over 1 year ago - OminousGMan - Direct link


The reason the image isn’t appearing is because those diagonal lines mean the art is downloading.
On mobile, new art is downloaded only as you need it to save your mobile data.

If you’d like to download all of the art so you don’t have to wait for it to download, go to settings and to the graphics tab and press the ‘Download All Assets’ button.

Please note that as we release new content weekly you may need to do this every now and then if you want to avoid only downloading as you need the art.

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective:

over 1 year ago - OminousGMan - Direct link

Hey @gow

If what I suggested didn’t work, the likely case is that the something happened to the art asset and it experienced an when it was downloaded.

When this happens the way to it is to uninstall and reinstall Gems of War.

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective: