over 5 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by wempenis

Last week I recieved an email from Epic that my account email had been changed. I immediately put in a request saying that I had not made this change. They then asked me to provide my public ip address, account creation date, invoice ID, locations where purchases made, original display name, last 4 digits of payment, date of last login, names of other accounts connected to my Epic account.

For some background, I just moved from the east coast to the midwest and hadn't logged into my account for a couple weeks due to the move. For those that don't know, your public IP address changes depending on your ISP. Which with me moving, it had.

I also didn't have the exact creation date of my account, but knew it was around Nov/Dec 2017.

I did not have the Invoice ID but gave them both the Order and Transaction ID with my Paypal.

I gave them the correct location of where these purchases were made.

I provided the correct display name for when I played the game.

I gave them the information of both my PayPal and the credit card that was used for my purchase. I even went as far as to provide screenshots from my PayPal account.

I could not give the exact last date of my login, but a general idea of when.

The only other account connected was my PSN which I also gave them.

With all of this information, they still could not verify that I am the original account holder. I am still contacting them about it and am trying to escalate this to a manager. They refuse to give me a phone number that I can call to speak with a representative.

So Reddit, what do I do?

EDIT: I'm currently working with /u/Magyst to recover my account. Which hopefully this issue will be resolved.

FINAL EDIT: Huge shoutout to /u/Magyst for assisting me and getting my account back. Thank you guys for getting this upvoted enough so they would respond. Also thanks to whoever gave me silver. For those of you who also are locked out of your accounts, just keep going. I'm sure /u/Magyst has been flooded with replies, but I hope you guys are able to have your issues resolved. Thanks Reddit!

Hey there /u/wempenis. Can you please check your DMs.

over 5 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by adamcognac

Going through this right now! They're literally asking me send then pictures of my passport to prove my identity. I've given them all of information they asked for, sent them old emails from the same email when I created the account for Paragon, and even offered to forward them the emails from the Russian guy who emailed me claiming I hacked HIM to beg for "his" account back. Shit is crazy

Hey there /u/adamcognac. Can you please check your DMs and respond to my message. Thank you!

over 5 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by XxChaz

This happened to me about a year ago. I showed them all my proof of purchases from Xbox-over $500 and they would not help me one bit. Had to start all over.

Can you please check your DMs /u/XxChaz