Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

31 Oct

30 Oct


So as an update this was actually by design... well partly. We wanted to make the text bigger on the map, but made it a bit too large on some devices. We are working on this and should have it fixed within the next couple of patches.

Hey All,

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are looking into the issues of players being stuck on "Finishing"

  • This is a UI error, after pressing play the player should see the optimization button progress. The finishing button is acting as the optimization button. We should have this fixed soon.

If you are not able to get past the finishing screen we have a couple of workarounds to try:

  1. Wait ~10 minutes to load into Fortnite
    1. If you are still not loading into the lobby attempt to restart Fortnite.
    2. If restarting Fortnite did not work and you have waited for ~10 minutes you may need to reinstall Fortnite.

We have discovered an issue that was possibly causing players devices to get stuck on finishing. Players devices may fall asleep during the finishing process causing the device to no not download correctly.

In order to fix this, it is recommended that players turn off auto ...

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Originally posted by theonialator

500 each I think

Confirming, the values shown are totals for the entire team. Top 50% gets 500 Hype each.

Official rules are over here:


Hey 100% not a bug. The distance you are trying to edit is too far. You can not edit the roof unless you are looking at one of the near corners, not the center. This is the same thing that happens on all other platforms.

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This should be fixed, thank you for calling it out!


Try switching from WiFi to cellar to load into the game, if that doesnt work attempt an uninstall and reinstall of the game. Also did you just update or did you update yesterday when the patch came out?


Hi, everyone!

It looks like some Creative Curse Challenges may have been cursed themselves.

We'll be auto-completing the "Play different Creative Curse featured islands or Gun Fright" and "Siphon health or shields from player eliminations in Mansion of Power" Challenges.

We're also confirming each available featured island is properly giving credit towards completion of the Creative Curse Challenges.


External link →

Hello, all!

It looks like some Creative Curse Challenges may have been cursed themselves.

We'll be auto-completing the "Play different Creative Curse featured islands or Gun Fright" and "Siphon health or shields from player eliminations in Mansion of Power" Challenges.

We're also confirming each available featured island is properly giving credit towards completion of the Creative Curse Challenges.


External link →

If you dismiss this prompt and try again does that work?


Couple of questions for you!

1) What happens when you dismiss the prompt and then try again?

2) Have you been able to update if you uninstall/reinstall the whole app?


Told Fishstick to patch that up when we gave the restaurant permit.

Thanks for the report, I'll pass this along to the team for investigation.


Hi, u/Zakuumi!

This Challenge is able to be completed as new featured islands become available!

Update: Due to an issue, we plan on auto-completing this Challenge.

Update 2: We are investigating issues with some Creative Curse Challenges and will keep you updated on how we plan to address these.

Update 3: Take a look at this thread!


Hi, u/foxesslimy!

This Challenge is able to be completed as new featured islands become available!

Update: Due to an issue, we plan on auto-completing this Challenge.

Update 2: We are investigating issues with some Creative Curse Challenges and will keep you updated on how we plan to address these.

Update 3: Take a look at this thread!


Reporting this to the team as soon as I stop laughing.


29 Oct


We are looking into these reports. As of now you can try to uninstall and reinstall the game from the app store.


Originally posted by zDfuse

It wont install

Can you restart the device? It seems a bit odd that the update is not showing in the App Store for you. It could be a cache issue with the App Store.


Did you not get the choice to press update? I see the blue square in the circle, that normally means to stop or pause the download from the app store.


if you start the game with touch then you will not be able to use a controller. The same is for the reverse. If you start the game with a controller, you should be able to use touch.