Fortnite: Save the World

Fortnite: Save the World Dev Tracker

08 Apr


Originally posted by Jetsoms


This is the most excited I have ever been to see a post on /r/FORTnITE. EPIC asking for feedback and encouraging the community to investigate a recent change!

It's not only a great way to get any issues/suggestions documented in an efficient manner.... It also goes such a long way in making the player base feel heard. Please keep up the positive engagement!!!

Really happy you feel this way. STW has always had a passionate community and we want to celebrate and make use of that. Would love to get more engagement post to get more discussions going.

Anyone is free to DM me if they have any ideas for future community post and discussions.

07 Apr


Originally posted by Ahmeda9a_PirateKing

when is the best time to unload the turret?

Anytime there is a good fight like against an encampment or protecting forts and other objectives.

Just be sure to NOT place ROSIE anywhere near a storm's husk tornado because it can and will break your floor and thus your lovely ROSIE

What type of Husks is she most effective against?

All of them except takers.

If ye want to knock down/stun the Tank-est smashers or want to blow a crowd of husks into oblivion, then yer shipmate blakebeard got ya protected with the finnest, most effective ROSIE cannon

🏴‍☠️ That's the spirit matey 🏴‍☠️


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

Yeah about R.O.S.I.E. The ability got it's damage nerfed. Any reason why?

So the damage reduction was larger than originally intended, and our team is looking into potentially rebalancing it. Still in early investigation on that so no promises yet.


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

when is the best time to unload the turret?

I am not very satisfied with this question...

But when the big games are coming. I unload her.

What type of Husks is she most effective against?

Blakebeard's ROSIE: For crowd control and mini bosses

Normal ROSIE: For elemental smashers and the other mist monsters when using Airheart.

Does the new shield and lack of overheat change how you use R.O.S.I.E. ?

Yes, I am no longer being locked from overheat. Not to mention those ranged husks are finally no longer a problem to me when I am stationary.

It's an open discussion. Anyone here can add any R.O.S.I.E. question they would like!


Hey there Commanders,

20.10 saw major changes to the Constructor Hero ability, R.O.S.I.E. Because of these changes, many Commanders will likely take a shot at wielding this mounted turret for the first time! We are all in this battle against The Storm together, so let's take this time to help our fellow Commanders out in creating the Ultimate R.O.S.I.E. Build.

Feel free to drop a screenshot of your favorite R.O.S.I.E. centric build, or simply type it out; whichever way you want to help!

Also let's talk tactics; when is the best time to unload the turret? What type of Husks is she most effective against? Does the new shield and lack of overheat change how you use R.O.S.I.E. ?

The floor is yours Commanders!

External link →

06 Apr

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct


For some players, the map and lobby will look unusually bright.

JIRA FORT-446567

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct


Since 20.00, players Storm Shield progress may completely reset after leaving and re-entering. This issue is currently being investigated.

For the time being, we recommend to avoid entering your Storm Shields.

Update 4/6

Players who logged into STW while this issue was occurring will receive a free Birthday Llama to show our appreciation for your patience.

Additionally, players who lost their Storm Shield base because of this issue will either have it completely restored or will be receiving a grant of resources to help recover what was lost.

JIRA FORT-461873


Originally posted by Tatoretot

When do you plan to fix the storm shield resetting bug

I wanna prepare for my canny endurance but can’t because of this

I don’t wanna have to wait 2-3 years for it to be “fixed” just like The endurance crashes that have never been fixed despite it being removed off the trello

It is fixed. Will be putting out a official update on it soon.

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct


The Scurvy Shoals cutscene may cause players to get stuck with a black screen when launching into Save the World.


Closing the game and restarting it should bypass the screen.

JIRA FORT-462411


This will be fixed next update. We appreciate the report!

05 Apr


Originally posted by maxt0r

Same here. Got the message and everything. /u/chryztos more info on this issue? Thanks!

Repeatable quest should be coming back with the Venture season turn over coming up in just a few minutes. Keeping our eyes on that and making sure everything is working properly.