
Fallout Dev Tracker

30 May


Hi u/NIKwithoutaC,

We're planning to address this issue in the next update, Patch 10.

Thanks for sharing!


We're planning to post this week's Inside the Vault tomorrow!


Hey there! It will be up tomorrow.


We're planning to post a new Inside the Vault tomorrow! Stay tuned.


Originally posted by Tradey76

Is this the exploit that flight capable mobs are using to prevent being hit in VATS by melee attacks that is being fixed?

As a big fan of Campfire Tales, and melee, I'm feeling this one alongside ya. We're working on a fix for a future update.


Originally posted by IrwinJFinster

Please don’t forget to fix the broken language pointers for our European brethren. And casual shielded underarmor while you’re at it.

Please don’t forget to fix the broken language pointers for our European brethren.

We haven't forgotten and we are actively working to address these issues as soon as we can! Thanks for sticking with us on this.


Update - 12:30 p.m. EDT: Maintenance is complete and you should now be able to log back into Fallout 76. Thanks for your patience, all!

Yes! Just to further confirm: Around 15 minutes from now we're going to bring 76 offline for maintenance and to address an exploit. Downtime is expected to be shorter than usual, but I don't have an exact timeframe to share at the moment.

The forums are undergoing maintenance as well, otherwise we would have a post there. I'll update this reply as soon as we've brought the game back up.



Thank you for posting about this. Our dev team is aware and working to implement fixes as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience on this matter.

29 May


Originally posted by KeenoW

Glad to see it’s a positive suggestion! It’s just great to see that the devs appreciate the work we’ve done to help the game and them see the praise we give them!

Even if a live chat about the game isn’t possible, maybe something like a regularly updated page with sections like ‘Known Bugs’ & ‘Community Suggestions Under Consideration’ could be considered as a way to give the community (this sub especially) a clear idea of what Bethesda are looking into so it saves everyone reposting the same ideas!

We actually have a Known Issues and Feedback section as well, also as a reddit post! It used to be pinned in here, perhaps the mods can repin it sometime.


Hi! Thanks for your reports about these issues, the dev team is aware of both and looking into them.


Thanks for the report and the tags, we'll look into this!


This is a fun idea! It's definitely something I want to explore, while also not taking away from dev time. If there are any other suggestions you have for our weekly live streams and content you would like to see featured on them I would love to hear them!


This has been requested in the past, I'll resurface it!


Noted! Thanks for the feedback :)

28 May