about 1 year ago - Kafka - Direct link

I’m following up on this report so I can provide an explanation.

In the meantime, please remember to keep it constructive. I know you’re frustrated but it’s important. Thanks everyone

about 1 year ago - Kafka - Direct link

Hey again,

So unfortunately, this is a miscommunication. As you all know new content is generally available 4-5 weeks after the event it was released in and during the next event week for the same Kingdom.

In this case we wanted to release v6.9 before the next Campaign started (and we had already delayed the start of the Campaign at that point), but we needed to have the Vulpacea event week due to scheduling/content pipeline reasons.

So where we normally would have tried to avoid having another Vulpacea event week so soon, we now have one and not enough time has passed for the Weapon to be released into the Soulforge.

I will talk to the team again about wording on the blog.
I’ll also ask about having more concrete release dates for things that we can share and see what I can do.

Sorry everyone as I know this wasn’t the answer you were hoping for.

about 1 year ago - Kafka - Direct link

I’m sorry Foxglove wasn’t available in the Soulforge last week. I’ve spoken to the team about tht s well as the communication around the release dates of new content.