it was intended but will check.


Originally posted by ThinkFree


I am back - it has been raised to 10 players and I was incorrect (sorry!). We raised the player count now that the exploit has been fixed on it. Let me know any feedback!

Edit: disregard me mentioning 'uneven teams' as my multitasking brain failed me!


Originally posted by Tmilkandtwo

Popped so many bubbles that didn't register

Is it relatively easy for you to capture a video of that and send over to support with some logs? That will help. I have verbally flagged this for now!


Support are looking into instances of this at the moment - what they do is quite technical, so please pop them a note here: https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/


Originally posted by gamstat

So, I can only spectate my own teammates [update: while they haven't qualified/eliminated] in Squad Mode? Is that intentional? I'm not sure that I like it, but okay.

Are you saying you aren't able to spectate any other players other than your team in squads? I don't think that is intended.


Originally posted by Rox300

i'm still levelling and the game says i have just under two hours. i'll actually HAVE that time to level, right? i'm so, so, so close to being done. it'll be pretty frustrating if i get cut off before the timer actually finishes.

It actually refreshes in 40 minutes - the timer is not accurate!


Originally posted by ThinkFree

I just saw Kawaii play in Royal Fumble with more than six players. Is this intentional or a bug?

That shouldn't happen - have told the team


Originally posted by Joelallen3

Really strange and really annoying bug here, the crowd SFX are now very very loud when playing any round other than S5 rounds.

It hurts my ears :(

I've submitted a bug report to support but hope it's useful reporting it here also!

Curious - are you PC or PS4?


Originally posted by Battousai25

Any update on what rounds from the new season and any older rounds that have been added to squad mode?

I'll double check - I believe it is just new season additions!


Originally posted by Joelallen3

Really strange and really annoying bug here, the crowd SFX are now very very loud when playing any round other than S5 rounds.

It hurts my ears :(

I've submitted a bug report to support but hope it's useful reporting it here also!

Really strange and really annoying bug here, the crowd SFX are now very very loud when playing any round other than S5 rounds.It hurts my ears :(I've submitted a bug report to support but hope it's useful reporting it here also!

Thanks - have seen a few of these!


Originally posted by paardestanker

actually, it's for all emotes. i just tried it and for all of them, the sound plays half a second after the animation is finished. my friends who are on ps4 don't have this issue. i'm on ps5.

I'll add those details in - that is very peculiar - I'll also double check on PC


Originally posted by videogamesthrowaway

I’ve been in the main show loading this forever not putting me in a game…I took a pic of how I’m just one level away from 50 how tf can I finish the pass if I can’t get in game lol; season pass says I still got a hour and 50 mins left why is it doing this I can’t play

Likely a lot of players currently downloading the updates and not in the game, meaning matchmaking will take a while. (Also check you've updated the game your side!)


Originally posted by LemonLimpet

Getting an error when trying to launch: failed to initialize graphics initializeenginegraphics failed. Previously no issue.


Support can take a look and check your set-up and advise - I have flagged to them but they will need to check your rig over and see what the issue might be. Sorry that its happening!


Originally posted by Lukeh69

Hey tricho any options for duos/trios to be left in permanently if lt is well received? Thanks for the awesome update

For sure! It's a big part of why we're experimenting :)!!


Originally posted by Temp_94

Are there any news on grouping up with friends cross platform to play duos?

Working on it, but not this release :)


Originally posted by hold_my_cocoa

The stadium sound in the background is so weird. Need to see if I can turn it off.

Weird how? (Other peeps do chime in if you hear the same!)