almost 2 years ago - Jeto - Direct link

Hey all,

After confirming with the team, split screen is not a feature we have built into Gems of War.

Split screen often being dependent on your device’s capabilities and what options are currently in that version of Unity. Most likely the case for those reporting in this thread is that with the 6.3 update, there has been an update also within Unity that has caused the changes players are experiencing.

We’re checking if that is the case and if that is something we have the ability to change, as normally this is not something we have direct control over.

Once I get any more information, I’ll share it in this thread. :sparkles:

almost 2 years ago - Jeto - Direct link

Hey all,

We will be releasing a fix within the next day or so (if not sooner) that will resolve the issue you have been reporting with split screen, since 6.3 :sparkles: