
Fallout Dev Tracker

18 Jul


Originally posted by Multimarkboy

hi hi, could you perhaps inquire about the additional list of plans minerva recieved? its in the patch notes from a while ago (1 march 2022) but they never got activated, so she cant actually sell them.

"Minerva: We’ve added several holiday-themed item plans to Minerva’s inventory that were previously only available in Nuclear Winter, so that you can purchase them with Gold Bullion."

so while they did get added, they aren't on her list of being sold.., unlike what the patch notes claim


Heya! Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll discuss with the team!


Originally posted by DEVolkan

I'm sorry to say that, but your finance will ride into the sunset with Henry Cavill.

Honestly... true LOL

14 Jul


Originally posted by DremGabe

Well I got in but I found out it wasn’t like oficial it’s a fan made one. So might check it later

The official discord is Discord.gg/BethesdaStudios the discord u/wolfiewaters71250 linked above is completely fan created and ran and not moderated or managed by us.


Originally posted by Prestigious_Elk149

I'll believe it when I see it.

I'll be honest here there are a lot of different factors that went into that bug. So it is entirely possible, I'd even say likely, that we'll see some instances still occur. These will probably be edge cases, but if you do experience it let us know so we can track that down as well!


Originally posted by RobbLCayman

Mass Cavill Pics. The fast travels still broken, but the loading screen is pictures of Henry Cavill.

Only if it involves me meeting Henry Cavill and us falling in love first. I'm sure my fiance will understand XD

11 Jul

10 Jul

07 Jul

06 Jul

04 Jul

03 Jul

01 Jul

30 Jun

29 Jun

27 Jun