Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

22 Mar


Originally posted by PriusProblems

You got rid of the hammers at the end of Fall Mountain? How come?

It was a little while ago, but basically the hammer knock was impacting ability to grab the crown - even a graze I believe!


Originally posted by xJosh01

Hey the first round I played in S4 I got straight to level 17. I'm level 21 now, but the whole pass is being really weird, it also keeps bugging out and saying I haven't unlocked certain items when I actually have.

Yeah this issue is becoming more widespread as the day goes on, but we're looking at a fix for it coming pretty imminently. If you want your rewards, though, you can try restarting your game in the meantime - I have had beans tell me that their rewards unlocked afterwards.


Originally posted by yakuzadevsaresadists

So we have tried two different regions. US East and Korea. We figured Korea would be best bet since we didn't see a Japan server and US East was our next try after Korea never filled.

Both are having the same issue.

Thanks for the detail, that is really helpful. I've passed this over for the team to consider whilst they keep investigating.


Originally posted by minermb

I don't remember but both times it said at the end of the round that we were qualified, but I wasn't in the next round.

RIGHT, that doesn't seem right at all. Sorry to send you round the shops but if you could let support.fallguys.com know using the online ticket system that'd be awesome (the reason I ask you to do this, and not just me pass the information over, is they may wish to look into your game logs to see what happened exactly)!


Originally posted by yakuzadevsaresadists

I think the squad mode queue is broke? Haven't been able to get into a game for awhile now. It gets to 35/60 players, then it just drops after sitting there for awhile and never gets above 10/60 players.

This is actively being investigated. Which server or region are you currently on, if you know?


Originally posted by minermb

It has happened twice that I was playing squad mode and it said that I was quaflified but then I was eliminated.

Did you personally qualify, and then the rest of your squad do not-so-well?


Hallo there, bean. This is one for our CS team to check out.

Pop them a note using the system at support.fallguys.com, and include these (very helpful) screenshots so they can check out what happened at that time server-side :)


Originally posted by SupDos

Not sure if mine is the same issue, but here's a screenshot of my battle pass - i've played a couple of games and it's leveled up as normal, but i decided to check the pass and i've got more fame than needed https://i.imgur.com/jiVWPKj.png

this is what the pass level showed when i last finished a game https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293118070233497605/823561717241610270/unknown.png

Thanks for the extra information! It looks like the same issue to me for sure, but I've still sent onwards.


Hey - trying to gather as much as I can on wall-climbing issues. Have popped you a DM!


Originally posted by chintu21570

Wow I'm loving the update. Everything from the new music, colours and aesthetic to the level design is great! Thanks devs!

The team have put an incredible amount of work into this update (and still goin as we speak! No update is without a few hitches haha!)

Thank YOU for taking the time to tell us we did great! :)


Hey there.

To double check that you didn't unlock a crown or anything, and to see the full pattern of what happened, it's best to tell our Support team about this: support.fallguys.com

They'll be able to see whether a crown was awarded server-side or not, check your logs, a lot of things that we can't do on this sub itself! If you could take the few mins to write to them it'd be great.


Originally posted by aw_coffee_no

Thanks a lot for the reply, this made it even better :) I'll definitely keep that in mind, and thanks again for all the good you're doing!

Thank YOU for playing and being in our community! :)


Originally posted by ThinkFree

What are you having for lunch? It's 21:41 here in Southeast Asia. :D

I had a smoothie! Sometimes when I am working a lot I don't get appetite for food food. But I had it with a lot of nutritionally good things added in so that I don't get poor nutrition!


Originally posted by Fellowearthling16

Just a question: what happened to the news feed? It’s a kinda weird thing to remove.

Haha, there was no news yet. There is now news! You should see it :)


Originally posted by knightry

FYI u/trichoglossusbee, please pass this along to the team to fix as soon as possible

Yep, have passed onto the team. It's not been hugely consistent yet but it's being looked at.


Originally posted by RoronoaAizen

Im on console btw

Have passed that on, as that is particularly strange. The team are investigating :)


This is an important UI change that we wish to address in the future, you're correct that right now, it's in the Show Selector screen, which is disabled if you are the member of a party. It's something we'll look into for sure.

I also appreciate the humble-brag in this post.


Originally posted by DetectivexConan

Hi Bee, I have a question about Roll On. Does it prevent Roll Off from showing up as a final, similar to how Roll Out does so?

Hey, great question. Not sure, have just asked!


Originally posted by Kobbara67

I like the new physics, the previous one was horrible. I noticed little bug on season 4. If you use "new quit system" on the game. You got no rewards. my progress stuck on fame level 6-8. i can get new rewards. but previous ones still locked.

This has been raised! :)


Originally posted by rdenney88

Soooooo. Xbox?
