over 1 year ago - Jeto - Direct link

Hey all,

To those who have experienced this error message, when you exit Dungeons and return does this still pop up? I imagine it would but want to clear out all options.

Also, does it remain after force closing and relaunching?

over 1 year ago - Jeto - Direct link

@Starlite was just checking if you exited Dungeons and returned would the error appear again but when trying to interact with incomplete battles, after your recent example this appears to not be the case.

Thanks for sharing these new screenshots! I’ve added them to my initial report as well.

Jeto (she/they) - Support Human :woman_mage:t2:

over 1 year ago - Jeto - Direct link

@Starlite with the pop-up for Traps, is the trap applied still when you enter the battle?
And does the pop up ever appear later at all, as though it’s just delayed?

I’ve experienced this myself recently as well, but when bug testing and time travelling so at the time I thought it was related to what I was doing.

As for the Stairs, does the door still display as unrevealed or does it show the stair icon?

over 1 year ago - Jeto - Direct link

@Taisiakat what is your invite code?

over 1 year ago - Jeto - Direct link

@Taisiakat when you revealed the second stair, did it prompt you to pick descending or staying? Or when it revealed did it also already say Stayed

over 1 year ago - Jeto - Direct link

A couple of things, while I am also testing, if anyone happens to notice;

  • Is the double stairs always Descending?
  • Has a second stair appeared after selecting to descend and not stay?
  • Does it always replace the same fight? eg. Dungeon Boss, lowest level, mid level

Also still looking into Traps appearing but no pop up as well.