12 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

This is fixed in 7.4, yell out if you still have issues on Monday weekly reset.

This is a long post so forgive me if we’ve already shared this information:

Basically the issue was caused because the league rank wasn’t displaying accurately.
The fix makes it so that you have to play a battle in order to show up on the league board and from there it will then display your actual rank. So what you see and the expected demotion/promotions will match now.

12 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

The league bubbles are still asynchronous, it just displays your place accurately in your own bubble now.

12 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

That’s right, players in your own bubble were not displayed correctly, which made it look like you should have been promoted/demoted/stayed put when the actual results were different from what you could see.

Relegation and Rewards are based on actual results, not on the display.

With the fix the display will now show accurately.

11 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

I checked the logs and you were rank 15 in your League. The relegation zone is rank 24.
If you are actively trying to drop out of Diamond, could you please get a screenshot at the end of the week of your rank and share it with us if you don’t end up where you expected again?

It will help us determine if the League board isn’t being displayed correctly again.
On the server side your score and rank are correct, so this could indicate a display issue.

11 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

INTERESTING. There is no way you could have placed anywhere but 1st in your bracket with the scores I’m looking at.

I also checked to see if anyone in your league was banned for cheating as that would cause their scores to be wiped but no one was banned.

Do you remember who was listed as 1st or 2nd?
Wondering if this info might help the team.

I’ll also go revive the bug report so we can check if maybe there’s a regression issue with the fix.

11 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

@Sylwani @Risa do you remember the names of the players who should have finished above you?

The issue isn’t that they’re getting the reward/placement in someone else’s ladder at all.
They’re placing correctly in their own ladder.

The issue the ladder isn’t being displayed correctly it seems.

So everything is running exactly as expected on the game server but the people reporting this issue aren’t being shown what the server is saying.

Either way though you need to be able to see what is actually happening correctly.
I just wanted to clarify this isn’t caused by this: