8 months ago - Bramble - Direct link

Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the report.

This is currently a known issue to the development team who are working actively on resolving this issue!

Apologies for the inconvenience, and it’s perfectly understandable to be frustrated.

Thank you for your patience in this particular matter. It is greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:

8 months ago - Bramble - Direct link

Hello :slight_smile:

I’ve notified the development team today again about this issue.

I can confirm that we are still investigating and to keep an eye out for any updates.

In the meantime, I’d recommend troubleshooting steps such as clearing your cache just in case!

Thank you all for your patience :slight_smile:

8 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

We’ve made some improvements to performance so there should be less lag now. We’re currently also working on further improvements which will take more time to work through, test and release (possibly able to release these improvements sometime next week, we’ll keep you posted), but hopefully what we’ve already done has improved things a bit.

7 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

Just letting you all know we’re still working on this as the top priority at the moment.

It’s possible it got worse on Friday as more people play on the weekends.

Sorry, lag is the worst.

I’ll let you know once any further improvements have been made live.

7 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

We had senior programmers working on it before Christmas and since we got back from Xmas/New years break our Tech Lead is working on it himself actively, like right now as I type this.

7 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

We should have more improvements going out for the lag in the next week, but the team are still working on further improvements as well and we’ll have an additional team member working on it next week as well I believe.

I appreciate everyone’s patience with it, I know it’s an incredibly frutrating issue.

7 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

We’ve pushed out a fix roughly 10 minutes ago that should have significantly reduced the lag.

This is still an ongoing task though as it hasn’t brought things down to their usual load times yet.

7 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

Sorry one rogue server hamster escaped momentarily but we got it back in the hamster wheel real quick when it happened.

7 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

Definitely still working on it though! Glad that one made a bit of a difference though :slight_smile:

7 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

Lag is literally the worst when gaming, so I totally understand the frustration.
You still remained respectful while talking about the lag and voicing your frustration so you’re good.

Thanks again everyone so much for your patience while we keep working on this.

7 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

The team have just pushed out another minor improvement for the lag.

7 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

I’m checking in with the team about if something changed in the past 24 hours.

7 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

Nothing has changed that should have increased lag again.

We have client fixes coming to improve performance as well, but that means those improvements need to be in a game update and not something we can just push live unfortunately.

We’re still working on performance issues though, we haven’t closed this issue out.

6 months ago - Kafka - Direct link

Hey all,

We believe we should have the lag resolved in the next 72 hours :slight_smile:

Thanks again for your patience.