Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

16 Sep

15 Sep


Originally posted by PeteryChavez

Hey Joe, could you guys consider to add an option to toggle on/off the "GRAB CROWN" label in finals? It was definitely a great idea for the newer players, but not as much for more experienced ones. I would love to be able to turn it off.

Also, an auto crown grab option could make sense, specially considering the auto ledge grab that was added months ago.

I'm pretty sure you can in the settings menu? I'll check tomorrow!


Originally posted by maxt0r

/u/trichoglossusbee can we please change the button colors in the button hunt mode? Colorblind players cannot see the difference!

Not Bee but we're looking into this!


Originally posted by Funny_WalkerN

Please increase the timer for space race! Also the last obstacle seems to be bugged. The rotating cylinder with the beams knocks you off without even hitting anything

I am looking into this, we just have yet to get a video/screenshots but undoubtedly will soon and then we can start fixing!


Originally posted by jaywhisker37

Thank you for returning the missing shows to customs! Please tell me there's news on lowering the minimum down from 10? It's been so long and I just don't have that many friends...

I relate

Yeah it's something we are still looking to do soon, but it is just taking a little longer - stay tuned though!!!


Originally posted by 440k

Just that one for me on the event challenges - I'll raise a ticket to support too to make sure the info gets there.

Thanks for helping with the others!

Thank you so much!


Originally posted by 440k

For sure!

While you're checking comments, just a couple things to potentially look into:

  1. "Search" Challenge in 3,2,1, Space! Challenge list not tracking playthroughs of Cosmic Highway
  2. Weekly Challenge "Run for a total of 2000 seconds" not counting progress
  3. Hit Boxes on Laser Obstacle seem overly wide at the ending rotating cylinder on "Space Race"
  4. Lasers at the very end of "Space Race" sometimes get players stuck rolling around in lasers instead of launching them

1 I am searching for more info on! I have also seen a few people report the other challenges are causing some problems, are you seeing the same in your game?

2 is already being looked at :)!

3 and 4 I will raise!