Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

19 Apr


Thanks for the report and the video! Our QA team is aware of that and investigating this issue. For the missing joystick icon, please visit this Trello Card for more details and a workaround.


Appreciate the report and the video. I've escalated this to our QA team for investigation.

Could you please make an in-game bug report and make the title "Overlapping Buttons" and "Slow Building" for each respective issue.


Thanks for the report! We're aware of this issue and working towards a solution. Find more info, including a workaround here.


Originally posted by PrestoMovie

I’m a total bot who pretty much only plays Team Rumble now because I’m hopeless in any of the other modes. I’ve played over 800 games and this mode FINALLY got me my first Victory Umbrella(s)!

My hands were shaking.

This mode’s so much fun. This is exactly where the planes should stay, and I hope we see this mode often. Such a fun way to shake things up.

I love hearing stories like this, thanks :)


Originally posted by gameaddict12345

if the plane itself has an altitude limit, what's the purpose of the storm ceiling?

The purpose is to compact the game space over time, bringing the players together. It's also IMO more exciting to fight low to the ground due to the better sense of speed.


Originally posted by Thy_Meme_King

Yes, plus the arcade power ups type play style is so fun, they definitely need more fun Arcady modes

Glad you guys like it & thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Unicrash1

YES, I always get shot down in the endgame by my own teammates

That bug was fixed w/this morning's patch.


Originally posted by LoicDoesNotCare

You want the in game one or the layout tool one ? Or both ?

Well, more is better! Both


Originally posted by LoicDoesNotCare

iPad Pro 2018 11”, latest iOS version, I did not load my HUD from cloud. Just went in game, loaded from cloud to check if anything changes, it doesn’t :(
Pressing the inventory button makes the joystick reappear, but it stays static as you move (the middle circle in the joystick is immobile).

Can you post picture of your HUD?


People that are experiencing this: What devices are you on and did you load your Hud from cloud at all?


Originally posted by LoicDoesNotCare

THE Banana Mooney graces this sub with his presence ?! I’m a huge fan.

;) i'm a fan of you

also Trello here, so y'all can track the progress!


This was a serious miss on our end. The expectation is that an internal post-mortem is going to drive process changes.


Thanks for the report, we'll look into this. And any other info or screenshots would be dope!


We just released the v8.40.1 client update to resolve some issues that appeared in the v8.40 update.

Curious about exactly what was fixed? Head over to the v8.40.1 Resolved Issues blog here:

External link →

We just released the v8.40.1 client update to resolve some issues that appeared in the v8.40 update.

Curious about exactly what was fixed? Head over to the v8.40.1 Resolved Issues blog here:

External link →

18 Apr


Originally posted by XPL0S1V3

I wonder what's happening in Epic HQ right now.

Epic: Hey Apple, can you approve this patch?

Apple: Not until you fix the letterboxing that's already overdue. We just approved one for you yesterday.

Epic: cmon please.

This has nothing to due with our certification process. We have a valid extension that Apple has provided to developers. Apple has a certification policy that allows them up to a 48 hours process.


We’ll be releasing a client update tomorrow, April 19 at 6AM ET(1000 UTC) to resolve some issues that started occurring in patch v8.40. No downtime is required.

External link →

We’ll be releasing a client update tomorrow, April 19 at 6AM ET(1000 UTC) to resolve some issues that started occurring in patch v8.40. No downtime is required. This patch will include a fix for the following issue:

  • Extra buttons do not respond

NOTE: We are working with Apple on certification of the iOS update, players on iOS can continue to play and we will let you know when the update is available.

External link →

We're aware of this issue and have a fix being tested. The goal is to include this fix in an upcoming patch.

    /u/iFlak on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I couldn't love this more. Nice job!