almost 2 years ago - OminousGMan - Direct link

Hello everyone,

I have an update on the Fang Moor Potion issue. The team has disabled the Faction Assault shop for the rest of the event.

We’ll be processing a refund for the Gems players have spent purchasing the Tiers in the Faction Event. The development team is currently working on getting this out.

Once the refund has been issued a new Fang Moor Faction Event will be made with the potions from the shop working.

We’re sorry for the issue that happened and thank you for your patience while we get this fixed.

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective:

almost 2 years ago - OminousGMan - Direct link

Hey @AMT

I have no ETA as this time but once I do I’ll make sure to post on the forum when the new Fang Moor Faction Event will be happening!

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective:

almost 2 years ago - OminousGMan - Direct link

Hey everyone!

Just providing a quick update on this. As some of you have already commented the Gem refund for the Fang Moor Faction has been sent out today.

The new Fang Moor Faction Event with the Potions working will starting tonight at daily reset. This will be happening along side Hero Class event as well.

Thank you all again for your patience on this issue while the development team worked to get this fixed!

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective: