over 6 years ago - Kafka - Direct link

Hi blablubbb

Unfortunately, this sounds like an issue with your device’s memory management, as you guessed.

We advise playing the game with the graphics settings all the way down and no other apps running in the background. We also suggest ensuring you have the latest OS version installed, so that hopefully the OS is managing your phone’s memory as efficiently as possible.

If you receive any error messages in game, please let us know.

over 6 years ago - Kafka - Direct link

I’m sorry you’re still having this issue and that other people are too.

It’s definitely worth upgrading to Android 8

Unfortunately, by phone standards the Huawei Mate 7 (MT7 LT10) is already outdated (I know mobile technology moves so fast being an iPhone 4 user myself until recently!), so short of lowering the graphics settings as much as possible, updating your OS and also trying to force close the app and restart it to see if it makes a difference, there’s not much else you can do as the crashing is caused by a memory management issue on the device itself.

@Papa regarding the Motorola G5 Plus I’m going to ask the team about that as it’s a new model.

about 6 years ago - Kafka - Direct link

Hey, I’m very sorry to hear that.

There’ll be more optimisations in the next update which will hopefully help.

almost 2 years ago - Kafka - Direct link

Not going to lie, I’m low key concerned that AI is being used to create forum accounts and post to threads like real users based on some of the recent activity we’ve seen on the forums :thinking:

We’re blurring the line between oh this is probably just a new user trying to be helpful - but were for somereason 5 years deep in the thread list, and this is just straight up a bot trying to appear legitimate before posting an ad or something.

almost 2 years ago - Kafka - Direct link

The forum is 3rd party software and has always had auto bans as part of it, it sometimes bans users before they even post for the first time.

We check it almost every day to make sure nothing has gone wrong.

Most forums have autobans as part of their default code/setup - and they often ban before users even post.