Fortnite: Creative

Fortnite: Creative Dev Tracker

05 May

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

My apologies for not acknowledging this. We're checking into it. You can track progress here:

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thank you, we'll get both of your missing items reported.

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Cleecayce

I just recreated it, I started a game, ended it, returned to the island, returned to hub, and went back and everything is gone until I leave and start a new server.

Thank you, I'll get this reported.

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Does it appear as you get closer? What device are you on?

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report, but I think I'm missing what the issue is. (sorry) Could you explain it a little differently?

04 May


Adding it to the list, no promises on if we can do it or the timeline, we will look into it.

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We have removed Shadow Bombs from Creative mode because of an issue with respawns. You can follow this issue on our Trello Board