
Fallout Dev Tracker

16 Jan


I'm currently in the process of redoing my entire build from the ground up based on the Holy Fire. It's so good!!


Sent you a DM! :)


Fasnacht is indeed coming and YES with new rewards! :D

Keep an eye out next Thursday for our first Inside of the Vault this year, we'll show images of the new rewards for both the Burning Love event and Fasnacht.

12 Dec


Originally posted by HTXWOCKSTAR

if it’s a hotfix why not right now or tomorrow morning? Why we gotta wait till Friday 😂😂 just call it an update at this point

Pushing a hotfix involves multiple teams and testing on all platforms and certifications. It would be great to push a button and apply it but it's more nuanced than that.


Originally posted by forgottencacti

I don’t understand. We find something fun that affects no one and it’s almost immediately fixed. Stuff that truly needs to be addressed and fixed is overlooked for extended periods. Love/loved this game but it just feels like the life is being sucked out of it on purpose. If we want to blow through the scoreboard or grind XP so what? That’s on us what we wanna do or how fast we want to finish. Forcing to pay or slowly go through it isn’t it. Lack of material isn’t our problem and forcing dragging things out won’t help anyone.

I know it seems like that, but the Overgrown farming caused a lot of instability for everyone so it does impact the player base as a whole. After this, you'll see a lot better performance.


Originally posted by chrispettitt89

Any fix incoming for the X-01 armor being bugged with radiation protection not being applied?

A fix is coming but it won't make it in for Friday unfortuantely


Originally posted by TheClamSauce

Is it broken? My buddy was running X01 the other day and was getting shredded like he wasn't wearing armor. I have a full set but never use it in favor of T51b

We're tracking this issue, it won't make it into the hotfix this friday so that means it'll likely be the next update.


Originally posted by SnugShoes

Thanks. Any news on the missing items: Communist bunker and fences, robot and wooden stein displays?

Those will not be addressed Friday, but in the next update.

11 Dec


Originally posted by Neon-Owl

Any chance we could also get Beer Steins fixed?

Multiple players have been reporting of the plans being unlearned with this update and the support has not been helpful in resolving this issue.

We're tracking these reports, a fix for these will not be in this hotfix, however. I imagine next patch!


Originally posted by xxNearlyCivilizedxx

I hope the fix The Most Sensational Game. My character keeps freezing when you teleport out at the end.

That is part of the hotfix!


Originally posted by PrincessKnightAmber

“address stability and crashing issues for the new Expeditions” I am really concerned about how this is worded. The game is crashing and freezing a lot OUTSIDE the expeditions too. Does the mean they intend only to address the issue in expeditions only? The entire game needs help not just the expeditions!

This addresses multiple crashes and instability coming out of the update, so it does address Expedition issues but the solution overall it will improve the stability of the outside of atlantic city.


Hello everyone!

We're so glad you're having a blast in Atlantic City! Thank you all for your posts, streams, and videos, we love watching you experience the new locations, Expeditions, and rewards!

Friday at 10 am ET we're going to temporarily bring Fallout 76 offline on all Platforms to apply a hotfix. This will address stability and crashing issues for the new Expeditions, naked NPC's and the inability to activate certain things in the casino. (Note: If your Country/Region has gambling disabled due to local laws and regulations, this will NOT enable those activators.)This also addresses a background issue impacting activators in the world and an issue that is causing some players to be unable to join Expeditions since the update on December 5th. Overall, this will improve how the game feels in general. We expect our average length of downtime for this fix.

Lastly, today we are disabling the Quest Objective to Loot Evidence from...

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07 Dec


Are you using a VPN while you play? You should not be gated out of the gambling if you're in the USA so I'm wondering if your connection is showing as a blocked region.

06 Dec


Originally posted by Shoddy_Ad_7853

uh, what about flame arrows?

Who cares about how many packs you can open when what we want is changing level ups directly to points?

...and can I get an extra character slot to try the new experience?

What info are you looking for RE: flame arrows?


Originally posted by CharlotteTheSavage

I just moved here from California and I hated them at first, then I got those TimBits 💖 I am HOOKED

Everyone here is a DUNKIN lover and it kills me. It's very upsetting that there's no Timmy Hoho's this close to the border in maryland! I'm from ohio and even in columbus we had them :(


Originally posted by weesIo

I have so many Mr Gutsy’s to get revenge on

Maybe we should add a daily challenge to absolutely obliterate Mr. Gutsy's haha


Originally posted by DemasiadoSwag

No worries, I think it is somewhat expected that weapon balance changes aren't substantially included in the F76 patch notes at this point from those who have been playing for awhile. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong and they haven't changed as much as the PTS led me believe.

Anyway, I don't blame you/Bethesda, agreed that it is probably pages long of "adjusted variable x by 2%" or something like that which barely anyone would read or understand. At least from my perspective, you/Bethesda included the important stuff. Hallelujah on that change to energy damage from enemies!

It is definitely a LOT of deep dev speak & engine jargon. Someday I would love to document every single itty bitty change like text fixes and art asset adjustments, typos, things dont impact players like getting stuck in a crack in a basement somewhere... floating objects, and z-fighting so people can see just how many different teams are involved.... but no one wants to scroll past all that to get to the "good" stuff. I think it was the last patch where we renamed HUNDREDS of camp items and that alone would have been a thousand words haha. So fun behind-the-scenes fact... when you see a note like "General localization fixes." or "fixed various areas where players could see out of world/get stuck" that's us summarizing at least 100 bugs into one haha. And then you have instances where we didn't change anything but some other seemingly unrelated bug will make it look or feel that way. If you ever get to chat with a game developer on ANY title for any game, ask them what was the wild...

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05 Dec


If you misclicked send us a ticket at help.bethesda.net :)


Originally posted by PostmanSAMXBL

The cryolator (namely the explosive cryo effect the snowballs have with the crystallising barrel) gives off explosive damage. On the PTS the damage done by that explosive effect was reduced. I’m wondering if that change made it to the main game.

I'll check in on the specifics of this one and get back to you, but if it was a fix in the PTS then it did make it into the live game.


Originally posted by 3vilsound

Resistances: Free States Resistance Headwear should now grant airborne damage/disease protection.

They're not even sure lol?

Hahahha that was me going "I swear this will be the last time i write this patch note in particular" XD