
Foxhole Dev Tracker

30 Sep


Not going to disagree or agree with your post here. Instead I just wanted to chime in with a few extra notes that will hopefully inform you guys a bit more. It would suck for us if players never bothered choosing the vehicle (like the mortar tank) but that is your right!

  • The Colonial ATAC is not just an ATR mounted in the turret. The rate of fire and stability-gain is higher. Just like its handheld counterpart, the gunner will still need to control their bursts for maximal accuracy. But a daring crew might be able to get you in range of your target to utilize its full rate of fire and really chew them up.

  • Open top is a theming choice. Right now we feel that the Colonials are a faction that would utilize their lighter vehicles more aggressively, which means more exposed tops to give the crew a wider view of the field. The wardens will get their own selection of open-topped vehicles as well, but only where their mechanical engineers might feel they ca...

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20 Sep


We're getting a few reports of players saying they're receiving this error inappropriately. Do not worry. Our tracking of actual alt accounts is more sophisticated than the system that triggers that popup. You are safe to continue playing despite the error.

You might be able to remove the error by validating your steam files (Right click Foxhole > Properties > Local > Validate steam cache).

If that doesn't work for you try uninstalling and reinstalling foxhole, or simply wait. We are in the midst of trying to narrow down the issue so that the warning is more selective.

18 Sep

10 Sep


Surprise Mechanics

09 Jul


All of the visual and sound fx you saw in the demo videos were placeholder. We'll get em sounding nice.
Pretty much all the vehicle sfx will be redone for the new driving as well.

08 Jul


For the record, because there's some confusion in the comments, this isn't official, it's fan-made. But very cool!

20 May


I believe this is a side-effect of the engine upgrade this update, no font was intentionally updated. We've got it on our list. Sorry if it caused any issues for you.

19 May


It's cool to see stories like this. :)

11 May


Great work!

19 Feb


Originally posted by CaptainInArms

For sure, and the images taken with the camera glitch are definitely cherry-picked. But if they're able to be cherry picked, I think there's something there, at least for cinematic purposes.

Whether it's worth the actual manhours needed to sort that all out is a different story entirely.

Yeah. I mean. I think I can speak for the entire art team when I say we try to make the game look as good as possible. I'm sure it works. But doing it officially is just a bit different than using the glitch.

I think it's in the cards to make a working skybox (which is the biggest problem out of the box) but because it'd need to be tied into the day/night cycle, that does change the complexity of it.


Originally posted by clapfootadam

Also, what would be the challenges toward implementing an outright first-person view for cinematic purposes, in conjunction with what was in the blog

Great question.

1) One of the biggest issues is that we have no sky. Its just a flat colour, and it would seriously destroy the immersion to just have an overcast sky at all times of the day.
To implement a proper sky box is no simple feat, and its tied to the lighting of our game as that's how we calculate day-night cycles. So if we were to change that the whole look of the game would have to be updated. This is not a bad thing, just its a monumental task

2) the scale of props in the world are quite inconsistent. We have to fudge the sizes of things to make them read from the in game camera. A lot of the details on smaller objects are just non-existent or roughly 1-3 pixels in size. If you were looking through the eyes of the player any illusion of a cohesive/attractive game...

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To piggyback off of Adam here, I'll also add that it's that everything is designed to be top-down. The world design wouldn't look 'correct' from a first-person perspective. There's a couple of level design terms I like to use. One is called signposting (using objects to lead the player around the space), and the other is sightlines (designing terrain in a way so that from every position, the player can see somewhere important they can go.) Most open-world games use a combination of sightlines and 'breadcrumb trail' signposting to design their spaces in a way that feels easy to understand yet believable.

In Foxhole, we use a technique I refer to as lateral signposting. Because most of our game is viewed on a single plane, the world is designed so it makes sense from that perspective. Especially since sightlines aren't an asset we can take advantage of.

In addition to the issues Adam mentioned, buildings are also skewed in size to simply look better from top-down with...

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18 Feb


Fear not, that sound is on my to-do list.

Few things about this.One: It's not meant to pack NEARLY the amount of punch as a BAR. It's essentially a prototype assault rifle. (compare it to the LMG)

Two: The sounds for it are built off of source files recorded from an AK-47 from 12 different mics.

Three: It's one of the older gun-sounds in the game now.

Originally, I wanted to stay as accurate to actual firearms recordings as possible, but guns don't always sound the way people think they do. On top of that, the POV is not in the character's hands like a first-person shooter (or that video).

With more recent sounds I've pushed pretty hard into making them 'feel' better rather than being 'accurate' which seems to have gone over a lot better.

Edit: Grammar

04 Feb


Originally posted by Jason1143

Looks good, but minor typo, when it says

adding line breaks to was, ironically, single line of code

You have an extra "to" that doesn't really make sense, so probably just remove it. Also please rib Matt for me when you do, since it appears to be his section.

Typos happen. :P If only we had a copyeditor on staff.

13 Dec


Someone glitching through could have broken the entire mechanic. We blocked everything off until a hotfix could be applied. No big mystery here. Unfortunate, but it happens.

06 Dec


I actually added what's there based on Q&A feedback. They are set up the way they are because the truth is if they were set up like a real siren, players would abuse it like crazy just to annoy people. We already see it with horns and just player mics. The horns aren't that obnoxious and the mics can be muted. So, it's an unfortunate reality of how we have to design things sometimes when it comes to a big open, connected multiplayer game.

19 Nov


While this has been an interesting conversation, there simply isn't enough information. Unfortunately, we made this layout at the same time game mechanics were radically changed. I do think the change in locale and mechanics had a significant impact on Colonial Morale. Furthermore, Colonials always seem to do well with new mechanics than Wardens do. So I'll be monitoring things closely over the next couple of wars.

15 Nov


Hi Reddit,

If you missed it or were unaware, the entire first episode of A Chronicle of Ashes released over the last three weeks.

'A Chronicle of Ashes' is a series of short stories exploring the extended Foxhole universe. These are unrelenting tales of human struggle in the face of apathy and violence, borne by a world in a constant state of war.

- Check it out here -

- A short introduction to the series can be found here -

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Originally posted by Stainesz

I'm British, so our experiences will differ here - but the generally nice idea of "remembrance" is very often hijacked by jingoistic warmongers. "In Flanders Fields", the Canadian poem is a very early example of this.

"Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields."

Although it's extremely appropriate for Foxhole... the poem doesn't question war or motivations, it simply states "we died here, now it's your turn". It's completely uncritical as to the nature of war, instead being almost a celebration of a continued cycle of violence and veneration of war dead without any kind of self reflection as to the nature of the wars they fought in.
"Remember that we died, forget why/how we died."
It's a pretty dangerous sentiment to encourage all future generations to celebrate war de...

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I appreciate your concerns and we'll definitely consider making adjustments in the future.

However, with due respect, as Canadians, Nov 11th is our 'veterans day' and Flander's Fields is as ubiquitous as our national anthem. This was something a few members of the team, including myself, wanted to include in the game as a memorial due to the fact that we are making a game about war.

I would echo Adam's sentiment here. The poem was written by a Canadian soldier for a comrade who died in the battle of Ypres. The poem is not about a perpetual state of war, though I can see how it would be interpreted that way. It's about making sure lives weren't lost in vain and those who died aren't forgotten.

If the poem is hijacked in other countries, that's a shame. Here it is not. We can't speak for other countries, and this is our tribute to those who served for us. Here it is treated with the utmost reverence.

That said, I appreciate your concerns and if we do ...

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06 Nov


Thanks for everyone's answers. This has been really great.