Original Post — Direct link

Every day at least once I get a disconnected from server error that stops me in game (while the game continues) & backs me out to the main menu. When I try to reconnect it says servers are unreachable.

Ive tried deleting & reinstalling your trash game but the errors persist.


over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @mrgrippz

I'm sorry to hear that you keep getting disconnected. If you are unable to rejoin the game, try closing the game completely when it disconnects and relaunch it and then see if you are able to reconnect.

I would also suggest going through the connectivity troubleshooting on our support site for the platform that you play on.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey @MrGrippz , thanks for keeping us updated on this. I'm sorry to hear the issue persists.

My apologies for the issue with the support site link. Here's a direct link to the connectivity guide. I appreciate that you've got solid bandwidth on your connection - that's great! There can be a lot of other factors that can get in the way of your connection, such as latency, or certain types of connection being blocked.

In particular from the guide, please make sure you're running the launcher and game with administrator rights, you've reset your network hardware, you're on a wired connection, and you've checked for conflicting programs such as firewalls, VPNs, or downloader programs. 

Let me know if the issues persist after you've performed those steps, and I'll explain some further witchcraft we can try to get it resolved 🙂

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Nacho - Direct link

@MrGrippz Hi there.

Sorry to hear the issue has persisted for you. We have a few more PS5 specific troubleshooting steps to try here.

If this issue persists, could you please tell us if you're seeing a specific error code, so we can investigate further?

Many thanks.

over 2 years ago - Hyunkel - Direct link


There's nothing we can do about game account related issues here on the forums. Please do not post account info here and contact Customer Support:
