Changing the schedule woop woop.
Changing the schedule woop woop.
Quick heads up, no stream today.
Faction preview tomorrow woot woot.
Aiming to be live at 6 45 PM PDT.
Updated schedule.
It’s all on me team, and I take responsibility. I had a migraine so bad that I lost all vision and feeling in my hands yesterday and only emerged from bed at 3 pm after hours of pain and vomiting. When in office it’s easier for @Kafka to check in with me, but since we are working from home I went MIA. I apologise for any confusion caused, but I was not well enough to make updates.
Anytime I am not that level of sick I do my best to let you know what is happening, but this time it was very, very bad. I’ll work with Kafka on a check in system so she can update you if I’m this sick again in future.
Hi folks, Salty and I have both been unwell in the past week.
Because of this my focus has been more on support than on the forums in order to ensure our players are getting the help they need even though I haven’t been as available due to this, and unfortunately Salty was unwell yesterday on the stream day.
We’ll endeavour to reply to some more threads later this week, but at least one of us have been reading the forum each day and making note of anything that needs to be passed onto the team.
I’ve been speaking to Salty and at this stage next week’s stream is still planned to go ahead.
EDIT: Someone sniped me
I will be streaming today but will be late. I’m streaming from home again due to restrictions.
Hey folks, the stream has had to be pushed back by 1 hour.
Hopefully we’ll see you in 1 hour from now.
Sorry about this, Salty needed to move all the streaming equipment back to her house after we’ve had announcements about a stage 4 lockdown coming into effect here.
Stream will be live in 5 mins, hope to see you there
Hey team! Having some pc issues again whic is fun, but will be live at 7 pm. Today we will be doing a quality of life suggestions and general chat stream.
Yep! I’m setting everything up now. Still having to jump between pcs so its a long process.
Woooohoooooo! Updated my streaming schedule well in advance. <3
@Ghaleon we cannot make it a priority over new content, that is not our decision to make. We will never be able to make big batches of balance changes a priority above our pre-determined development schedule.
That being said, we are currently working on a set of balance changes, but I cannot give you a time frame for when it will release. To be safe, I would not expect any within the next few months. I don’t want you to get your hopes up and be disappointed by us.
I really should change the time of these streams. Technical issues means I’m often late, I apologise.
Letting you know that I will be streaming on the 1st instead of the 31st for our mythic preview stream. This is the American Tuesday, and the Australian Wednesday. I have a doctor’s appointment on the 31st, so won’t be able to stream on that date.
Thanks for understanding. ")
Stream is back tomorrow!
Chill out stream is today!
Kurandara preview today!
Yep! Today!
Heads up, we don’t have any current plans to change orb drops, thought this might change in future. Just so you know what I will tell you in stream.
THE PQ STREAM IS BACK TODAY! Come if you want.
Pq stream is back today, and I’ll be updating our streaming schedule soon. <3
Updated streaming schedule.
5.2 Update preview today!
Fixed this, thanks for the catch @Lyrian!
@awryan we haven’t made any changes to gnomes in arena with this update.
Streaming is back today!!!
How do we feel about starting the stream at 5 30 PM tomorrow? I’m hoping that if we move the stream an hour earlier we will have less disconnections. Let me know if that would suit!
Updated streaming schedule!
Heads up, changing the start time to 6 PM PDT. Fingers crossed the connection stays stable.
Could we please keep this thread on topic?
Please feel free to start an off topic thread and continue this conversation.
Mythic preview today!
5 pm pst. Forgot about the timezone change!
Not sure how you expect me to stream off one of those consoles when I don’t own one and we can’t legally go to the office!
Melbourne is in a less strict form of lockdown, but we are still in lockdown. We are not allowed to visit the office, and if people can work from home they MUST continue doing so wherever possible.
Huge fines are in place if you don’t follow the rules.
On top of this, I haven’t streamed to a console before. I don’t have the extra half day or even full day if there are issues in my schedule to experiment, set up, and get a next Gen stream working seamlessly. Also, a progranmer having access to a testing console is much more important than me. (as a last note on this topic, we use Dev kits to make console builds. They can’t be used as typical consoles, as they are designed for development. They function a little differently.)
Our streams have always been pc, and will remain so, especially during a pandemic.
Look, fingers crossed.
Hey team, I need to be away from work today so our stream is cancelled. I apologise for the late notice.
Quick heads up!
No streams next week, but I’ll be back the following week. <3 Please look after yourselves and each other while I’m gone!
Coming back to stream today!!!
Going to be 15 late stream team, traffic has defeated me but I’m running into the office. Can’t wait to see you all after my break!!!
Our 5.3 stream is today!!! (With guest Ozball!)
Here for some clarity!
Warband troops are existing troops. The teams aren’t built by the team generator, they are teams that have good synergy that we are aware of, and would be most useful for early to mid gamers. (For example, of course we included a goblin team!) This means that we won’t be releasing new troops directly to Warbands and walling off content that way. The point is to help newer players, and let them target troops for their teams.
The QoL changes in Arena are based on player feedback.
This was never meant to be a feature intensive update, as we try to avoid huge ones with complicated moving parts before the holidays. Even so, we included a lot of stuff, and made sure to hit some QoL issues as best we could in the timeframe we had.
Not every player will like this update, and this has been the case for each update we have released in the past. I think that this (admittedly) smaller update tackles some things we have been wanting to work on for a while, primarily FTUX.
The team slots will function as normal team slots.
Christmas stream tomorrow!
We were indeed off last week, though I did pop my head in. I’ll be updating my streaming schedule soon.
Next two streams are in! See you tomorrow!
New streams up!
It will be fixed with our next update. (Which isn’t too far off now.)
@Starlite it’s a smaller update, there won’t be big new features, which is what we use the beta testers for.
I thought I had posted, but my internet has been intermittent today, so it looks like it didn’t go through. My apologies. I’ll be back with PQ next week.
Hey team, warning in advance. it’s a public holiday here tomorrow so no stream. I will combine the PQ and Gems of War stream on Thursday.
Extra long stream tomorrow!
Preview first, then PQ. An hour of each. <3
A lot of our updates recently have been laying groundwork for bigger future updates. I’m really glad Nim and Sirrian got to jump on briefly yesterday!!!
New streaming schedule is up!
Sorry team, due to a snap lockdown I won’t be able to go to the office and stream.
The PQ stream will go ahead today, our snap lockdown has lifted. <3
Well I am both seen and heard so I’m not sure if that says more about Night Hags or me.
I actually don’t like my appearance being commented on excessively on stream, and I’ve explained this to viewers before. I know that it happens and it doesn’t bother me if it’s in passing, but when it’s continuous it makes me quite uncomfortable. Our regular viewers understand this and I appreciate it.
Presto is totally fine btw! I was speaking in more general terms.
Still streaming today.
No word on dates for the update, which is on brand.
Pew pew Archdeva stream today!
New schedule is up!
Dripping Caverns isn’t releasing on March 19th, it will be after that date. The reason we don’t release our schedule in advance is because of scheduling changes such as these. The spoilers always need to be taken with a grain of salt.
How is that question even slightly relevant to this thread @awryan ?
As far as I am aware bots are not being used in the Arena.
Hello team, just a heads up that there won’t be a stream today. I have a cold and am unable to come into the office, and don’t have my setup at home. I’ll make next week longer to make up for this and still preview the content for both weeks.
You’re mistaken, I’m sick, and work is cracking down on people with colds going to the office to stop transmission of any illness. (Which is for the best.)
I don’t work on getting patches approved, so any schedule on their end doesn’t effect streams.
No patch preview tonight, just the faction.
Sorry, should read PDT. I do streams in the American timezones as that’s where we have tje most players and viewers.
I will be streaming today! First day back after Easter, just a chill stream.
Yeah just this once! I always forget about daylight savings. Let’s do 7 30 today and then go back to 6 30 from next stream.
Updates streaming schedule. I’ll be live 7 30 PDT today due to my mistake with time zones. The schedule wasn’t updated due to holidays, and then my error with daylight savings changing over. The stream is intended to stay at 6 30 PM PDT.
Also, heads up that there is a break on streams until the 26th.
Our new streaming schedule is here!
Quick update
Heads up team, no stream today as I’m quite sick.back next week and will update the schedule later today.
Streaming schedule update. <3
I had to confirm some Gems of War information prior to streaming, and wanted to get my facts straight. Thank you for your patience.
This is unfortunately true. I largely limit my interactions to those that are practical or about bug reports, where in the past I was more social with our community.
Heads up, no stream today. We are heading for another lockdown, I’ll keep you posted.
@Fleg that is incorrect. As of midnight tonight in Melbourne you must work from home if you are able too. We are back in full restrictions, 5 km radius and all.
Just to be clear, I actually communicate on the forums regularly, and you see me go through bug reports twice most weeks. (Depending on holidays.)
When I communicate less with the community outside of the very rigid boundaries I have now is when I get a larger amount of harassment. As such, I don’t participate as often in the funner side of the community, and keep my interaction largely to the forums and on our social media accounts, and direct players to support or pass on bug reports.
Where possible I ask our devs questions from the community, and answer them where possible. This hasn’t changed, and since taking over bug reports some time ago I am more active on the forums then I was prior.
So, in a wild turn of events, stream tomorrow will be going ahead. See you there!
Stream is at 7 pm PDT today, but is happening!
No stream today, fingers crossed gems steam next week.
Heads up, no Gems stream again this week. I apologise, I will be out of action tomorrow but will be back soon. Thank you for your patience, and I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I miss you all.
We will be back in action again next week, as we are slowly easing lockdown restrictions.
Updated streaming schedule, as I will be back streaming next week.
Yep, I’ll be streaming today!
Stream will be at 7 00 pm PDT this week. Thanks for your understanding!
Pew pew very bare bones streaming schedule for you all.
Look, I can’t say you’re right, and I can’t say you’re not wrong.
Here’s your schedule team!
Change of plans since there’s been a chance in the schedule, low key stream today with me playing more Gonamapalooza.
Some cheeky changes…
bingo plain1000×1000 173 KBAnd here it is! The Bingo sheet for tomorrow. <3
stream bingo1000×1000 257 KBPew pew! New stream schedule is here.
Stream tonight, but will start 7 pm PDT. New set up! See you there.
Heads up that stream will be at 7 pm PDT instead of 6 30. We are pushing some balance changes for the mythic and these will take a little while to appear in world. Thank you for your patience and understanding!