over 2 years ago - OminousGMan - Direct link

Greeting everyone!

It’s that time again for our Beta to return! The beta will again take place on Discord and we’ll be taking your applications via email!

[email protected]

Please answer the following questions in your email application. As we typically receive a lot of applications, please keep your answers brief and to the point.

  • Your invite code! Please makes sure to include this in your email.
  • How long have you been playing the game?
  • What are your favourite game modes?
  • Do you speak any additional languages?
  • What device/s do you play on?
  • What do you think makes you a good fit for the beta?

We will receive applications over the next week, and then choose our testers. We want to make sure there are some fresh testers with each update, and some old testers may be invited to participate again. We will review all applications sent and over the next week contact those that have been chosen. We will endeavour to reply to everyone, whether accepted or not, but if you don’t hear back we apologise and you haven’t been chosen for this round of the beta program. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Please be aware that at this time the beta is only open to Steam players.

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective: