Fortnite: Save the World

Fortnite: Save the World Dev Tracker

18 Jan

17 Jan


hey everyone, just wanted to let everyone know to please continue to provide us with your account name if you were affected by this issue. DM an epic employee, reddit mod or post in this this thread or this We are checking both post for any additional account names.


hey everyone, just wanted to let everyone know to please continue to provide us with your account name if you were affected by this issue. DM an epic employee, reddit mod or post in this this thread or this We are checking both post for any additional account names.


Hey everyone! We are currently looking into the issue of dealing with inventories being wiped. If you are running into this issue please attach your account information to this thread. You may also DM me your account information so that I can send it to the development team.

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Thanks for the report of this issue. We are looking into this now.

16 Jan


Hey folks,

This is a bug. We changed Seismic Smash and a couple of other abilities so they could destroy lobbed beehives, and unintentionally made them trigger propane tanks as well.

This should be fixed in update 12.00. It will no longer trigger propane tanks, but will still destroy beehives.


Hey everyone,

We've released maintenance patch v11.40.1 on PC, Mac, PS4 & Xbox. A download is required.

Thank you!

External link →

15 Jan


Originally posted by Kangarou

Is this related to the "Getting sent back to the tutorial mission" issue, or is this something else?

Yep! Directly related. There is an odd bug where severe instances of server lag can push players back to the tutorial. This doesn't impact game progress. You can leave the tutorial and it will place you back on the map / front end.


Hey everyone, just to give an update on where we're at:

We've released some server fixes that solves the more severe cases of de-syncing that's occurring. However, There are several cases that we're still investigating. Server metrics are showing improvements but we're still encountering some spikes and intense server load under some scenarios. The team is diving in and taking a look at what's causing the increased load and we hope to have an update for you all soon. Thank you!


Originally posted by angry_orange10

Could we get a confirmation post about how this is happening and if it gets fixed? I’d rather not risk losing all my materials.

So far the reports both internal and external aren't super widespread of inventory wipes. I've reached out to players reporting this and grabbing their account information for further investigation. Definitely seems related disconnects between client and server due to the current lag. However, the wipe isn't impacting every player.

We've released some server fixes that solves the more severe cases of de-syncing that's occurring. Inventory loss shouldn't occur since the fixes but we're still keeping our ear to the ground. By no means am I saying the lag is completely resolved completely.


Originally posted by FragFlurryAwesome

"the effect duration perk now works correctly on the gas trap" - what does this mean? I thought effect duration was essentially removed from the gas trap?

When we made changes to the Gas Trap.. the effect duration perk wasn't functioning correctly (at all). With v11.40 the perk will not properly add duration to the poison cloud.


Hey everyone, Thank you for the reports on the severe server lag. We've added a few server fixes that should reduce the lag significantly.

We're looking into the other issues that have been reported since this updates release.


Either Kyle turned sweaty or Jilly is spreading her toy magic all over Homebase!

We're taking a look to find out what caused Heroes to have this new look. Thanks for the report!


Originally posted by BiscuitBarrel179

Explanation Ping jumps massively, game freezes, get kicked, go to rejoin and have to play tbe tutorial again.

Platform PS4

How To Reproduce Playbthe damn game, it's happened 3 missions out of 3 since downtime ended.

Thanks for the heads up! We've been taking a look into the server performance and are working on getting this resolved. We've implemented a few fixes this morning that should help with the lag and hitching. This is also related to the kicking back to the tutorial. We're still digging to find and resolve further issues.


u/PeintMahler Can you check your DMs for me please?

Thank you!


Hey u/Penny_is_Thicc, do you mind checking your DMs for me? I need some more information from you.


We're investigating an issue with server performance in Save the World. We will update you when we have more information.

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Help, Commanders! The toys are attacking!

Assist Homebase Heroes defend against the Misfist toys in the v11.40 update, now live! Take a look at the Homebase Status Report for more information.
Also, you can visit our Trello board to track the status of known issues across all game modes.

Thank you.

Homebase Heroes,

Again with the moving toy box...

Downtime for patch v11.40 has begun! We’ll post an update in this thread when downtime ends.


External link →

14 Jan

Hello, Homebase Heroes!

Did anyone else see that toy box move? Anyway, downtime for patch v11.40 begins tomorrow at 4 AM ET (0900 UTC)! Stay tuned for updates when downtime ends.


External link →

Thanks for the report! Our development team is aware of this issue.