about 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Hey Folks,

The other day i posted that the team was looking into this issue and I presumed that this was uninteded, i was incorrect. Here is an update directly from the dev team.

The Dev team saw these reports and investigated to see if something changed in this update that may have tweaked what Flingers throw. After digging into the data, they confirmed that Flingers are intended to be able to throw basic Husks, Husky Husks, Pitchers, Beehive Husks, Zappers, and Nurses.

Note that the Propane Husky and Riot Shield Husky cannot be thrown - only the basic Husky.

Looking at the file history, the data setting which husk types the Flinger is allowed to throw has only been changed a few times since launch (to add the Zapper and Nurse back when those enemy types were added to the game) and the Husky has been marked throwable since before the launch back in 2017.

Our best guess right now is that there was a longstanding bug preventing the Flinger from throwing all the intended Husk types, which probably got fixed as a side-effect of changes to the game elsewhere.

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about 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Hey Folks,

The other day i posted that the team was looking into this issue and I presumed that this was uninteded, i was incorrect. Here is an update directly from the dev team.

The Dev team saw these reports and investigated to see if something changed in this update that may have tweaked what Flingers throw. After digging into the data, they confirmed that Flingers are intended to be able to throw basic Husks, Husky Husks, Pitchers, Beehive Husks, Zappers, and Nurses.

Note that the Propane Husky and Riot Shield Husky cannot be thrown - only the basic Husky.

Looking at the file history, the data setting which husk types the Flinger is allowed to throw has only been changed a few times since launch (to add the Zapper and Nurse back when those enemy types were added to the game) and the Husky has been marked throwable since before the launch back in 2017.

Our best guess right now is that there was a longstanding bug preventing the Flinger from throwing all the intended Husk types, which probably got fixed as a side-effect of changes to the game elsewhere.

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about 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by cinemafreak1

JFC. I love this game but how patched together and borked is this freakin software?

Im not a game dev personally and i dont work with code. But i have dabbled in some code work in C++ personally for school and other side projects. While i cant speak to how it all works in Fortnite, i can say you'd be amazed how small changes in one place can have an effect elsewhere.

about 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by ferb73craft

For clarification, will Flingers still throw Huskies in the next patch, or will that be removed to make Flingers as they were before the .20 update? I think most players would agree that Flingers throwing Huskies buffs them significantly to the point of being more artificially hard / frustrating than challenging.

Since this is currently by design, flingers will stay as the currently are in this update.

about 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Just to follow up, while this change will remain in effect, we're going to watching feedback and looking at data to determine the best next steps to take. Give it some time, let us know what you think, how is defending going, is that much harder, do you like that challenge, etc...

about 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Seen a lot of comments on this post from over the weekend and just wanted to follow up with the obvious response in potentially buffing Anti-Air to help. This is something i'll bring up and see what happens.

Beyond that i'd direct folks to the last comment i made in regards to feedback and such here https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/10h5yl3/comment/j56sm26/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3