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Hey everyone...so this post may not be for everyone...so please take it from the outside looking in at the bigger picture.

So I have slowly watched this community change over the last 6~ months or so...and I've notice some major changes taking place around the beginning of the year.

Most of these changes (at first) seemed pretty legit and I had sympathy for the players who were affected by bugs and such.

But now I'm starting to question some of these claims players are making regarding "being hacked", "not obtaining 'gifts' from Epic", "claims of lost items" etc..

Are players really experiencing these issues...or are they exploiting the system.

From my perspective at least, I feel that "If" a player was hacked...why would the hacker purchase V-Bucks?

What benefit would that be to the hacker? To me...it feels as if players purchased V-bucks and then used them to purchase llamas...got bad loot and simply wish to pull the "I got hacked" card to request a refund...aka: Buyers' Remorse.

Now I 100% could see a purchase made to upgrade an account's version of the game a potential target for hackers so that they could attempt to sell the free copies of the game under their name. (Hopefully I don't give any ideas to these "Hackers") But even then, the time it would take to sell / put it on a "Dummy" account would (should) give the original owner plenty of time to catch it.

The other issue is players claiming they were affected by a bug in order to obtain freebies handed out by Epic.

For every one of those players, there is a player like me who honestly was not effected by the bug as was still reimbursed/gifted free goodies.

And on top of that, there is another player for everyone of "me" that did not get compensated for their loss.

How does/can Epic tell the difference between the liars and the honest victims.

Truth is...it is VERY hard. And what is worst is that players like me are feeling like this is actually happening...

But yeah...thanks for reading....just wanted to throw this out there and see who catches it.

This may be the reasoning behind the back log of refunds / hacking etc...


Edit: Question...has anyone on console been 'Hacked'?

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almost 7 years ago - /u/SkribblrPrsn - Direct link

Originally posted by lunatics

I don't even play Fortnite, I have only played BR a handful of times with friends, I can 100% guarentee that my purchase of a $150 russian collections edition of the single player game was not my purchase or "buyers remorse" ontop of that, I am getting emails daily that my Fortnite account has been locked due to too many failed sign in attempts. I changed my password AND enabled 2FA after this happened and people are still trying to access my account and causing problems with it. It has now been over a week and I still have not had an answer from Epic games about this and am getting extremely fed up. I don't want to go to my bank if I don't have to as a charge back will probably cause my account to get permanently banned/closed but at the end of the day I would rather lose my account that I spent 10 bucks on than lose $150 dollars on something I will never touch. This is ridiculous.

Hey there,

I'm sorry to read you're experiencing this. I'd like to help you. Please update me in a DM with your case number, display name/psn id/gamertag and email connected to your Epic games account.


almost 7 years ago - /u/SkribblrPrsn - Direct link

Originally posted by necroneous

The day after I decided to buy the game I immediately got hacked and they spent $160 on my credit card. I messaged support about it after getting control of my account and removing my card from it. I'm not even playing the game until this is resolved for fear of compromising my refund in some way.

I'm still waiting on an update as to whether I'll be refunded. If Epic can't refund me (and soon), I'm just going to do a chargeback and not play the game ever again.

I don't understand how stuff like this can happen, I used steam, battle.net and origin for 10 years and nothing like this has ever happened to me.

I want to play the game and I willingly paid for it, but I refuse to put up with fraudulent charges if that's par for the course.

Hi necroneous,

I understand your concerns. I'd like to help you look into this. Can you please send me a DM with your case number, display name/psn id/gamertag and email that is linked to your Epic games account?

Keep me posted,

almost 7 years ago - /u/SkribblrPrsn - Direct link

Originally posted by jmurf67

I am going through this right now with these guys. Somebody got access to my account and upgraded it. Why? Not sure. I stopped playing Fortnite some months back, but I did go on and change my password. Tried emailing Epic, got an email back saying the email is not monitored and to go to a website, there is no option for undoing this error on the website, so I try and call, get zero options for help there, and told to leave a message, no call back. Now am disputing it through my bank. Just been a huge cluster****.

Hey jmurf67,

I'd like to help investigate your case. At your convenience, can you please update me with your case number, display name/psn id/gamerag and Epic games email?

Thank you!