Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

03 Mar

02 Mar


Originally posted by eightzero

Possible variations: - Hole in the middle with fan blowing outward in a circle from the middle - Fan rotating around the outside like jump blowdown - Holes throughout the map in a geometric pattern to start with. Every center tile in a 3x3 grid is a hole

I'd love to do some new starting structures for Thin ice! Always wanted to do one that starts with 3 seconds and breakable bridges between them, for example.

01 Mar


Originally posted by -FangMcFrost-

Please tell me that those .png files being last modified on '4th April 4041' was intentional.

I really like that dedication to the season's theme.

Can confirm haha!


Originally posted by yakuzadevsaresadists

How big is this puzzle in terms of size? I'd rather not waste a large portion of comcrap's data cap on the first day of the month.

Individual pieces - many, like 2,400?

Total filesize for the folder of images is 6.41 MB, so not big!


anyone who has seen our Tuesday mediatonic streams KNOWS this is me lol


Our Season 4 promo art is here! And like Season 3, we've got a fun activity! The pieces of the promo art are all in here as randomised separate files. Like a puzzle! You can assemble it on your own, work together, or just take a peek if you want to!

Last time, we sent a piece to everyone individually. This time it's all in one place to download.

We've been especially busy with this season and can't wait to give you more updates on it soon - until then hope you enjoy (or hope you enjoy watching this take place, heh)!

- Bee!

External link β†’

28 Feb

27 Feb

26 Feb