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Hello, I have the game For Honour in my account. Whenever I press 'Download' to download and install the game to my PC in order to play it, it just opens the Steam Client, and loads the Steam Store page of the game.

I have opened a support ticket, however, there has been no response in 8 days, and seeing how some people on these forums mention that they haven't been helped from the ticket system for up to 32 days, I decided to come here and start a topic instead of waiting for my open case to be updated by Ubisoft's customer support.

Can someone please help me resolve this issue so I can normally download and play the game?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-oof - Direct link

Hey @Dawnglaive_! Thank you for reaching out about this issue you're experiencing with For Honor and I am sorry to hear that your support case has not received a response at this time. Our teams are seeing higher queues than normal, leading to delays with our responses, but our teams are working on responding to everyone as quickly as possible. Due to account security reasons, I am unable to fully assist you with this issue but I would like to provide you with some quick steps to hopefully help expedite the process as much as I can. If you haven't yet, please take the time to work through these first:

  • Login to our website and confirm that your Steam account is linked properly
    1. Click your account icon in the top-right corner
    2. Select Account Management
    3. On the new page select Account Management
    4. Scroll down and confirm your Steam account is linked in this section (as you can see I have nothing linked to my work account)

Once you have confirmed that your Steam account has been linked properly if this install problem still occurs, please proceed with the following steps:

If we're still unable to install For Honor correctly after those have been completed, you also have the option of locating your launcher logs and attaching those to your support case for good measure. It's likely that if we haven't resolved this problem with the troubleshooting we have already completed that your launcher logs will be helpful as we proceed but we can save time but attaching those in advance🔥

about 2 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link

Hey @Dawnglaive_,

Thank you for taking the time out to share this update.

If you scroll right on the Ubisoft connect website what does it show under Steam?

Many thanks

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Dastan - Direct link

Hey! Apologies for the delayed response! I had to delete your image due to privacy reasons. Should you still have issues where you are not able to locate the steam account with which your Ubisoft account was linked to, I would advise you to create a support case. My colleagues can take a closer look into your account and proceed with the investigation there!