Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

03 Apr


We recently put out a fix for this. How is it feeling now?


Hi u/Icy-Consequence-2146! What's the device are you using?

28 Mar


Originally posted by zub213

I get this also if I minimise and reopen fortnite on my s23. Still waiting for a fix

Hi! Can you let me know if you still experience this after today?

26 Mar


Hi! This is related to the issue we posted about here We are actively working on a fix at the moment.


Drop into Battle Royale to take down Midas for the new Mythic Midas Drum Gun, an updated Hand Cannon, and if you’re lucky enough; the Banana of the Gods! 👀

In addition to the new items in Battle Royale, we’ve also made some balance adjustments in v29.10:

  • Snipers don't drop as frequently, and no longer drop as Uncommon or Rare.
  • The Drum Gun's damage and fire rate is increased.
  • Huntress DMR's damage and projectile speed is increased.
  • Chain of Hades damage has been increased when pulling targets.
  • Frenzy Auto Shotgun's max effective range is lowered.

See you on the Battle Bus!

External link →

25 Mar

21 Mar


Originally posted by lepthurnat

u/CatBlips_Epic , what will it take for this to be an option? Is there anything playerbase can do to request this?

I've passed the feedback along to our team :)


Heya thread - just to clear up any confusion. These prices are for the Argentine peso (which also uses the same $ symbol used for USD).

20 Mar


Originally posted by Feeling-Big949

Bro the choppy sound?

Update on the choppy sound. We identified it as a separate issue to the Vulkan issue and have a fix. It will be released in a future update!

19 Mar


Thanks for the report! We are looking into this now.


Originally posted by JLrosen

My friend wasn't able to get party fill on their end. Made me party host and we got the other two members. For some reason, they could select Duos and Trios for the LTM.

What your friend experienced would be the bug. The others in the thread here are correct, only squads is available for the Floor is Lava.


Try scrolling down and you should see it.


Not lore, just a bug. It should be fixed now!


Originally posted by Feeling-Big949

Oh ok thanks for the response but pls get it fixed asap man its not fun to play with issues

I know it isn't the best experience. I promise the team are working on it. Some things are just a little more complex to fix, unfortunately.


Originally posted by Feeling-Big949

Bro the choppy sound?

Looks like it is the same cause as the lag and stutters, not actually on the audio side itself.


Hi! The team is aware some players are experiencing degraded performance and has been investigating. I'll let you know more when I have more info to share.

13 Mar


Hey u/Feeling-Big949 and thread. What devices are you using?


Hi everyone! Just to let you know, I've seen the reports about the choppy sound and it has been passed along internally to be looked into.

12 Mar


Thanks for the tag! We have had to temporarily switch some devices from Vulkan while we track down a crashing issue.