We wanted to drop in and provide some context for the changes to the Turbo Build timer.
What Changed in v10.20?
We returned the time between subsequent Turbo Build placements from 0.05 seconds to 0.15 seconds in v10.20. This was the value used up to v4.30.
Why Change Turbo Build?
We did so as a first step addressing several problems:
- Rapid Turbo Building favors players with low ping in disproportionate ways.
- Taking walls (racing with another player to place a wall before them)
- Turtling (continually rebuilding a wall that is taking damage)
- Turtling disproportionately favors defender
- E.g. holding mouse button vs. squad shooting at 1x1
- Building piece placement accuracy
- Easy to accidentally place multiple pieces “at once”
- Spam building
- Easy to spam build
- We want building to be a bit more ...