Fortnite: Creative

Fortnite: Creative Dev Tracker

27 Mar

26 Mar

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hello Creative community!

We continue to see fantastic creations and are constantly amazed at what you’re able to build with the new tools that release. We’re going to start directly talking to you more often about what other tools you’d like to see and how the current set are working for you. Giving you all the things you need to continue creating!

We’re going to kick off our first Creative Chat today, and you can expect these regularly (every week or so) to discuss the ongoing development of Creative Mode. Let’s get started!

We know that starting out in Creative Mode can be a bit overwhelming, with the array of tools and objects available. If we were to work with the community to create tutorial videos, what topics would be most useful to you?

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    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Things are heating up! Downtime for the v8.20 update will start Wednesday, March 27 at 5 AM ET(0900 UTC)

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Originally posted by Efelo75

As the title implies the memory has been increased quite a lot for several maps, making any progress kinda difficult or impossible at one point + the game buggy and laggy. This has been almost 2 weeks.

This had been fixed in the past so PLEASE Epic notice this and fix it already I've been wanting to make progress on my island that I simply can't for more than 10 days I mean cmon I've been submitting this many many times and nobody does seem to acknowledge it, but some of us creator are 100% blocked. I. Can't. Work. on. My. Map. Anymore. I want. But I just can't. I've got ideas. I can't test them, apply them.

Anyway details on bug :
Memory is suddenly increased for a lot of islands, mine was around 75K and it suddenly went up to 100K or 99.999 or 99.997 K. Depending on the sessions. Yup it's random, which is a clear sign that it is bugged.
Second, after trying to delete stuff to make space, I was able to lower it to around 98K. I leave the game and next...

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Appreciate the report, and I'm very sorry for the trouble! We're looking into it.

Just a note, that there are some reasons that your island's memory can change between our major releases. This is because of how Fortnite assets are optimized and also our memory algorithms change.

We have plans to stabilize this in the future, and to provide you guys with better tools for handling changes to your island caused by the ongoing evolution of Fortnite. Please bare with us! Thanks so much.

25 Mar

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Be on the lookout for the v8.20 update, which is planned to release on Wednesday, March 27.

Downtime starts at 5 AM ET(0900 UTC).

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    /u/Ks_m on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey, that looks very cool. Check your DM, please.

24 Mar

23 Mar