Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

22 Mar


Originally posted by ThinkFree

Why is the Vertical See Saw back? My wife just played a game with it just now.

This, alongside the Hammers at the end of FALL MOUNTAIN are back but shouldn't be. That has been raised to the team!

edit: Corrected misnaming of a round


Originally posted by Techboah

That's great to hear, thank you for the reply!

No worries at all, thanks for your patience on that! :)


Flagged this one, thanks for raising!


Originally posted by Techboah

:( No mention of PS5 update, why? The game looks very blurry on PS5 and I hoped the new season would give us some next-gen resolution upgrade :(

Are there at least plans for that?

Yeah for sure it's something we're looking at but it's taking some time. It's difficult because different people are seeing different things on their PS5s but it is something we are checking out, just haven't had an update for it this season.


Originally posted by Alexthegreat47

I think placing the Challenges tab on the left side makes the main menu feel a bit too crowded/claustrophobic now. Maybe the upper right would be a better spot for it?

We'll take a look at UI improvements in the future for that for sure (this is the second comment I've had with this suggestion so far, am keepin a check). Will encompass the "upper right" suggestion in the feedback I compile later today!


Originally posted by zero777q

Bummed cos short circuit makes me feel ill.

I'm not the best playtester as I had to stop gaming in my late teens. Throwing up all the time is really, really bad for your health.

I can only play Trials Rising & Fall Guys.

Could you let me know some more details about this over DM? I'd like to flag still.


Originally posted by Alexthegreat47

The Round Over sound is now missing on certain rounds.

This has been flagged!


Originally posted by JustYeeHaa

Ah, alright, now this makes much more sense, thanks :)

Np :D


Originally posted by tyketro

Super pumped for Season 4! Looking like the best season yet so far, and considering how much I liked Season 3 that is quite an achievement!

HAPPY CAKE DAY! What a good day to have a cake day!!! Thanks for the kind words, hope you love it!


Originally posted by JustYeeHaa

From What I've noticed so far there, seems to be some issue with season 4 progress bar, i still can see the season 3 one...

No worries, that can be confusing when we're in this "almost released, but not fully" stage. That should refresh in roughly 40 minutes, and show the full S4 progress bar, famepath, and the text saying Season 3 should change :)


Originally posted by so_much_wolf_hair

Thank you for this! Pushing out new code is a terrifying ordeal that just 1000% comes with bugs and haters and dopes, but the way you and your team take feedback, improve the game and manage expectations are all first class! You deserve all of the continued success behind this brilliant game.

Thanks a billion for the kind and empathetic words. Release day is hard on any development team and messages like this make us so happy!


Originally posted by Bear239

Is there no skin pack planned for this season? Was kinda looking forward to that.

Also about the crown shard challenges, will they be leaning more towards the basics such as "qualify X times" or "get to final X times" or will we see more of a "win squads X times ", basically is the approach more casual so that you get shards by simply playing whatever you want or is it like, damn I gotta do X to ge tthis challenge done? weird question but im curious

By Skin Pack you mean DLC yeah? Absolutely! Stay tuned on that, because they are awesome.

Great question about Challenges! There is a real mix in there for sure :) and some are indeed specific! We'll have to see over time if the balance is there, etc. Gotta be a mix of low and high friction challenges to keep it interesting.


Originally posted by desmondao

The physics seem amazing! Much less stumbling already, wow. Also loving the new Skyline Tumble, the chaos is incredible. Great job!

I think it feels awesome too! I snuck into some Roll On a second ago and it just played super, duper well for me. Thanks so much and will pass to the team!


Originally posted by kateku7

How do we join the squads game?

Wait a little while - I'd check back in about an hour and the show modes should be fully formed, with the ability to play some Squads! :-)