Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

26 Feb


Originally posted by Alexthegreat47

I understand what they were going for with the frame rate, but I don’t think it works. It just ends up making the emote look too out of place with the rest of the game. It’s a damn shame really.

/u/trichoglossusbee Would you guys ever consider changing the emote’s frame rate to normal? It seems a lot of people like the emote itself, but are too put off by the frame rate.

It's a strange one really. I believe that in Cuphea, they are also force animated at low frame rates even though the game itself is 60FPS, so that effect is kind of intended. Understand it's very different art styles though which may be why it doesn't translate well to some. If we do see massive issues with it, we'd maybe consider, but at the moment it isn't a wide opinion from what we can see. Lotta users like how it stands out when they're emoting in groups, too. (But yes, for balance, we do have people thinking it's a mistake!)


Originally posted by a2zRulz

This issue happened on Jump Around playlist as well. Solo play is fine, but can't get in with squad without getting kicked.

As of now, hex works fine though, but something to be looked into for future playlists.

We're FAIRLY sure that we've fixed this for future playlists, but we're going to absolutely keep an eye!

25 Feb


More costumes are concepted in 2D art than are then made into 3D costumes. I've not seen a 3D version of this, so I assume it's one that didn't quite make it.


Wow, I love this!


Originally posted by 0capa

Oh you qualified the first round ?


you got 50 kudos instead of 30


This is the true miracle.

24 Feb


Consider us impressed!
One bit of feedback is that, generally, we try to avoid overdoing it with slippery/icey surfaces as continuously moving on a flat slidey surfaces does tend to frustrate players. You have to use it as a bit of a novelty section (the end of Hit Parade) or find a way to increase the 'fun factor' (Ski Fall).

The idea of focusing a round around deliberately falling down is lovely though. Super original and I love the attention to detail in all your designs. Great job!


Originally posted by 440k

But how can you in good conscience do this and then not perform the Cuphead emote at the finish line?

The honest answer is that emote is really long and if I didn't qual after that yeet I'd cry