Fortnite: Save the World

Fortnite: Save the World Dev Tracker

01 Nov

29 Oct

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description Replay mode is currently bugged. We anticipate a fix in our 11.10 build releasing next week. We apologize for this inconvenience.

UPDATE: We are still looking into this and will keep you updated.

UPDATE 2: We have re-enabled Replay mode and will continue to monitor for issues.

Discussion Thread Internal

Platforms PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC

Work Around None

JIRA FORT-220010

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description Players around PL76 may have trouble accessing the Survive the Night mission.

Discussion Thread Internal

Platform All

Workaround Decrease PL by unslotting survivors, or create / join a party.

JIRA FORT-225516

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description Clicking and dragging the map in lower level Stonewood difficulty will make the mission Hex disappear in the event zone.

Discussion Thread Internal

Platform All

Workaround Leave and re-enter the map.

JIRA FORT-222177

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description Dennis’s audio for the elimination bonus objective loops in Survive the Night.

Discussion Thread Internal

Platform All


JIRA FORT-222483

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description Game sometimes crashes when reading the Victory Screen on mission completion.

Discussion Thread Reddit

Platforms All

Work Around None

JIRA FORT-217993

27 Oct

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description We’re investigating reports of FPS issues on PC following the Chapter 2 release.

UPDATE: We appreciate the videos you sent us showing the FPS issues you’ve been seeing on PC. With v11.01, we’ve made good progress addressing your concerns, as we’ve improved the impact that rapidly turning the camera has on performance. Please note that this improvement will feel slightly more noticeable on higher-end PCs than on lower-end ones.

We are still working to address your concerns, and we’ll keep you updated with our progress.

UPDATE 2: Our monitoring shows that v11.01 has resolved these issues.

Thank you again for assisting in our investigation.

Discussion Thread Internal

Platforms All

Work Around None.

JIRA FORT-222370

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description Friends may not be appearing in the Friends list.

Discussion Thread Internal

Platforms All

Work Around Restart the game client to resolve this issue permanently.

JIRA FORT-220601

25 Oct

22 Oct

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description Clicking “claim” on a Llama in the Loot Tab will put it directly into your Llama queue instead of opening it directly. Go into your queue via hot key to find your newly claimed llamas.

Discussion Thread Discord

Platform All

Workaround None


    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Description We are aware and investigating reports of settings, including keybinding and party settings, returning to default upon the launch of Chapter 2 - Season 1.

UPDATE: This issue has been addressed on PlayStation 4, PC, Mac, and Android with v11.00.1. It will be addressed on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and iOS when v11.00.1 comes to those platforms.

With the fix in v11.00.1, the settings for players who haven’t logged in since the launch of Chapter 2 will remain as they were.

UPDATE 2: v11.00.1 has been released on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

UPDATE 3: v11.00.1 has been released on iOS.

Platforms All

Work Around Re-configure your settings manually.

21 Oct

18 Oct

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

As we continue to investigate, we have seen reported success by restarting the game client.

UPDATE: This issue has been addressed on PlayStation 4, PC, Mac, and Android with v11.00.1. It will be addressed on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and iOS when v11.00.1 comes to those platforms.

**UPDATE 2: ** v11.00.1 has been released on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

UPDATE 3: v11.00.1 has been released on iOS.