Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

01 Jun


Originally posted by LoicDoesNotCare

How about a lil SDK update spoil while we’re feeling philanthropic ? :)

It wont be an answer you are excited to read because i cant give you an exact time frame, but the goal is in Season 9 so, soon.

31 May


Originally posted by Jeff03blue_Instinct

Will it be fixed when you just touch the screen, or will it also be fixed when you use the dedicated use button?



Originally posted by Bonus_mosher

It’s one of the worst glitches in the game right now, but having said that, unless it’s a moving circle, people don’t really know or use this and when they do they’re vulnerable on a zip line. Epic knows about it though, I’m sure it’ll be patched next week.

I will give you all a little spoil and confirm that in the next patch that the zipline and door interaction issue is fixed. :)


Originally posted by Noobface_

Is it possible to have someone’s player stay inside of a game (motionless) if they disconnect? That way you can join back but someone could’ve still killed you in that time. Many other games do this and it’s a really neat feature.

We actually implemented this feature in a recent update but disabled due to an associated bug. There's a fix for the issue in the v9.20 update so you'll see this return!


Originally posted by KristianFBRLive

Nobody cares about needing a Pump delay in creative if it's removed from BR.

It's not so much that it's in creative, it's more than we want weapons & items to be consistent across all game modes. In the case that the Pump Shotgun is ever unvaulted, we want to maintain that continuity.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We're always evaluating weapon variety. I actually just checked - Drum Guns are currently accountable for 5.26% of eliminations.


Originally posted by NikosKan2004

Any plans to unvault the pump? You must have noticed how bad community's opinion on the combat shotgun is.

Vaulted weapons/items always have the possibility to come back.


Originally posted by bradleycarlyle

Is there work being put into the audio side of the game -- it's by far the most important constant in the game and seems to be the weakest link of the game.

Yes! We actually have regular audio updates hitting the FortniteBR sub weekly that generally get crossposted here - you can see our latest one here. Expect the comms to keep coming :)


Originally posted by Joeys_1k

Could you please touch somewhere on ballers is all we ask. The ballers are a great idea and fun thing to use, perfect for core playlists. But in arena/competitive, it completely takes away from the core values of competitve (1. movement 2. materials 3. gun skill) the ballers are not competitive at all and everyone knows it! You can rotate untouched while saving all your ammo and materials, you can also use them in late zones as well and will eventually be forced out of your baller but you have all of your materials and ammo and movement items as well. The baller just doesnt fit what fortnite stands for and was founded on. The ability late game to grapple up to high ground without being shot or using any materials is not healthy for competitive play and results in boring gameplay for your viewers

We've discussed potentially disabling vehicles after storm phase 5, similar to how Slipstreams are disabled. Our main concern is making sure it's clear what's going on, so we're still iterating here.


Originally posted by [deleted]


My responsibilities are to help the community out best I can. If a player has a question that I can answer, such as the above, I am going to. It seems this player was not sure how accounts worked, so not everyone knows. I have answered a lot questions like whats written here on the sub and will continue to do so. I have also answered and commented on plenty of threads that contain issues, most of my responses come from these threads.


Originally posted by WerkIt5

It seems the shotgun timer issue could easily be solved by having the timer enabled if the player is holding multiple shotguns, and disabled otherwise. What am I missing here? I'm assuming it's more complicated than that.

This is one of the options on the table - it's being actively discussed.


Originally posted by ImProspect

Will you be communicating your reasoning behind changes/nerfs/additions to the game in the patch notes more often? Such as in the patch notes for v9.10 where epic's thoughts were communicated at the bottom of each change in italics?

Yes, we plan to continue doing that and in places you feel we could be more clear with our goals behind changes - speak up!


Originally posted by vSilvr

Why are their 5 snipers in the game?

We're actively looking at this, the main reason being that each one provides a somewhat different role. But we agree it's probably a little higher than we'd like.


Originally posted by [deleted]


As we continue to look at balance, that's been brought up as a possible solution.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Surprisingly a solid fit, if i was a bit taller would have been perfect. Served me as a good raincoat later that week as well ;)


Originally posted by BreakinMyBallz

Would you guys ever consider adaptive chests that drop different loot depending on what items the player has already looted/seen from previous chests in that game? Or perhaps adaptive floor loot so that the floor loots in a single house won't be all of the same weapon/item type?

We considered this early on, but decided against it. The main downside being - if your opponent gets a powerful weapon because he hasn't had one recently, that's an unfair experience to you. But, we regularly revisit these kinds of questions to make sure our thinking is still up to date.